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Everything posted by Luuuk

  1. Thanks for the answer. I was pretty sure that would be the result. BTW. Are we going for "semanticts"? From this page: From ACP: Both messages are not strong enough to deliver the same message. What's more, from the 4.7 changelog: So I got an impression that you still welcome some reports from Windows Server...
  2. @MeanGene I see you use Ehren's theme. The latest version of the themes is compatible with 4.7.1 and you must have IPS 4.7.1 to use the theme. In general, in case of Ehren's themes always a theme and IPS software should share the same version unless it is clearly stated by the author that no updates are required.
  3. Hi, Disclaimer: I am fully aware that your Windows Server support is very limited. I do not have any problem with languages. I'm reporting just in case: I assume that the selector should show only locales which are already installed. But on Windows Server the selector seems to work the way around showing only not installed locales. On my Windows Server 2019 which supports out of box most locales the menu includes only very exotic languages. For example, no English (United States) available to be selected while my OS is a native en-US. So for all locales already supported by my server I need to select "My locale is not listed" and input a correct short code. Following the Windows tip from the PHP setlocale description that would be this format (eg. "usa" instead of "en_US" but it can't be "enu" because then a flag is not detected in the Languages menu at the bottom). As I said, currently I don't have any problem with languages. But is this a bug in the selector?
  4. Hi, Always after installing a theme clear a cache: ACP > Get Support > Clear system cache
  5. Exactly. I am very happy that after so long time the decision has been reverted!
  6. There were complains about the previous default "Everywhere": And I agree that the default setting should be limited to the current area the user is in.
  7. The same suggested here:
  8. Luuuk

    Inbox Search

    Oh, now I get it. I agree, it would be handy to have: on the left pane the list of messages (the current output) + on right pane the list / previews of messages with highlighted keywords
  9. Luuuk

    Inbox Search

    Hi, Not sure what exactly you mean. You select a specific folder from the drop down menu and then input a keyword in the search field + limit the search to messages only:
  10. Similar issue when a "Word filter" is set:
  11. The "effect" visible in your screenshot was reported on Ehren's support forum too on 4.7.0 theme applied to 4.7.1 software. The fix is to revert the following template: core > front > global > quickSearch. Or reinstall a theme from scratch.
  12. @JohnDar I think no extra options needed and they just should remove the <p> tag. That would cover the most extreme scenarios when a lot of images are uploaded and posts get very long. If a user wish to place them vertically then that could be done manually (like it is now to place them horizontally).
  13. Luuuk

    Search field...

    To be frank, I totally "missed" that the bar is so "wide".
  14. Small addition to the first code with .ipsAreaBackground_light. The div class looks quite "generic" and I'm not sure the child element is unique. So to make sure that no other elements are affected you can add the main div in the front: .ipsEmoticons_content .ipsAreaBackground_light:nth-child(21) { display: none; }
  15. Do I understand correctly that you do not want to remove the custom sets and instead just "hide" them in the editor? The following code added to custom.css works for me: 1. To hide the whole category (header + all emojis under): .ipsAreaBackground_light:nth-child(21) { display: none; } .ipsEmoticons_category:nth-child(22) { display: none; } 2. To hide a specific emoji only: .ipsEmoticons_category:nth-child(22) > :nth-child(3) > :nth-child(5) { display: none; } That is only an example. The numbers (21 for the header, 22 for the emoji block, 3 for the emoji row, 5 for the exact emoji) you have to find by using the Inspect element in your browser *. * I use Firefox so that would be: open the Emoji menu > right click on the desired item > Inspect > highlight the matching item: ... and right click the item to get a CSS selector with numbers. You repeat the same for each item you like to hide.
  16. Luuuk

    Search field...

    In this topic a code for custom.css has been posted:
  17. Luuuk

    Search field...

    Size was increased due to this issue:
  18. For reference, I found also this old topic and the same "solution" was given via Ticket:
  19. @JohnDar For years I use a workaround by editing a theme template: core > global > editor > attachedImage > remove the <p> tag at the beginning and at the end: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/{$url}" ..... alt="{$title}"></a></p> EDIT: The change will apply to the new content only. Old posts still need to be manually edited.
  20. Hi, Not sure that is still the thing in 4.7 due to this change but I'm still on 4.6 and the issue was present even before that version. So reporting just in case: If there is "more important" message on top, Templates and CSS browsing is not available: "Less important" message does not produce the effect: If the message will be closed then the items are available again. The big issue is the message is blocked by IPS to be closed. Then .. adblock / other content blocker has to be used to target the message...
  21. Hi, Does ACP > Get Support list any problems related to Push? Have you recently upgraded a PHP version and made sure to re-enable the gmp module?
  22. Yeah. I got a headache just looking at the text. It distracted me so much that I had to "undo" the change in my mind to proceed... I doubt it has anything to do with the font weight/size.
  23. Yes. Do I understand correctly that you assigned there Administrator (the default Windows account used to log in)? If that is the case it won't work. In this context it must be a set of IUSR (Modify) + IIS_IUSRS (Read & execute). If one of those are missing you will experience various permission issues.
  24. @D-Trox I also use IIS and I do not have the problem. Here is my IIS setup: IUSR (Modify) + IIS_IUSRS (Read & execute) assigned for the top folder and all subfolders (so including also uploads and all items inside).
  25. @Daniel F Could you tell me how it has been fixed?
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