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Everything posted by Goza

  1. I didn't see anything happened to this site, however I did get it on my site (cloud) with the 504 error like the image above. I checked https://status.invisioncommunity.com/ and it does show 2 spike jumped during that time period about 1-2hrs ago.
  2. Since you've added the FA code in the navBarItems template. You can designated different icons by using CSS. When you inspect in google chrome, firefox, or whatever browser you use. A little tedious work, add these in your custom.css [data-navitem-id="87"] .fa-comment:before { content: "\f206"; } For each icon inserted, change the ID of the navitem-id and change the content: "\f206" to your prefer icon number.
  3. {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id}} {expression="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->name"} {{else}} Guest {{endif}} So, this bit of code is basically saying. If a user is currently logged in, it will show their username but if they aren't logged in. It will get replaced with the word guest.
  4. Shucks. It really does look like the block gets suppressed. I tried replacing ! with no ! returns empty.
  5. {{if !empty( $records ) }} <div class="ipsType_center"> <h2 class="title">{$title}</h2> <p class="desc">See what other people saying about us.</p> </div> <div class="ipsGrid ipsGrid_collapsePhone" data-ipsgrid data-ipsgrid-equalHeights="rows"> {{foreach $records as $record}} <div class='ipsGrid_span3 ipsBox'> <div class='ipsPadding'> <blockquote> {$record->content()|raw} </blockquote> </div> </div> {{endforeach}} </div> {{else}} be the first person {{endif}} How do I use {{else}} statement in a feed block display. It will not display at all for any of the database that I created along with the block itself.
  6. I've gotten my domain changed over on the 13th and while I was busy for 2 days. I figured I was good to go by then while I tried to access the site, it gave me the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN. Now i've tried the following Flushed my DNS cache browser cache restart router/pc Gave one of those ismysiteisdown website and it appears its down for everyone. emprv.us
  7. A quick question, does this also include pages app (fields) as well?
  8. @batarjal Are you working on 4.6 compatible?
  9. @Jordan InvisionSorry to bump an old topic but wondering if we can get this documented?
  10. I know about the designer mode going through that route but for those who wanted to get started like on CIC (which I was doing on my cic demo site), designer mode isn't an option unless you go with self-hosted. This is my first actual attempt to use parent themes and I thought I read somewhere that it should inherit css but it isn't. Least I know there a bug for that to be fixed.
  11. The image is from me editing html in chrome elements Not sure how difficult it will be to implement this but it probably really difficult how the theme system currently built? However, it would be really cool that allow us too: Create a Parent Theme handles all CSS/HTML from a single theme Child theme only handles the theme settings (color schemes) and that's it. Currently, if you create a main theme and then a child theme for that main theme. The child theme doesn't inherit the CSS changes from the main theme (not sure if this intended bug or not). Also, when updates do come around you'll need to update EVERY child theme you have to the latest version. With the parent system, one theme needs to update while your child theme doesn't since its using the parent theme files. Myself and probably many people who do not know javascript at all (jsColor or something similar) this is probably the easiest alternative for us to use.
  12. I am wondering if we could expand the following to include database as well. When you have 10+ (9) categories, it is tedious to follow every category just to follow the database. If we can add the follow in the Category Index > Index; that would be great ๐Ÿ‘
  13. I had a similarity of the situation. We were on 4.4 upgraded to 4.5 (which was compactable but needed to be upgraded, previous owner had the app). I purchased the app and tried to update it then the error popped up. Got hold of support, letting me know that we needed to change CMOD files/folders for it to work but I've tried numerous times but still didn't work. Ultimately, I uninstalled the app and reinstalled the app which worked smoothly.
  14. I do have a question, does this app allows for custom build forms? For example, I made a custom form inside one of my page database that searches only for that database. This will definitely come in handy if it works the same way as normal searching.
  15. So surprisingly, I am too trying to figure out how to auto-populate database relationship. I made a custom form inside the record which allows certain groups to use and got the relations to show and able to use but can't figure it out about auto-populate.
  16. Update, there is a bug in the current release. Fix is underway but don't know which version it will be in ๐Ÿ™‚
  17. So I thought it was my template but reverse the database back to default form listing/display and found out: Create record 1 link record 2 after creating record 1 using the update record form does not show in record 2 create record 2 link record 1 after creating record 2 using the update record form does not show in record 1 create record 3 link record 1 and 2 during the editForm after creating the record, it shows in record 1 and 2.
  18. Small update, I have found if both topics are in the same category, it will not show up. Did a quick test, creating 2 different topics in different categories and getReciprocalItems will show up.
  19. I have added multiple of topics for it but not able to display ๐Ÿคจ
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