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Chris Anderson

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    Chris Anderson got a reaction from LiquidFractal in Pages in Clubs?   
    The author mentioned above hasn't logged into this site yet this year so I would definitely steer clear buying the app that would provide this functionality.
    So I really wish that IPS would provide the functionality themselves.
  2. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to LiquidFractal in Pages in Clubs?   
    @Koper74 I agree - Clubs should be expanded to include Pages and everything else required to allow clubs to be "sub-sites" from the existing site if required.  Right now, Clubs forums and blogs can;'t even be included in feed widgets, which is pretty lacking IMHO.
  3. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to Chris027 in Support for Amazon AWS SES   
    I used Sendgrid based on the recommendation of the IPS staff and because support is built into IPS. Unfortunately the price of Sendgrid is 10x that of Amazon's SES simple email service. 
    I just switched over to Amazon SES and am stuck using the SMTP route rather than via the API because there isn't native support via IPS like there is for Sendgrid. 
    I'd like to ask for or vote for IPS adding support for Amazon SES, just like it supports Sendgrid.
  4. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to Joel R in Member Away   
    Add warning or message in PM that member is away.  
  5. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to batarjal in ThreadStarter: Music   
    ThreadStarter: Music allows users to easily create topics about artists and music and fill them with content automatically.

    Users can add artists or albums to topics. After attaching content, which can be done easily using a search with auto complete, the thread will show various information about it above the post. The topic will display YouTube videos, photos, description text, track list and various other information about the artist or album. Discussed artists can be shown in adjustable widgets which allow random, recently posted, most discussed and much more... Posting artists and albums can be restricted to certain forums. Music forums can show music content with photos above the topic list. Access rights to edit and post artists and albums. How to Install
    Go to ACP > applications and upload the downloaded tar file.
      Buy it now
  6. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to NaisA- in Clubs Enhancements   
    @InvisionHQ I got two suggestions
     Let it be an option where the Club Home Page can be a Page Builder.  Make the Club Description a WYSIWYG Editor so it can be styled.
  7. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to rick.dangerous in Clubs Enhancements   
    Hi, i have a question about a feature request as mentioned above in the topic.
    Is it planned in a future release, that club enhancements support subforums in clubs as well import function from existing forums included subforums? That would be awesome to use clubs for a proper replacement to manual forum management. Special in the context of management a multi gaming community. Also if it's possible that these subforums show in the forum overview like regular categories and forums.
    I managed already the placement of each individual club inside the forum tree by editing regular templates. But the missing of forum childs inside clubs stop me from the replacement of normal ips4 forums, with the clubs functionality.
  8. Like
    Chris Anderson got a reaction from kmk in Clubs Enhancements   
    Feature Request:
    Be able to choose a smaller font for the Club name so more of it will appear in Grid Display mode

  9. Like
    Chris Anderson got a reaction from kmk in Clubs Enhancements   
    If such functionality exists or could be added can we name it to something other than "Home" and be able to pick which tab order it appears.
  10. Like
    Chris Anderson got a reaction from Josiah Wallingford in Clubs Enhancements   
    Feature Request:
    Another idea to help make the club look more "finished": 

    Have things line up with each other and remove duplicate items.   On second thought...Why do you even need these at all as they affect the community and not the content on that page.  Same goes for all of the tabs.
    Feature Request:
    Have "Unread Content" & "Mark site read" on the the "Topics" page work only on content there and not the whole community.
    Feature Request:
    Offer the choice between a circle, square and rectangle as some logos don't work well in a circle.

  11. Like
    Chris Anderson got a reaction from Josiah Wallingford in Clubs Enhancements   
    If such functionality exists or could be added can we name it to something other than "Home" and be able to pick which tab order it appears.
  12. Like
    Chris Anderson got a reaction from Josiah Wallingford in Clubs Enhancements   
    Feature Request:
    Another idea to help make the club look more "finished" by adding borders on the sides and bottom as shown and then centering the "Contact Us" at the bottom:

    The new side and bottom borders would expand downward and upward based on the content inserted.
    Current "unfinished" look:

    My example is a quick and dirty mock-up so it isn't pixel perfect.
  13. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to kmk in Clubs Enhancements   
    If an App so can achive feature like @Josiah Wallingford requested?
    I would like suggest:
    - stronger membership like Group Collaboration,
    - Ability create a topic and limit who can join it, a topic with more privacy.
    - With multilingual ability to show Clubs name and Tab name.
    - Can created more than one Home Tab.
  14. Like
    Chris Anderson got a reaction from opentype in Clubs Enhancements   
    @InvisionHQ Now that 4.3 has been released and you have had a few months to get familiar with the code base it would be nice to engage the community about  "your" vision for the future of this app?  Do you intend on adding additional functionality or is the feature set locked?  
  15. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to Josiah Wallingford in Clubs Enhancements   
    Feature Requests:
    Waive Renewal Fee and/or Waive Membership Fee Add Member (without invitation) - member receives a notification that they have been added to the club (or not depending on settings). Option to Enable 1 step checkout on closed paid clubs (no more requesting invitation) Full-featured forums (like group collaboration application has) which will allow the club owner to create categories/forums. I imagine this is not possible for some reason but if it is at all possible, I think everybody wants it. Drop-down club menu system
  16. Like
    Chris Anderson got a reaction from Josiah Wallingford in (NB42) Enhanced Tags System   
    "When a member starts typing in a tag it will show a list of similar tags that have already been used by others based on what they have typed so far.
    So, if the member type "V" for "Victory" it will show them a list of tags to choose from that start with V. Once they get to "i" (Vi) it will show all the tags that start with Vi... so on and so on.
    Kind of like a recommended tag selection. If they don't see any that are close to what they want, they create a new one."
    This would allow one to see variations of the word being considered for tagging.  Such as Victor or Victorious which might also have been created in the past.  If one should see a bunch of similar tags it might then be prudent to create a tag called "Victory" and then reassign Victor and Victorious tagged content to Victory. 
    As languages tend to have many different words or variations of those words meaning the same thing it will require some effort on users and the administrators to keep the amount of tags to the barest minimum and ensure all relevant content is tagged appropriately.  Other users may have created "Winner", "Winners", "Winning Side", etc.  Some consensus will need to be made as to which "tag" is appropriate and ensure everyone uses said tag and report any variation to ensure all content is assigned with the appropriate tag.  A little labor intensive in the beginning but once you have a good tag list defined it will get easier and less time consuming to manage.
  17. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to jmw253 in Clubs Enhancements   
    Question: Would it be possible to intercept a member requesting access to a club and prompt for a request reason? IE: I want to join this club because blah blah blah.... and that reason would be displayed for the moderator of the club for approval. Maybe some basic field customization.
  18. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to Josiah Wallingford in Invite System   
    Feature Request: Single Invitation code for multiple people. There are certain communities that I would like to market to with a batch invitation code. So I can say something to a group of people like: You will need an invitation code to get into the community. Use this code to get in "code goes here".
    I would set that single code to allow a specific amount of people in, say this code is valid for 500 registrations.
  19. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to Joel R in Quizzes   
    I know @Adriano Faria you've already initially considered this suggestion, but I feel like this is an especially important suggestion.  If you have a quiz in the same exact order of questions, people can develop "muscle memory" of knowing the right answers based on when the question is coming up.  I know you randomize the answers (which is great, I don't think v3 even did that), but people with good memory will begin to learn the order of questions. 
    I think it's important to build as much randomness into the quiz as possible.  That's why I also support the suggestion that you allow (for example) people to build a "test bank" of 200 questions and you build a quiz of 10 random questions from the bank.  
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