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Everything posted by Maxxius

  1. Maxxius

    Pages - Update

    Amen to the most of the suggestions in this topic. Really a great topic and a lot of neat ideas 🙂
  2. right, forgot to tag @Jordan Invision 😄
  3. Hi, suggestion is quite simple, when you visit main index page of the gallery where you see latest images right below categories - please add a LOAD MORE button so more image can be continuously loaded. Simple thing but was requested by many long-time users of my board.
  4. hi, since gamification deal was introduced I missed the ability to promote somebody based on how many points/awards (or particular award) a member has. will you consider adding that in the future?
  5. Absolutely agree. Leave a setting in ACP for users to decide.
  6. 4.5 upgrade to is out of the question. completely. 😕 Only to 4.6 when it leaves beta stage and gets more builds like 4.6.5 etc.
  7. gzip is active, using CDN when the server is in my country and absolute most of its users are also in the same country I see no real advantage of using a CDN. Am I wrong thinking that? would a free cdn plan suffice?
  8. Count me in. Forums got to use every trick and advantage known to man to gain advantage over all other sites 😄
  9. @Jordan Invision don't know if you saw it but there is an issue with reactions.
  10. Yeah yeah I know it does, I'm calling for it to be a part of the core suite. 🙂
  11. a request as old as the time itself 😄
  12. I was indeed surprised when I saw that this is not a default core setting. Disabling reputation for offtopic forums seems like a reasonable idea. Thanks to Adriano he make a plugin. But it really should be a per forum setting: enable reputation yes/no. @Jordan Invision
  13. I also noticed that it is used as an unread content icon, which can be easily replaced and then as a spinner icons when browsing notifications/PM in head menu and in PM page when selecting different conversations. Strange thing I went to applications/core/data/javascript.xml and replaced all instances of icon-spinner2 ipsLoading_tinyIcon with fa fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-fw and recached the skin. However javascript created in uploads/javascript_global/root_framework file still contains the old code 🤔
  14. Hi, I'm trying to get the best result I can in Google Insights but fail miserably. Mobile version score is like 15/18. If I disable google ads I get something like +15/+20 score in desktop version. And a few extra scores in mobile. I will eventually disable ads anyway. Did using pagespeed module by google on the server help anything? Any tips are appreciated. Would a free plan of cloudflare help significantly? I'm using this theme. Switching to default theme does not make a big difference. Version IPS 4.4. Running on NGINX server.
  15. @Daniel F I know it was removed in 4.5. I'm sticking to 4.4 until IPS is well into the 4.6 branch like 4.6.5+ 😄
  16. @AdlagoI wonder how could we completely remove the icomoon from IPS 4.4 version? Where that font is it used exactly?
  17. I want things to look exactly as this https://invisioncommunity.com/ourpicks/ But in a form of a widget, in a custom block. I'd place that on a page which has no sidebars. And then I'd try to make it of even height with this.
  18. Hey guys, I've read this topic and it game me an idea. I think I'd be happy if I didn't go as far as Jordan to make a differently looking widget. I'd be content with having a custom plugin widget which would display picks not in a carousel but in the same fashion as it is displayed in the our picks dedicated page https://exhale.breatheheavy.com/ourpicks With one exception - having 3 columns instead of two. I tried messing with custom block based on "Our Picks" like @Nathan Explosion had suggested and only got so far... Perhaps anyone got any idea where else I can remove carousel stuff and make it look like patchwork? <h3 class='ipsType_reset ipsWidget_title'>{lang="block_promoted"}</h3> <div class='{{if $orientation !== 'vertical'}}ipsPad{{else}}ipsPad_half{{endif}} ipsWidget_inner'> {{if $orientation !