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Martin A.

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Everything posted by Martin A.

  1. Yes. Member Map was never a paid app, so you haven’t bought that before 🙂
  2. I want to blame this on either Ezoic or CloudFlare RocketLoader. The Javascript console is full over errors that cause this. If I enabled Adblock on your site I were able to search for a location in the text field and submit it that way, but the geolocation was still not working. RocketLoader is known for causing issues with IPS. No, there's only one map. I had someone else write that description for me, and looks like he overdid it on that one. I should be "unlimited groups with unlimited markers". I'll look into adding custom fields.
  3. As of right now it will only show those records on the main map. There is currently no way to embed just a portion of the map somewhere else, but that is of course something I can look in to.
  4. No, that was not the intention. The only translated string it converted is the title of the marker groups. If you have the old Member Map translation stored as an XML you can come pretty far by replacing "membermap" with "communitymap", although I do not guarantee that this works perfectly.
  5. Yes, this turns out to be matter of cache being deleted after Member Map was uninstalled, and wasn't re-generated the first time he views the map.
  6. Thank you to those who've already purchased this 🙂 And I'm glad your upgrades went smoothly! I made a new support topic for Community Map. I'd appreciate it if everything related to the new app is posted there 🙂 https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/458615-community-map/
  7. This is the support topic for
  8. Days or a week. I've re-structured the main javascript code, so that needs a bit of testing. Unfortunately none of you can beta test this, as I think that would make it impossible for you to purchase it once it's released.
  9. That is correct. I have thought about making this a paid app many times before, both for the 4.4 and 4.3 version. And the price I'm placing on this now is the same I planned to put on it back then. (It is also the same price Michael (InvisionModding) had on his Tutorials app 10 years ago in the 3.x series, so I would say it's about time the overall prices increase in this market) Having this generate a bit of income will of course increase the motivation of keeping this updated and adding new features a great lot. The first version of this will not come with many new features, mainly just the IPS 4.5 compatibility.
  10. Sorry to say this guys, but Member Map will not be upgraded to 4.5. It saddens me a great lot, but technical difficulties made it impossible to do so. But fear not! Community Map will rise from its ashes! As of the 4.5 version this will come with a price tag of $40, and an annual renewal fee of $10. This rebranding had to be done as the new ACP Marketplace would not allow those of you who've already upgraded to 4.5 to match and purchase the new application if you already have an app with the same app key installed. I know, technical boring stuff. But this is what the staff told me to do. I also felt "Community Map" is a better suited name, as there are more than members that can appear on the map. Community Map will of course import your old markers, settings and other content from Member Map. After you've installed it you head over to any of the ACP pages - whether it's "Map Manager", "Marker Groups" or "Settings", you'll be presented with a splash screen similar to the 4.5 "Quick Setup". This will guide you through the process. A release date is not set yet, but it shouldn't be too far away.
  11. No ETA yet. There are some IRL stuff at the moment that's more important. You really should make sure all the apps and plugins that are vital to your site is compatible before you do the upgrade to a new major version.
  12. I'm sure you are able to export an entire folder as a KML or KMZ file. Most of the files I've tested with contains thousands of markers. Yes. But I'll have to make quite a few changes in order to comply with the marketplace guidelines.
  13. It was a bug in the code, not in the files you supplied. I don't want to post a release date. It'll be when it's ready, and either before or shortly after 4.5 final is released.
  14. It was also a different way of saying that I wont run through rings of fire to get this free app updated before I have dealt with my private clients 🙂 If you read between the lines here, you may have noticed that I say that some bugs are fixed. That might be a hint. Maybe. Thanks. I've fixed this for the upcoming release.
  15. It should work if the kml/kmz is exported from Google Earth. Google may have changed the format without me knowing. Send me the file and I'll see what I can do to fix it. I'll look into this when the time comes to update this app. There is currently no way to export the markers for use in other programs. Your only option is to export the database tables starting with "membermap_". I'll fix the link to the support topic when the 4.5 update is uploaded. I'll start the work on the 4.5 compatibility update when they're done with the beta phase. You want both the US and Europe to be in the same view? My first thought was to set the bounding box to "Santa Cruz das Flores", which is an island in the middle of the Atlantic. But since the zoom level setting is a maximum setting, and not a minimum, it would only focus on that island regardless. What does it look like it you don't define the bounding box at all? It was normal. Mainly because all the other information in the popup was available in the rest of the page. I have changed this in the 4.5 update to show the same popup content. Thank you for letting me know, I'll get this fixed for the upcoming version. 1. I'll get that fixed. 2. For member markers you can select profile fields that are shown in the popup, but your request might be fore other markers? Sorry for the late response, people. After IPS updates this forum to 4.5 I were no longer following this topic, and as a result I never got any notifications about your questions.
