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Everything posted by opentype

  1. Just because you don’t want to do it, doesn’t mean other people who offer complete translations are not of their mind. That’s just nonsense and doesn’t help your case.
  2. Depends on the type of feed and the feed settings.
  3. yes, of course. You just can’t drag the SuperBlocks itself in the sidebar.
  4. He doesn’t seem to be active anymore. So he probably never updated his files and marked them as compatible, so they were removed.
  5. For Pages databases, images need to be uploaded through the Record Image field.
  6. That would be well outside the scope of this little plugin—or blocks for that matter. It’s really just for showing the latest few videos.
  7. No. Same answer as here for SuperBlocks:
  8. Looks like SuperGrid in both places, but regarding the use of blocks and databases, it applies perfectly to what we discussed.
  9. No, you definitely don’t need to add the database on the same page. But it needs to be available on a page. If the database has no page, you cannot create blocks linking to it, neither SuperBlocks or any other blocks.
  10. If you want a SuperBlocks homepage, create a NEW page, make it the frontpage and only add SuperBlocks there.
  11. It’s not supposed to. It only lists clubs, not activity inside clubs. So I don’t think I will change that or offer an option for different dates.
  12. I would have to look at the HTML code to know what is going on.
  13. There is very little we can do here in the peer to peer section – unless you post a link where guests could try this out. IPS support is the best route, since they can investigate it directly on your site. A missing editor window usually means that the JavaScript on the site is failing, since opening the editor is a JavaScript function. So that’s something I would check if it were my site. The links to the JavaScript files might be wrong for some reason or they might be some third-party interference which breaks the JavaScript – or something like that.
  14. You need to turn allow_url_fopen back on in the php.ini.
  15. There weren’t any changes for this plugin with 4.4. It should continue running as it does on my demo site. Did you maybe upgrade your PHP version at the same time? That might have changed the security settings and stopped the outgoing calls.
  16. I added it, as mentioned in the release notes.
  17. They use completely different browser engines, so the results can be quite different actually. Or to put it another way: a problem or bug in one, will likely not be in the other.
  18. Test it with the stock IPS display template. If the result is the same, it’s not a SuperGrid issue.
  19. If a sharer image is set for the suite, that will be used instead. You won’t get an image picker or a random image by default. I’m not sure the comparison with WordPress is fair, since WordPress posts are articles, and the IPS suite has featured images for their articles, both in blogs and Pages. Forums are a very different thing. What would be the topic image of this discussion for example? Would you have uploaded one while creating this topic? Would this topic get shared on social media?
  20. I’m not saying you are lying, I’m saying you are mistaken (about the cause and resolution of these issues). That’s it. I understand that it is resolved for you, but I still need to make it clear, so other clients don’t draw the wrong conclusions from reading the posts above.
  21. Okay. But it is still not true. You clearly stated “adding new records”, which has nothing to do with block templates. And the error message confirms that by pointing to the “supergrid_recorddisplay”, which is an action in regards to Pages databases, not blocks. So none of those things have anything to do with SuperBlocks and the SuperBlocks templates still do not need updating. I need to make this clear, so other clients don’t do that, even though it doesn’t do anything.
  22. Please pay attention to the product names. SuperBlocks did not need updates to its templates (i.e. block templates). The incompatibility is in the SuperGrid templates and the product page clearly says that the templates need to be replaced. SuperBlocks and SuperGrid are completely separate products.
  23. SuperBlocks uses just blocks. It cannot throw such errors regarding adding entries. I assume you also have SuperGrid running and didn’t update the SuperGrid templates to the most recent version.
  24. It’s better to reach out to them yourself: https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers/
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