== 'vertical'}} <div class='ipsCarousel ipsClearfix cPromotedWidget_horizontal' data-ipspatchwork> <div class='ipsCarousel_inner'> {{endif}} <ul class='ipsGrid ipsGrid_collapsePhone ipsPatchwork' data-role="tableRows"> {{foreach $promoted as $item}} {{$photoCount = ( $imageObjects = $item->imageObjects() ) ? \count( $imageObjects ) : 0;}} {{$staff = \IPS\Member::load( $item->added_by );}} <li class='ipsGrid_span4' data-ipsLazyLoad> {{if $photoCount}} {{$firstPhoto = $item->imageObjects()[0];}} <a href='{$item->object()->url()}' class='ipsAreaBackground_dark cPromotedHeader' {{if settings.lazy_load_enabled}}data-background-src='{backgroundimage="$firstPhoto->url"}'{{else}}style='background-image: url({$firstPhoto->url})'{{endif}}> <img {{if settings.lazy_load_enabled}}src='{expression="\IPS\Text\Parser::blankImage()"}' data-{{endif}}src='{$firstPhoto->url}' class='ipsHide' alt="{$item->objectTitle}"> </a> {{endif}} {{if $photoCount > 1}} <ul class='ipsGrid cPromotedImages ipsClearfix ipsAreaBackground_light' data-ipsGrid data-ipsGrid-minItemSize='40' data-ipsGrid-maxItemSize='60'> {{foreach $item->imageObjects() as $file}} <li class='ipsGrid_span4'> <a href='{$file->url}' {{if settings.lazy_load_enabled}}data-background-src='{backgroundimage="$file->url"}'{{else}}style='background-image: url({backgroundimage="$file->url"})'{{endif}} data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g{$item->id}'> <img {{if settings.lazy_load_enabled}}src='{expression="\IPS\Text\Parser::blankImage()"}' data-{{endif}}src='{$file->url}' alt='' class='ipsHide'> </a> </li> {{endforeach}} </ul> {{endif}} <div class='ipsPad cPromotedWidgetItem_content'> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsType_large ipsType_blendLinks cPromotedTitle'> <a href="{$item->object()->url()}">{$item->ourPicksTitle}</a> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsType_light ipsType_medium ipsType_blendLinks'> {$item->objectMetaDescription|raw} </p> <div class='cPromotedWidgetItem_contentInner'> {{if $text = $item->getText('internal', true)}} <div class="ipsType_richText ipsType_medium ipsSpacer_both ipsSpacer_half" data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='4 lines'>{$text|raw}</div> {{endif}} {{$reactionClass = $item->objectReactionClass;}} {{if $reactionClass || $item->objectDataCount}} <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsType_light ipsSpacer_bottom'> {{if $reactionClass}} <li>{template="reactionOverview" group="global" app="core" params="$reactionClass, FALSE"}</li> {{endif}} {{if $counts = $item->objectDataCount}} <li><i class='fa fa-comment'></i> {$counts['words']}</li> {{endif}} </ul> {{endif}} </div> <div class='ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_tiny ipsType_blendLinks ipsType_light'> {template="userPhoto" group="global" app="core" params="$staff, 'tiny'"} <div> {{if $item->sent AND $item->share_to AND \count( $item->share_to ) > 1}} <ul class='ipsList_inline cPromotedNetworks'> {{foreach $item->share_to as $service}} {{if $service == 'internal'}} {{continue;}} {{endif}} {{if $url = $item->getPublishedUrl( $service )}} {{$sharer = $item->getPromoter( $service );}} <li class='ipsPos_right'> <a href='{$url}' class='cShareLink cShareLink_{$service}' data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="promote_shared_on" sprintf="$sharer->key"}'> <i class='fa fa-{$sharer::$icon}'></i> </a> </li> {{endif}} {{endforeach}} </ul> {{endif}} <h3 class='ipsType_minorHeading'>{lang="promoted_by"}</h3> {template="userLink" group="global" app="core" params="$staff"}, {datetime="$item->sent"} </div> </div> </div> </li> {{endforeach}} </ul> </div>
  19. Showing not exact amount in hovercard makes no sense.
  20. I thought it would be possible with a mod but apparently not. 🙂 Sorry to bother you guys
  21. @Fosters when you will fix this mod? It's completely not functional. Own up to your products! You charge money and all you do is ignore these bug reports, you don't communicate as to when these will be fixed. No accountability on your part whatsoever. @Jordan Invision is IPS fine with having developers with this kind of work ethic on its marketplace?
  22. Forgot to tag you guys @Jordan Invision @Matt 😄 as usual
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