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Posts posted by Genestoy

  1. Just upgraded my test install to and need some help with customizing the login popup. I have gone to the template loginpopupform to add some html color etc and nothing seems to be working, can anyone tell me why anything I do in that template does not change the popup, or am I in the wrong template? I am talking about the popup in the pic below.


    Could contain: Page, Text, File

  2. I would like to make a suggestion since I just ran into this as I posted a topic in IPS support about the file upload number limit.

    Could it be possible to have a setting for the admin so they can have "unlimited" number of file uploads?

    I had forgotten about that setting and was trying to upload some additional files and it would not let me so posted in the IPS support forum about where the setting was (which I finally remembered where it was).


  3. Adriano is exactly right it will not show on the front end until the user has responded to their validation email. A lot of the times a user will enter a fake email address and then will never receive a validation email.

  4. Did a search but did not find what I was looking for. Is there a way to display the "Topic Title" on the page and keep it there while scrolling down to read the replies? I have members "straying" off topic and if the topic title were to be in front of them always maybe they would tend to stay on topic more.


  5. I have several older plugins that still work just fine on 4.6.9 but in the plugins "directory" in the ACP they all say "Marketplace" but when clicking on the marketplace link (which they originally came from) they show an error not compatible with this version of IPS (which I know they are). How can I change the marketplace link to "Custom"?


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