  16. https://stackoverflow.com/a/23086139 Short answer; remove the leading dot. That will restrict cookie access to only subdomains. You main site is not using a subdomain, and can therefor not access the cookies.
  17. Hi. I added this to the feature list for the next update. It should have behaved like the forums does, where you can click the icon on the category listing. I'll have to see why it's not doing that. The safest way to make it as read would be to mark your entire community as read. Given the number of downloads and active users this app have, I'm fairly certain the rights to it will be given to someone else. You answered the first one on your next post. The limit is there since the marker in the "Member Markers" category is used other places on the site, such as the mini map in your profile. The first one is for the list of markers in the sidebar. That list will only list markers from the member markers category, and you can have that list combined into groups defined by the member group. With that setting off you the list will be grouped by staff, following/friends and other members. For the second one I can't really explain it better than the settings description already does. "Some markers reveal the exact address for some members. Enable this to hide this information from all member markers. Markers in other groups are not affected" This affects both the marker popup and the marker page itself.
  18. I can guarantee that most of those other "duplicate" language strings are for jslang. @Sonya* Add "word_js=0" (or "word_js=1") to your query, and then see if you have any duplicates. Some strings do indeed have the same key, but that's only because one of them is for javascript. Maybe there should have been something in the translation table to highlight that, similar to the app/plugin column.
  19. 2.3 is not supported. /** * @brief Elasticsearch version requirements */ const MINIMUM_VERSION = '5.6.0'; const UNSUPPORTED_VERSION = '7.0.0';
  20. Yes. As long as you follow the steps about Cloudflare, DNS, and naming of the bucket, you can do so free of bandwidth charge. The URL from the guide (cdn.yourdomain.com) points to the root of your bucket. If you upload static content to a folder named "static", the URL to files in that file is cdn.yourdomain.com/static/image.png.
  21. Whoops\Exception\ErrorException thrown with message "Method IPS\Helpers\Form::__toString() must not throw an exception, caught Whoops\Exception\ErrorException: Undefined index: developer_build_type_desc" Stacktrace: #2 Whoops\Exception\ErrorException in /tmp/theme_core_admin_global_globalTemplateWqIz0B:0 #1 Whoops\Run:handleError in /home/sites/dev/www/ips44/dev/Whoops/Run.php:433 #0 Whoops\Run:handleShutdown in [internal]:0 I got this today trying to get to the app download page. Hadn't it been for @CodingJungle who made me aware of this issue, I could have wasted hours rolling back to older PHP versions, reinstalling, etc. The patch for this must be pretty simple, as all I had to do was add ", TRUE" to the code, and that makes me wonder why you haven't included this is any of the 5 releases (not including silent patches) since this was marked as solved.
  22. Hi Jeff, The list on the right hand side will only show your members, grouped by the member group they belong in. The Ride Operators marker you use as an example is what would be named a "custom marker", or a "non-member marker", these do not show up on that list. The reason you don't see category for Registered guests when you go do Browse Markers is because all markers that are "member markers" is placed inside the Members category. A member can only have one "member marker", and having all those located in the same category is the easiest way (from a programming point of view) to ensure they can only have one. Hope this made sense to you 🙂
  23. Is your installation set to IN_DEV, or is the designers mode active? The former will definitely result in a higher TTFB, not sure about the latter but I guess that affects it too. A 5 day guest cache will cause your Redis cache size to explode by the way. That's the amount of time the HTML result for every single page visited by a guest will be stored in your memory. Not only will your cache size be enormous, but everything a guest see will be very outdated. Since you are in development and don't have much traffic yet, you won't take much advantage of what the CloudFlare cache have to offer. Don't think that will affect the TTFB, but it will affect the total load time.
  24. Hi, Those settings are not related to this application. You should post your question in the "peer to peer support forum" instead. If you're looking for the settings for Member Map, those are located here, and you'll need a MapQuest API key, not a Google key.
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