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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Show your code, and show where you are putting it. And what are trying to achieve?
  2. v2.2.0 is currently pending approval FIXES Fixed issue with the 'Disable @Mentions' account setting not working as expected (issue will have existed since v2.0 was released, only just reported) CHANGES All group settings now take secondary group membership into account. NEW Integration with the Group Mention application (by @kRSB) - enabling this integration will: provide a clear separation of Groups/Members in the resulting @Mentions listing display Icons within the Group Mention hovercard listing, as configured in the (NE) Mention list enhancments settings If using either the (aXen) Font Awesome 5 in IPS plugin or the (aXen) Font Awesome 6 in IPS application (by @aXenDev) then you can now make use of FA5 & FA6 icons in this application Known issues The "Limit number of results displayed?" functionality provided by this application will not work as expected if you are also using the Group Mention application - this is purely down to the way in which both applications have to hook into the IPS function which generates the results for the @Mentions listing, and is unfortunately not something which I can currently workaround. The "Show if user is online" setting doesn't work as expected in the following scenario: You have the group setting "Can login anonymously?" set to 'Forced' Members of that group haven't been able to actively set themselves as 'Anonymous' prior to that setting being enabled. This is an IPS bug which has been indicated as resolved in this post with the following reference: "Fixed an issue where some members in group that is set to force anonymous status may not be anonymous."
  3. Post a link to something on your site so that people can take a look at the code.
  4. Looks good via the iframely integration functionality of the application:
  5. Does telegram support oembed? If the answer is yes then yes, you would be able to add the oembed endpoint using this application If the answer is no then the iframely integration of this app may support the functionality. Provide an example link.
  6. For some reason, your CSS for the 'fa-comment::before' element is: .fa-comment::before { content: "075"; } It should be: .fa-comment::before { content: "\f075"; } Have you made any modifications to the fonts.css in your theme?
  7. You're going to need to provide a link to the post so that people can look at the code...
  8. Move the js to a folder as follows-> /dev/js/front/banana/controllers/gameplay.js \IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles = array_merge(\IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles, \IPS\Output::i()->js('front_banana', 'hangman', 'front')); Refer to the main IPS code - do a search of the files in your IDE for \IPS\Output::i()->js( and then match up what you see in that to what you see in that apps /dev/js/ folder, and things become clearer (the addition of 'controllers' and 'templates' in to the mix doesn't appear covered in documentation)
  9. OK, then Google is likely to be stopping you from logging in because it is considered to be insecure - they no longer allow the use of the "Less secure app access" setting to avoid this, they disabled it recently. Do the following: Login to the account in a browser Go to https://myaccount.google.com/u/3/security Go to the 'Signing in with Google' section and enable 2FA Once enabled, you will then have an entry titled 'App passwords' - click it Change the 'Select app' entry to 'Mail Change the 'Select device' entry to 'Other (custom name') Click 'Generate' Use that password in your IPS email configuration instead of the main account password
  10. Yes or no - have you enabled 2FA on the Google account which you are using?
  11. No need on the above (but please provide them next time you are reporting an issue) as I've reproduced the following: I have not reproduced the following though - mainly because it doesn't clearly make sense ("Nothing is shown" but "image is seen") and possibly because what you are trying to describe may be related to the previous issue: Anyway, v4.0.3 will be released shortly - if you have FTP access to your site, I can provide a patched file.
  12. Add this to your template: {{\IPS\Output::i()->jsVars["variable"]=$value;}} Then use this in your JS code (assuming it is using the IPS framework): alert(ips.getSetting('variable'));
  13. Provide a screenshot of your settings ( all of them) and a link to a topic, please. Once I have that detail, then I can likely assist with downgrading if there is indeed an issue here.
  14. Tweaked in what way, exactly? Do you mean change the phrase displayed? If so, it's a language string so tweak away. If not, please elaborate.
  15. That specific example there would be as I would expect too - you're attempting to create a post on their page, and I'm pretty sure that the ability to 'embed' can be disabled in the page settings. What happens when you try to post on your own FB profile? (that's what my screenshot is from)
  16. Have you changed anything on your site that would restrict guest access to view the topic?
  17. You don't need that to 'securely upload images' as you can already upload images natively.
  18. New features incoming, integrating with 2 other resources from the Marketplace...
  19. Tested on... Chrome 102.0.5005.115 on Windows Firefox 101.0.1 on Windows Edge 102.0.1245.41 in Windows I could go on...
  20. A few of us said goodbye to Mr Jones with this too:
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