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Mat Barrie

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Everything posted by Mat Barrie

  1. And then there's the "slippery slope". If they include Google Analytics out of the box, what next? Urchin? Hitslink? Statcounter? There could be no end to the input boxes for analytics IDs to enter.
  2. Nah nah nah, don't need an option for that- you can already import sets from the admin panel, so you could make up an animated set and people can just import it. For 2.3.6, it's Admin > Look & Feel > Emoticons > Import/Export Packs. Not sure where it is in 3.0 since I can't install it yet. This is what I get for running it on a Microsoft stack I guess.
  3. Yes, but there is still the one problem: if you leave the link as the XHTML standard says you must (without trying to open a window), then the viewer can choose to open it in a new window or use the same one - two choices. If you try to force the page to open in a new window (which the standard says you must not) then the viewer has no choice - you cannot include some extra key while clicking the link to force it to use the same one, it will always open a new window - zero choices. How is removing choice from the viewer (and honestly, I don't much care about your business model if it fails because someone dare view a site in the same window - this isn't necessarily directed at the person I reply to by the way) in any way a good thing? Too many sites these days think of their viewers as products that can't think for themselves. And vesperala? You really don't want to respond in the affirmative to the question "could you be any more condescending and arrogant" - it's not a good thing to be condescending OR arrogant. Besides, teaching someone to middle click is basic. I'm afraid I don't want to say this but: if your members don't know how to right or middle click and don't want to learn, they should go away and make room for more open minded people with a modicum of intellect. I'm not calling them stupid for not knowing something, I'm calling them stupid for refusing to learn. Too many people these days expect everything to be dumbed down to the lowest common denominator, to the detriment of anyone above that. Some people have just never heard of middle ground - it's either dumbed down or nonexistent.
  4. Could you be any more condescending and arrogant? Anyone, I agree with the way IPS has done it. As the reader, it should be my decision whether to open in a new tab or open in the current one. You need to be aware also that if the link doesn't have the ridiculous target attribute, the reader can force it to open in a new window/tab if they want. If it does have it, the reader must open it in a new tab or window - you can't force it to open in the current one!
  5. So it seems that pretty much everything but the status updates (and maybe signatures ) support reporting (usually from an easy to see button). Why can't status updates be reported as abuse? For an example, look at your status updates here...
  6. No it isn't, it's an unparallelled pain in the rear. The software's unencoded, so anyone who doesn't legitimately have a license would just remove the screen asking for the key anyway, and it'd just become to IPB what the CD key is to Windows - a pain in the butt for legitimate users and a 30 second hack for illegitimate users. You can count that as disagreement.
  7. Any particular reason? Only one I can think of is for those of us who have to account to tax departments and bean counters for it... that it?
  8. This is not the correct answer. This is the correct answer. A couple of years ago, there was an entire series of IPB where the IPS link was removed, and there was only a link to the Invision Board site. This theoretically could have worked out for hosting companies, etc, but then IPS put back the IPS link and that was the end of that.
  9. Daliv, it's a bit blasted ridiculous to claim that they have "terrible support" simply because they didn't incorporate your feature request into the next version of the software (which came out not all that long after they told you outright they wouldn't be able to do it). Especially when you consider that for IPS to include code in the base release, they've got to make sure that it's bug free, secure, and all that jazz. Code may take half an hour to write, but you're lucky if you could test and audit it in less than two weeks. It's also a bit ridiculous that you're complaining that they don't let you use their bandwidth for free to distribute and download modifications. Go expire a vBulletin leased license and see if you can still download from vB.org.
  10. You think I'm talking about the transaction between the licensee and the purchaser? I'm referring to the seller charging back their payment to IPS after "selling" the license - first thing IPS does if that happens is void the license and customer portal access. Ouch! New buyer now has no forum, and no money. Look, let's be honest, digital products are a pain in the ass to handle resale of. Most companies, IPS included, simply opt to not support it at all - why is it that people don't understand this? They've given you an option already - hand over the client area details to the buyer. Some companies would try to forbid even that!
  11. You cover what happens if the buyer fraudulently charges back the transaction... but what happens if the SELLER does? Hmm?
  12. Personally I think you guys are trying to make it more complex than it needs to be. Perhaps just a page in the ACP with a list of SQL error files, and a "Download" / "Delete" link beside them. No muss, no fuss.
  13. Care to explain that viewpoint Jura?
  14. Uh, no. You need permission from Invision Power Services, who own that trademark, to use that name. If you use that name in your domain without getting official permission, then they must (by law) take legal action against you. Because I assume you haven't negotiated a licensing agreement in the last 6 hours.
  15. You're... registering their (trademarked) name in another TLD? You know you need their permission to even register that name right? Because by law, they're required to sue you for that (trademarks have a defend it or lose it requirement). I highly suggest you get in contact with them and ask first.
  16. Just out of curiousity, when will MSSQL support appear in the betas? I've just had a long exchange with Jason in a ticket about some MSSQL issues on my board which we tracked down to a bug in the MSSQL driver for IPB (whch I can't log, as the IPB 2.3.6 section is locked). I'd like to check to ensure it's fixed before IPB3 is released.
  17. About 2 weeks ago. But the API has existed for quite a long time (the ability to temporarily log a user in has existed for a while so that desktop applications like Trillian can do it).
  18. It's the other way around, Vadim. You (the application) are meant to provide Facebook's API with the email you want to register (see connect.registerUsers function) so the initial registration provides the ability to do that. Also, you can use Proxied Emails.
  19. A chat solution (even a third party one which integrates with IPB's interface and member database) would be kinda handy - yes, even for businesses!
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