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Posts posted by Genestoy

  1. 8 hours ago, Ehren said:

    If you do want to use the editor though, you can change the color using the "Text Color" button, which is an underlined "A".

    Screen Shot 2021-12-06 at 3.54.37 pm.png


    That is the problem, there is no underlined "A" in the small pop-up description editor which was always there in older versions

  2. Hey no problem, thanks for trying to help. I think this is a serious bug in the software as validating members should not be able to post etc until approved!

    Any comment IPS since this issue has been reported for years now with no resolve that I could find????

  3. Thank You

    So, just so I understand this better--

    Change the conf_global.php id to match the  member group (in my case "Validating" which is id 13)

    All new registrations will then go into the "Validating" member group

    When the admin manually approves the registration will it stay in the "Validating" group or will it automatically be transferred to the "Members" group (which is what I would want)?


  4. Yes, I have mine the same way. This appears to have been a bug for a very long time. I found posts here from back in 2017 with the same issue that validating members are able to post on the forums BEFORE they have been approved manually by an admin. I have the same problem and apparently the issue has never been resolved. Validating members should have no more posting rights than a guest until approved!


  5. I have a group set up under Member> Groups called "Validating" which I have certain permissions set so they can't post etc. Whenever a new registration comes in it always goes into the "Members" group but I need them to go into the "Validating" group until they have been manually validated and at that time they would then be in the "Members" group? Is this possible?

    There is a tab in the ACP> Members that says "Validating" and the new registration are actually in there and in the "All" also.

    Basically I just want it so that any validating members can not post until approved by an admin


  6. Like the OP I am seeing some really strange things with the templates. I created a new theme from the IPS original and it is pulling templates from another customized theme. The new theme templates are showing that they have not been modified but yet are displaying templates from another customized theme? The new theme is set with no parent theme.

    I also just went to download and save my original customized theme and it is adding a space behind the theme name so instead of overwriting the saved theme it is creating a new saved theme, weird. Also the file size in nowhere near what it should be.

  7. To change the Sign Up to “Register”

    ACP> Customizations button> Languages> Click the globe icon>

    Enter “Sign Up” in the search box

    Scroll down to Sign Up

    Change to Register   (or whatever you want)


    To color the sign in button

    ACP> Customizations button> Theme </>> CSS tab> custom.css

    Add the code and change the color to whatever you want–

    *changes the color of the register button
    #elUserNav > li > a#elRegisterButton {
      background-color: #64C463;


  8. I have never like the way the member name is placed in the profile header, looks ugly to me and most cases not readable for the member title, see pic. Would look much better under the member avatar and would also not interfere with a background profile photo if placed there. Anyone know how to do this or is IPS interested in cleaning this up?



  9. Is this what you want put in custom.css (change the background color to whatever you want)--

    *adds the zebra stripes between topics
    .ipsResponsive_pull .ipsDataList .ipsDataItem:not( .ipsDataItem_selected ):not( .ipsModerated ):not( .ipsDataItem_new ):not( .ipsDataItem_success ):not( .ipsDataItem_warning ):not( .ipsDataItem_error ):not( .ipsDataItem_info ):not( .ipsDataItem_status ):nth-child(even) {
    	background: #F7F7F7;


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