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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. There are a LOT of settings that would depend on your site. Why don't we start with what don't you understand about it?
  2. Cloudfront is a CDN (meaning serving content from multiple locations around the world to have static content such as images and stylesheets closer to the end user). S3 is actual file storage. Regarding Cloudfront, if you're using IPS hosting... it's already using Cloudfront. If you are self-hosted, it's more involved. You need to setup an S3 bucket to store those static files, and get it configured... then configure Cloudfront to use that S3 bucket as the origin. Even once you have CF setup, you need to evaluate your caching settings to figure out what should be cached and for how long, especially if you're going to use the CDN to serve theme files which get regenerated frequently. (You don't want Cloudfront serving an old version of the JS files for example from cache when your board is expecting a different/changed version.)
  3. If you're hosted in CIC, there is not a separate "sandbox" or "development" instance. You would need to purchase a new instance OR have a self-hosted license that you use for testing purposes. Regarding restoring... an IPS member will have to help with that. Remember you're going to lose all content (topics, posts, new user registrations, etc) from whatever time the last backup was until the time it's actually restored.
  4. Given the time frame to support ES7... most likely around the time ES9 is out. 😄
  5. Either rename it in the Language settings or remove the item and add a manual external link with whatever name you like. 🙂
  6. The Products from commerce should be able to be renamed from the language settings in the ACP. It may be possible to rename the 3rd party one if they used language strings when creating the app.
  7. If someone reports a PM, the specific message reported shows in the report center. If you click on the title of the PM, it lets you view the FULL PM conversation along with a list of all people that are part of the conversation. That conversation is only viewable if it is reported.
  8. I would ask what your concern is by AWS being the only one with the data. If it’s “what happens if AWS S3 loses my data”, there are tools within S3 to store data in multiple availability zones. There are also tools to do for example daily backups in case something is deleted by mistake. You can even write scripts to clone an S3 bucket to a remote non-S3 server. However those options would want to be done outside of IPB. Those are in your backup or BCDR processes, not your operations processes.
  9. It looks like the "Popular Now" widget with a different name. (I was personally assuming it was the Popular Now widget anyway. haha)
  10. By the way... it looks like the result is gone from the Similar Content widget. (I don't see it there.) But I assume the page itself is just not made public yet. I was accessing the URL posted. So that would explain why I can't get it if it's still not supposed to be visible and the fix was to have it gone from the sidebar. 😄
  11. So that it's easier to copy/paste... 2T187/3 is the error code.
  12. I have a permission error when accessing it. (At least via the link posted.)
  13. Allan, As a best practice, setup the security questions yourself and provide the answers in your client notes. I used the same answer to all of the questions to make it easier.
  14. When I try to access the link, I get an invalid SSL certificate. It’s trying to say it’s really: cdn-edge-us-central1-l0f4.cdn.siteground.net After ignoring that warning, I see it trying to load the old domain. After you had your host switch the domain, did you edit your conf_global.php to provide the new one? Afterwards did you rebuild your system cache in the ACP?
  15. Isn’t that a super handy feature?! Glad you were able to figure it out. 🙂
  16. Parker do you have any other instances of IPB that exists? A dev or a restored backup? If so those instances might be each making a transaction. Have you looked in your stripe API logs to see what is going on?
  17. Ahhhh if you’re on CIC that should be taken care of already. I thought you were self hosted. Sorry.
  18. You could create a cloudflare rule to turn off WAF or whatever was blocking it for just that one URL or folder.
  19. A 500 error… interesting. I seem to recall needing a htaccess file setup when I integrated stripe. Is that setup properly? (It would explain why it might not be able to call IPS web hook properly.)
  20. When I had transactions show up as uncaptured, what happened was Stripe could not post back to my IPB. It was a firewall issue where those posts never made it back to the IPB webhook. Take a look in your stripe developer logs and see if there are any transaction errors. (And have you made sure Stripe has the IPB web hook defined?)
  21. You can certainly extend it by creating your own ckeditor plugin or potentially use an existing one that was created. A quick Google search found: https://ckeditor.com/cke4/addon/markdown Just make sure you use a version compatible with the one IPS uses (4.X not 5.X).
  22. Doing what you’re doing now is what taught me to be a sysadmin. So it’s a great way to learn. Just make sure you understand the risk and the responsibility. You could incur longer downtime than you might like while dealing with a trial by fire. If this is a mission critical site, it might make you take on some losses. Otherwise if you’re OK with just working on it until you figure it out, that’s great. My journey started 15 years ago and fixing broken things helped me learn a ton. It’s a great skill to have so I won’t talk bad about it. Just make sure you understand what you’re getting into. 🙂
  23. IPS does not officially support nginx. You would want to use the latest stable Apache. With IPB 4.7, PHP 8.0.X is recommended. You can use 7.4, but it will eventually be deprecated. I generally recommend using PHP-FPM for better memory management but either is fine really. Regarding MySQL, I would use MySQL 5.7. 8 generally works but I’ve seen a few gotchas so I would just stick with it since it’s known to be pretty rock solid. You can check if your environment meets IPS requirements with the following script: If you are not comfortable being a system admin, you might not want to use an unmanaged host. Literally you’re responsible for it. IPS is not going to support you configuring your server. If it won’t work and it’s a server issue, they’re going to tell you to talk to your host. That means in an unmanaged scenario “good luck you’re on you’re own.”
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