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Martin A.

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Everything posted by Martin A.

  1. That looks like a caching issue. Certainly not an issue I encountered in 4.6.
  2. I submitted the 4.6 version on Friday, so I guess it's still in the approval queue. I have no idea how long it'll take, but I assume they have lots of new releases to deal with now.
  3. That is definitely something I'm going to look into. Should be an easy fix. It will come as part of the 4.6 update, which unfortunately isn't backwards compatible with 4.5. Given that I just installed 4.6 for the first time this evening it might take a few days. Looks like it's not too much involved in getting it updated. I'll first do a compatibility update, then I'll add new features later on.
  4. Hi, I've done some research. In order to use Stadia you have to register a free account. Once registered, you can whitelist your domain within your account settings. https://client.stadiamaps.com/signup/
  5. For normal member markers, probably not. But for all other kinds of markers there is indeed a very big need to zoom in on the exact location. When a member searches for location, Community Map will get the full address in return. What I could do is execute a new search but only with the postcode and city. That would in some countries not pinpoint the location. But I'm not sure if this would work in London, for instance, where I believe almost every block have its own postcode. User enters: "My street 123, 43234 City", Mapquest will then respond with almost the same address, maybe they've added a region to it, but I could then do a new search for just "43234 City", removing the address line(s). I would also like to say that we are all responsible for our own security and privacy, and this goes for all your users as well. If they want to publish their full address on the internet that is their own choice, and you can't say they haven't done it on purpose. Immediately after they've added the marker they are taken straight to the location they just added, and if they are not happy with the position of it they are free to delete it or update it. That is one of the reasons why I'm not adding a GeoIP feature that'll automatically put people on the map.
  6. That is something I want to do, but not sure how I can do that technically. One thing that could be done it to add/remove a random number from the coordinates to intentionally misplace the marker.
  7. It's only the "Members" category that is restricted to one marker. The other categories you add are unlimited. This was the same in Member Map too. Thanks, I'll look into that. Can you please post a screenshot? I'm not sure I understood your issue.
  8. Yes, if you remove all permissions from the pre-made members category it should remove that.
  9. No, routes are not possible to import. But you can import GPX locations.
  10. There's no widget available for this app, but you can add it as an iframe. You should be able to add this to a Pages block, select "Manual HTML". <iframe src='{url="app=communitymap&module=communitymap&controller=showmap&do=embed" seoTemplate="communitymap"}' width='100%' height='300' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0'></iframe>
  11. In Pages you are using an "Address" kind of field. The IPS framework will not get the coordinates when the address is incomplete. When you add a partial address in your profile, which is then picked up by Community Map, it will do a request to MapQuest in order to get the location. I'll see if I can do anything about this.
  12. Yes, it is on the road map. Not sure when I'll get around to add it though.
  13. The setting that determined the fields to show have been converted to a marker group setting. Edit the "Members" marker group, and you'll find the "Map popup settings" in the bottom of the first tab.
  14. @Joss Leal The error message you get indicates that guests don't have access to one of the modules in the app. The permission you checked in the application list was just for the whole application. Click the little arrow on the left hand side to reveal the modules. These have their own permissions.
  15. I haven't confirmed anything yet 🙂 Have a look at these permissions. You'll find this in the application list
  16. You should disable the "Show a list of markers in the sidebar?" setting. Unfortunately only member markers will show in that list, Pages records, calendar events, etc, will not show there (yet).
  17. Reached out to @Adriano Faria to see how we can work this out.
  18. Yes. Otherwise it has no idea where to fetch the location data from.
  19. Yes, as long as the options in the "Profile sync" tab is enabled it will behave the same as "Member Map". If this is an upgrade from Member Map, and you followed the upgrade process, those settings are converted to this application.
  20. $( '#elMyMenu' ).on( 'menuOpened', function( elemID, originalEvent, menu ) { }); $( '#elMyMenu' ).on( 'menuClosed', function( elemID, menu ) { });
  21. Late reply. Really sorry about that! I don't own a Gallery license, so I can't answer right now if that is possible. Do you know if the coordinates are easily availaible in the database? Sounds like that should be possible. You can have a profile field where they add their skills, and have that profile field show in the marker popup.
  22. It is not easily doable out of the box. In addition to adding the map tiles, you'd also have to rip out all calls to the API. Having that around, and possibly adding "real" coordinates to such a map may not be great. Think this is better as a custom app.
  23. \IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles = array_merge( \IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles, \IPS\Output::i()->js( 'admin_scriptfile.js', 'myAppName', 'admin' ) );
  24. Whether you're just switching IN_DEV off, or building and installing it elsewhere is also going to make a difference.
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