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Martin A.

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Everything posted by Martin A.

  1. Can confirm that it's added with JS. Disabled JS, and here's what your signature looks like.
  2. I'm not sure this is the approach you want to take. What would happen if your widget is used on 10 different pages? If you remove it from one of them this would change the setting for all other pages. You haven't said what this "clean up" is all about. You should look into using the configuration() method in the widget. And/or deal with the settings in the ACP. Look at the relatedContent or stream widget in the core app to see how that's done. If you look at the topContributors widget, the delete method is used to delete a custom language string that's part of the widget configuration.
  3. It is quite important to mention what version you are using, especially when not on the latest. Looks like you are still on the 3.x series. 'members_pass_hash' is the result of 'md5( md5( unique salt ), md5( plaintext password ) )'. Look at "authenticateMember" in the ipsMember.php file.
  4. If you have Member Map installed when you've installed Community Map it will transfer the API key from Member Map to Community Map as part if the conversion process.
  5. You'd have to do a request to the URL if it's "vm.tiktok.com". That will do a 301 redirect to the proper URL. The final URL is supported by the oEmbed endpoint. I don't see an immediate way to get the final URL from the response object, without trying to get it form the HTML response.
  6. password_verify( $input, $storedPassHash ) https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.password-verify.php There's a bit more too it, mostly related to verifying and converting legacy passwords. See /system/Login/Handler/Standard/Standard.php, method authenticatePasswordForMember(), and /system/Member/Member.php, method verifyLegacyPassword(). Not sure where you got that updatePassword() method from. I don't have anything like that on my 4.5 install.
  7. That is to open the default dialog window. IPS have not added a shortcut to their own link plugin. https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor4/blob/major/plugins/link/plugin.js#L73 There's nothing like that in "ipslink".
  8. I'll add that as a group setting. How do you suggest this should be? Not being a designer, I couldn't come up with a good way to do this. Using the upload field is the correct way to show an image. It will show as above if the uploaded file is an image, and as an attachment link if it's not.
  9. Sorry about that. Clicking the notification from RocketStang's post must have caused me to miss yours. I believe that during the IPS 4.5 onboarding process, you've selected that "Community Map" from the Marketplace is "Member Map". Those are not the same app, and the only way to fix this is to submit a support ticket to IPS. They can go in an "un-couple" that connection. After that you should be able to install Community Map.
  10. I just released a patched to fix this issue.
  11. I would say it's a suite issue, but I can't be sure as I'm unable to reproduce this myself. The blocks are outside of the scope of the application. I can't control what's shown or where it shows. Could be an issue with the theme too.
  12. Think this is better left off to be dealt with by the spam service. If they changed that to strip the dots and plus signs and all other things that providers typically ignore, and then add a score on that stripped email address.
  13. Can confirm. Don't think it likes it when the classes are spread over multiple lines. div.ipsBox.ipsBox--child.cForumGrid > div.cForumGrid__hero > div.cForumGrid__forumInfo.ipsFlex.ipsFlex-ai:center > div.ipsFlex-flex:11 > h3.cForumGrid__title.ipsType_reset.ipsTruncate.ipsTruncate_line That selector does not work. div.ipsBox.ipsBox--child > div.cForumGrid__hero > div.cForumGrid__forumInfo.ipsFlex.ipsFlex-ai:center > div.ipsFlex-flex:11 > h3.cForumGrid__title.ipsType_reset.ipsTruncate.ipsTruncate_line This does. <div class="ipsBox ipsBox--child cForumGrid cForumGrid--unread ipsDataItem_unread cForumGrid--forum" data-forumid="2"> Must be because of that.
  14. v1.1.0 have been submitted, and here's a list of what you can expect in that version Custom fields You're finally able to add your own fields to the markers. These can be all the kinds of fields you're used to in both profiles and in Pages databases. There is a group setting to define the fields that is available for the group There is also a group setting where you choose the fields that's visible in the marker popup. This replaces the global setting where you could select member profile fields. This will also replace the "privacy setting" where you could choose to not show any information in the popup Grid layout in marker listing You can not show your markers in a grid pattern instead of the default list. This is a group setting You can define a "grid card image", similar to forums. This can be from a custom field. If a custom field isn't selected, or the field is empty, the authors cover photo will be used. Fixed bugs Fixed a bug where the marker pin color for member groups wasn't honored. Fixed more bugs with PHP 7.1 Fixed a bug where the marker popup wouldn't open in MacOS Safari. Fixed an issue with the location import task. The location import task could try to import the same members over and over again. Fixed an issue with the .kml/.kmz importer. Markers inside a nested folder with other folders was not imported.
  15. Currently no. I have it on the road map for when I re-do the sidebar marker list. I answered this the last time you asked me these questions. You can not add the markers on behalf of the member. They would either do it manually, or have it imported if you have the info available in a profile field. Due to all the privacy laws hanging around us these days, I'm not going to add anything that would automatically add them based on their IP. Thanks. This issue will be fixed in the next release.
  16. Yes. contact me in a PM if you want me to help you construct a query that'll automatically populate that field for you.
  17. And there you have the root of your issue; The state is in its own field. Community Map will just use one of those fields. When I search for just "Sanford", without the state, the location in NC is the top result. I would advice you to have the entire location in one field. There is an alternative, but it would require a custom plugin to merge these three fields into a fourth field that's not editable by the member.
  18. When I use that location I end up in "Sanford, Seminole County, Florida, United States of America". What do you get when you visit this page? Replace XYZ with your MapQuest API key. https://open.mapquestapi.com/nominatim/v1/search.php?format=xml&q=Sanford,%20FL&key=XYZ
  19. Stuff like that can happen, and not really much can be done about it. If MapQuest thinks the SC location is correct, it will select that. This have been an issue for years. What's the exact location the member have entered?
  20. Looks like this may be an issue with LeafletJS (the library used for the map). Does any of the popups in this example page work? Both the circle and polygon is clickable. https://leafletjs.com/examples/quick-start/example.html
  21. Nothing in the error console? In Safari you have to enable a setting for this to be available. I did identify an issue where only 86 of them was imported, and the fix for that will be released when it’s ready. If no markers are showing up, please check the Javascript error console for errors and make sure the permissions for the marker groups are correct.
  22. I addressed your previous question about this. Is it still about the "Top 100 cities" kmz? The fix mentioned above it not released yet. Can you have a look in your Javascript console (F12 > Console) and see if there's any errors logged?
  23. Can confirm the issue with the marker color. That'll be fixed in the next release. I do not remember a feature that would allow you to hide a group. There is something I added a while ago that would allow you to add "group=x,y" to the URL to only show those groups, but not by default.
  24. That runs as a background task, and will process 100 members per day. The limit is set in order to now exhaust your free MapQuest API usage. You can manually run the task "locationSync" if you want to make sure it works.
  25. Looks like the API input need to be an array. if( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->secondaryGroups ) AND \is_array( \IPS\Request::i()->secondaryGroups ) ) { foreach( \IPS\Request::i()->secondaryGroups as $groupId ) { .... $endpoint = '/core/members/1'; $curl = curl_init( $communityUrl . 'api' . $endpoint . '?key=' . $apiKey ); $postData = [ 'secondaryGroups' => [ 7, 8 ] ]; curl_setopt_array( $curl, array( CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => TRUE, CURLOPT_POST => TRUE, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => http_build_query( $postData ), ) ); $response = curl_exec( $curl );
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