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    sobrenome reacted to Mark Spieker in Unite your community with the Events application   
    LOVE the way the new calendar overview looks!! Not so happy birthdays disappeared  😞  Thanks for all the efforts!!
  2. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Mark Spieker in Unite your community with the Events application   
    Agreed on the image scaling, I have a difficult time knowing what dimensions to make them, and knowing what part of the image will be covered.
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    sobrenome reacted to Marc Stridgen in SEO: Improving crawling efficiency   
    If you want the automated one to be used, yes
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    sobrenome reacted to kims79 in Events update includes additional streaming platforms   
    When will the widgets be redesigned to make them presentable and attractive on the other pages of the forum?
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    sobrenome reacted to Randy Calvert in Events update includes additional streaming platforms   
    These changes look great!  Thank you for adding them!
    Some suggestions I hope you might consider in a future version...
    Could you add a text box to the search space to allow searching by name or keywords within the event listing? I've tried creating a "Holidays" calendar with the common events...  New Years, Easter, Thanksgiving, etc".  I'm not able to setup certain holidays as a recurring event because certain ones don't happen on a fixed date.  For example, Memorial Day and Thanksgiving.  It would be helpful to be able to specify relative annual dates such as "4th Thursday in November". Would you consider making Venues not required to be a physical location?  I would love to include certain locations (like chat rooms, or other virtual locations) be a venue that could be searched, sorted, filtered, etc.   It would be helpful for an event organizer or admin to be able to manage RSVPs.  For example to add an attendee/remove an attendee or change their status (Going/Maybe/Declined)
  6. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Ocean West in Unite your community with the Events application   
    It seems to me to if you create an activity stream for Events a person would want to look forward not backwards at past events. 

  7. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Randy Calvert in Unite your community with the Events application   
    That’s actually an interesting conversation. An older event feed could be promoted as “here’s some of most recent past events”. There can be value in some older past events. 
  8. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Ocean West in Unite your community with the Events application   
    If you only choose a state (no city) perhaps we could swap out an image of the state instead of picking some random point on a map. 
    Also setting it to an Online event once you set a location it should reset the location to remove the map since its online
    Or put a picture of  Planet Earth. 🌎

  9. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Ocean West in Unite your community with the Events application   
    Bug:  - if you have more then one group of calendars and your in any view ( month/ week / day ) and try to filter it a specific calendar it jumps to the overview 
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    sobrenome reacted to Ocean West in Unite your community with the Events application   
    Bug: in my forums when I hit "October" I still see a September Event
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    sobrenome reacted to kims79 in Unite your community with the Events application   
    I've been b***hing about cloud exclusivity for the last few months.
    But now I have to admit that I have a hard thing, it's exactly what we needed to make the link with social networks and give a new lease of life to the community calendar which was once a pillar of community engagement, I couldn't have imagined better.
    Respect and thank you, I would be proud to renew my license in December.
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    sobrenome reacted to Hegnauer.io in Unite your community with the Events application   
    100% on Twitch, all the way. Would be a gamechanger.
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    sobrenome reacted to MuhammadImran in Unite your community with the Events application   
    I'm really glad you went back to the Calendar because this is much, much better!
    Please help Twitch, as it's where we and many others stream all of our events. It's a little silly in these modern times to not have that option!
    PS: The image scales are all over the place, making it challenging to develop preview images. Is it feasible to merely use 16:9 as the default aspect ratio?
  14. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Mark in Unite your community with the Events application   
    This is really well executed. I especially like the implementation of online events, and the month selector. Really well done.
    The "Search Events" panel has too much padding The date display in the top-left corner of the larger event block also has too much padding. Although I see why you did it this way (so it's inline with the content in it), it looks wrong compared to the smaller blocks below it where it is actually in the corner. It's also not inline with its content in the smaller block. You should push it to the corner but make it bigger in the larger block. The filters on the map view need some tidying: "Back" / "Sort By" buttons butt up against the controls above, which are unevenly spaced, and the top of the "Search" button is misaligned with the top of the labels. Visiting the Calendar probably shouldn't prompt the user to provide their geolocation until they interact with something. Sorry, I couldn't help myself.
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    sobrenome reacted to Ramsesx in Unite your community with the Events application   
    It looks very well designed, great job, thanks.
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    sobrenome reacted to Clover13 in Unite your community with the Events application   
    Nice looking Event system!  I track dates for various events on my site and members always enjoy the countdown timers I set up for them.  Something I didn't notice above, but maybe a nice enhancement to get the visual appeal and engagement.  I use a custom Pages block to display mine.  Hopefully there's a similar Upcoming Events block or the like to add to a given page! 👍
  18. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Randy Calvert in Unite your community with the Events application   
    First comment!  
    Looks cool!  It's great seeing the event system get some love!  🙂

  19. Haha
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    sobrenome reacted to Daddy in Our new Image Scanner and Discoverability AI keeps your community safe (Video)   
    I mean even 20 clients on business beats 500+ self host customers in terms of price. Which is why they're pushing cloud so they make more money providing the same service. They have 27,450 active clients (anyone who's renewed within the last 6 months) which is a increase of 194 from last year.
    However, the last 4 months there's only been an increase of 22 active clients, about the same time they started pushing cloud exclusives. Don't think their methods are really paying off unless they're converting a bunch of people to cloud which may be the case since they're intentionally gating useful features behind cloud
  21. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Duken in Our new Image Scanner and Discoverability AI keeps your community safe (Video)   
    🤕Yep... and only on the Business version? $619 / month?
    Are there number how many clients these these plans have? Like are there more then 20 clients on business plan that get these new features?

  22. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Real Hal9000 in Web push notifications, native sharing & offline support   
  23. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Daddy in The numbers don’t lie: Invision Community in 2021   
    The updates this year were pretty sweet, but... This article is a bit misleading. The growth in community engagement here was due to shipping support over to the forums and from when the community came together to push back on the IPS team for radical changes with no warning or solid explanation.
    So technically engagements are up from new features, but not in a good way 😛 Either way, I love it here. Just wanted to point that out ❤️
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    sobrenome reacted to Jordan Miller in The numbers don’t lie: Invision Community in 2021   
    Appreciate you reading and commenting! @Deathicated Happy New Year 🎆 ♥️ 
  25. Like
    sobrenome reacted to bradybarrows in SEO: Improving crawling efficiency   
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