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Posts posted by Pescao6

  1. All you'd need to do on Discord is not allow people to create invite links to the server and keep the invite link fairly private by sharing it only to your members on your website.

    On your IPS website, you can use user groups for customers or something like a club to create private forums where you can share the Discord invite link.

    As for integrating the IPS website with Discord, I just started using MonitoRSS to import RSS feeds to Discord.

  2. On 6/29/2022 at 9:38 AM, CheersnGears said:

    Surround it with

    <div align="center">

    For some reason, when I configured my ads two years ago, I had problems with the <div> tags; so I used <p> tags instead which worked for me.

  3. I initially created 3 different kinds going to Google AdSense > Ads > Overview > By Ad Unit > Display Ads

    1. Height 75px horizontal below the page header using AdminCP > Advertisements

    Could contain: Text

    2. Big horizontal above the page footer using AdminCP > Advertisements

    Could contain: Text

    3. Big vertical block using AdminCP > Blocks

    Could contain: Text, Menu

    4. Auto-ads Experiments

    Note: Auto-ads typically break the site. But if you wanted to run them to try to increase your revenue, I'd try Optimization > Experiments which would show Auto-ads to 1% to 50% of visitors (25% might be a good number) depending on how you configure Experiments > Auto optimize settings. When running an experiment the worst case scenario is that if pages aren't loading correctly refreshing would probably "fix" the problem.

  4. I love that I can create Forum Rules in multiple languages. This allows me to have forums where anyone can write in English or Spanish and instead of having to duplicate information on a pinned topic I can display useful information on the Forum Rules.

    I wish there was a way I could post on article on multiple languages. This would be fantastic for building a database where people could just switch the language and read the same article on a different language. As of now, I think the best alternative is to do something like adding a link saying "This is also available on x language" and then duplicate the article.

  5. 20 hours ago, Jordan Miller said:

    I'm curious to know if you're utilizing the subscriptions feature in your community. 🤔  Or, at the very least, have you thought about it? Subscriptions feel exclusive and elevates the brand imo. 

    I personally use a subscription component in my community. It offers members additional access, as well as an ad free experience, but it's not something I've leaned into as much as I'd like to. However, I love the potential of it and want to chat with you about it. 

    Configuring ads on my site was a challenge, but one that I enjoyed as a learning experience. I've definitely thought about using subscriptions for ad removal, but haven't had the time to find out how to do that. Are there are any guides you'd recommend for creating an ad removal subscription?

  6. @Jordan Miller

    For me, it comes down to these:

    1. Writing down the things we want to do
    2. Scheduling plans to actually do things
    3. Attempting to meet planned deadlines

    @Marc Stridgen

    A big struggle for me recently has been trying to figure out where to post what. Does it go on Discord, does it go on Social Media, does it go on the Website? Where would the content get the best kind of engagement? Am I looking for short term high activity or to preserve content for the long term? And even within the website, does it go better on the forums, the clubs, the blogs, the articles? A lot of clients probably haven't gotten all of the features, but for those who have them all it's a blessing and a pain to have options on how we want to present our content to our communities. And for communities that are starting out or have small teams, I usually advise them to focus on no more than 2-3 channels.

    On 6/30/2022 at 1:21 PM, Jordan Miller said:

    I think social media can be a suuuuper powerful to build community outside your main community page, but use it as a tool to ultimately inspire them to circle back to the website versus staying on the social platform.

    I'd be cautious to recommend doing this. I see a lot of companies do this thing where they'll post a blog and then share it on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. And I wonder, why? Instead, I think it'd be best to write unique messages on each platform. The occasional backlink is fine, but it should be the exception not the standard especially considering most members probably won't engage in more than 2-3 channels of a community.

  7. On 6/24/2022 at 7:50 AM, Fred Mercury said:

    I have a forum where there are several groups with read and write access. In this forum I want to see the option to create a TOPIC where only a group of those who have access to the forum can write in it. It's possible..?? Do you know if there is any application that can solve it?

    Thank you for your contributions.

    1. If you Edit the Forum > Posting Settings > Posts must be approved?

    • New Topics
    • Replies

    You can toggle New Topics on this and use Moderators to authorize topics to be created.

    2. If you Edit the Forum's Permissions > The only thing you might see is "See Forum"
    but look on the left on the groups you have and for each it says "See all permissions for group"
    That gives you access to play with how you want to configure all of these:

    • See Forum
    • Read Topics
    • Post New Topics
    • Reply to Topics
    • Download Attachments
    On 6/24/2022 at 9:35 AM, OptimusBain said:

    I would love to set permissions to read/write/view on specific topics, not only forums.

    I'd use subforums or clubs for that. The tricky part would be the navigation, but I really like how there are a few places you can put useful links like descriptions and rules of each forum. Other than that, I'd use special groups like moderators with special permissions like you're describing.

  8. 2 hours ago, OptimusBain said:

    If you break your site so often, there must be something you are doing wrong 🙂

    Or something I must be doing right. 😁

    1 hour ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    If anyone else is seeing an issue, please let us know. However it is indeed likely a table has been created that is not INNODB. You are best to contact your hosting company and have them change the default

    Aside from changing the default, how would I go about changing all of the MyISAM tables to InnoDB without breaking the site?

  9. 38 minutes ago, OptimusBain said:

    No idea. I am an IT guy but I don't touch those things because I might break things. My webmaster works for me, he did it but I have no idea what he did. I would suggest that you hire the services of someone that knows what he's doing or you might run into big troubles.

    😅 I break my site almost on a monthly basis trying out new things. That's the fun part! I'm super grateful to have been using IPS for 15 years because I've learned a ton with every other update breaking something new.

  10. 35 minutes ago, Agent Shark said:

    If I was actually able to use my monthly service while the domain was being investigated, I’d feel slightly better. I can’t even develop my vision for this site.

    You could choose an Invision Community address or I'll decide later when selecting the domain option for your Managed IPS Hosting purchase. That should let you get started right away.

    You can also experiment with a demo for 14 days: https://invisioncommunity.com/clientarea/demo/
    The only problem with the demo is that it doesn't include all of the features so you'll find additional settings once you get up and running with the licensed one.

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