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    Michael.J got a reaction from craigf136 in Reply to status update widget (Support)   
    I'll look into getting the reply added at the bottom like the display is done. I didn't really look too deeply into sorting but will see if it can be sorted differently.
    I'll also take a look at if moderator options can be added but still maintain a compact design.
    I think I got you. I'll include for next version.
  2. Like
    Michael.J got a reaction from Tripp★ in Reply to status update widget (Support)   
    I'll look into getting the reply added at the bottom like the display is done. I didn't really look too deeply into sorting but will see if it can be sorted differently.
    I'll also take a look at if moderator options can be added but still maintain a compact design.
    I think I got you. I'll include for next version.
  3. Like
    Michael.J reacted to Greg W in Reply to status update widget (Support)   
    I believe that when you first put a reply, it appears at the top, but if you refresh your screen, it should put them in the order you want them.
    At least that is the way mine appears to work
  4. Like
    Michael.J reacted to Steve Hull in Videos Support   
    Yes, I think so.  The reason I don't like it being fixed there is because I need something else above it, so being a widget I could move it further down the sidebar, or it could be left off if somebody doesn't want it.  None of the main IPB applications have anything like that, the sidebar is available to be used however somebody wants.
    Yes, just like the Gallery page - I think that would look great so that "media" type applications have the same look & feel.
    In the admin section you could have checkboxes for the blocks the user wants on the main page ie. Categories, New, Featured - perhaps with the abilty to change sort order.  Then if somebody has loads of categories they can choose whether or not they want to show them or not, if they like how it looks or not.
    Another option could be to allow user to feature either videos or categories, so if they have a lot of categories they could just choose the main ones they want to feature.
  5. Like
    Michael.J got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Videos Support   
    So just a direct copy of the fixed sidebar categories block into a widget? I was toying with that idea when I first built the home page. Might be an issue if you've got a lot of categories though. I can include a widget next version that is just a copy of the current block if you want?
    Like the Gallery albums at the top, like how it shows the latest image from each album? That actually might be a better option and more media focused then the current approach. Let me know if you have any further thoughts on this. The only issue might be if someone had a lot of categories, might need to be some kind of cut off that will link to the view all categories page.
    Have you considered the Tutorials app? I try to avoid as much as possible releasing new apps if someone has already built it.
  6. Like
    Michael.J reacted to Carl M in Videos Support   
  7. Like
    Michael.J reacted to Netherlord in Videos Support   
    here is mine. http://www.conspiracyoutpost.com/videos/
  8. Like
    Michael.J reacted to Greg W in Donations Support   
    Thanks for that, I have now set it up like that and will let you know if I still have issues
  9. Like
    Michael.J got a reaction from ernis2022 in Reply to status update widget (Support)   
    Adds status replies and add reply support to the "Recent Status Updates" widget, similar to how IPB 3.4 worked.
    Expand/collapse toggle for displaying status replies.  Add status reply form and save using ajax. Set a status reply limit before directed to members profile page. Enable or disable text truncate for status replies. Optional setting to include status reply reputation. Modifies the existing core widget, just upload plugin and your done.
  10. Like
    Michael.J reacted to chilihead in Reply to status update widget (Support)   
    Excellent! Now I am one step closer to upgrading to 4. Will get when I do, great work!
  11. Like
    Michael.J reacted to craigf136 in Reply to status update widget (Support)   
    Great work @Mike John
  12. Like
    Michael.J got a reaction from Heyhoe in Videos Support   
    I can setup a demo board if you would like?
  13. Like
    Michael.J got a reaction from PK E 12 in Reply to status update widget (Support)   
    Adds status replies and add reply support to the "Recent Status Updates" widget, similar to how IPB 3.4 worked.
    Expand/collapse toggle for displaying status replies.  Add status reply form and save using ajax. Set a status reply limit before directed to members profile page. Enable or disable text truncate for status replies. Optional setting to include status reply reputation. Modifies the existing core widget, just upload plugin and your done.
  14. Like
    Michael.J reacted to broni in Auto Welcome Support   
  15. Like
    Michael.J reacted to Newbee100 in Videos Support   
    I did the update and everything is OK. What is this extra option Video - adds a new title and URL address - what is their purpose?
  16. Like
    Michael.J got a reaction from 365636_1415822525 in Donations Support   
    I'm aiming to have the next version out before the end of this week. If it is delayed further, I'm more then happy to put together some file edits or apply the patch for you.
  17. Like
    Michael.J got a reaction from The Old Man in Donations Support   
    I'm aiming to have the next version out before the end of this week. If it is delayed further, I'm more then happy to put together some file edits or apply the patch for you.
  18. Like
    Michael.J reacted to Arai in Donations Support   
    Bingo!, through all these experiments I'm starting to get the hang of ips coding.
    Thank you ipsPad_half did the trick.
  19. Like
    Michael.J got a reaction from Arai in Donations Support   
    How about replacing with ipsPad_half ?
  20. Like
    Michael.J got a reaction from Newbee100 in Videos Support   
    No v3.0.3 should be right to upgrade from.
  21. Like
    Michael.J reacted to 365636_1415822525 in Donations Support   
    Happy to wait if a new release is not far off. Many thanks.
  22. Like
    Michael.J reacted to Trevor Brandt in Auto Welcome Support   
    I'm not using Facebook, so I'm not sure. I think they were spam accounts though that were not getting fully deleted due to my settings. I've added a question and answer to the registration form, and it seems to have stopped. So I don't believe it was anything to do with the app. Thank you for responding so quickly though, I appreciate it!
  23. Like
    Michael.J got a reaction from Trevor Brandt in Auto Welcome Support   
    Are you using v2.4.4? If you had a SSO/Facebook signup that enters their display name back is flagged as a spam account, IPB deletes that member straight away. But the very latest version of the app should exclude those accounts with no usernames for now.
  24. Like
    Michael.J reacted to AutoItScript in Auto Welcome Support   
    That worked, thank you.
  25. Like
    Michael.J got a reaction from AutoItScript in Auto Welcome Support   
    New version uploaded that should fix this now.
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