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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. Cloudflare is inbound protection only as it integrates via DNS. Your server communications to other sites is outbound. The server cannot route outbound requests through CF. So CF should not be related.
  2. Out of curiosity, how is a rewrite specifically benefitting you outside of what Matt noted?
  3. Something you could do for now if you have access to a WAF is to block non US countries from accessing domain.com/register. That would deny them access to the signup form.
  4. You can search in specific forums from the full search page. Not the quick search function. See @My Sharona’s post above as an example. If you had 100 forums for example it would be unwieldy to have it on every single page in the quick search.
  5. What exactly are you changing? You might try to revert the code back to default and then make sure your change contains valid html and markup.
  6. All content includes content from everywhere (that is available to the user)… forums, gallery, pages etc Also you’re not actually searching “forums”. You’re searching for content inside of topics which happen to be in forums.
  7. It’s already live if you buy a new license. https://invisioncommunity.com/buy/self-hosted/ If you have an existing self hosted license you can change to the new license price/terms from inside the client area.
  8. It will simply mean users cannot get push notifications sent to their browser. If you don’t care about that, it can remain disabled.
  9. If they're not longer responsive, the same thing that would happen even if the marketplace remained open... you could continue using the application as long as it works. But given there are no new updates or support... it would mean if you run into problems later you would be on your own in terms of figuring out what the problem is. IPS does not own the plugins/applications. It's not for them to give to someone else. That would be like me giving your website to someone else. It's not my right to do that. 🙂
  10. I show ads to guests also. But as much of an issue as I thought having cached content would be… I can tell you from my own experience, it was not a problem.
  11. The problem is that when you get beyond the country level, the accuracy of identifying where users are coming from literally craters. I work for a large CDN that bases its business on knowing where users are coming from and I can tell you it’s HARD. The databases (especially free ones) out there are essentially trash and useless.
  12. That does not sound like what he’s saying at all. He simply is saying that it is not going to be in IPB5. I don’t personally like the choice to remove support tickets either, but I don’t get snarky about it. In the past, developers could not re-create features that were removed from IPB. That rule was recently changed. So if someone thinks they can figure out how to make a support system, they’re welcome to try and offer it themselves and support it. IPS does not want to deal with things like e-mail piping and legacy technologies that don’t really get used anymore in modern applications. That means if someone else feels IPS is just being lazy and does not know what they’re doing, they’re welcome to prove them wrong and do it.
  13. I thought this might be a problem when I moved a year ago, but it honestly was not. If someone needs a live view, login. In fact, that can be an encouragement to signup to get instant updates. Caching the content has been great for Google… it has gotten better speed results than without as well.
  14. No. Moving to v5 will require accepting the new license terms. If you want to accept those terms early, you can gain access to the new pricing structure immediately including having access to all of the applications. Those that do not want the new terms can stay on v4.
  15. Remember this is happening outside of the IPB software itself. That check is being done by the WAF. It’s not aware of your theme settings etc. it’s not “themeable”.
  16. If you are referring to the self hosted version… the website calls this out: This means a new license costs $499 to purchase. After a year, if you want to continue receiving support and updates… it costs either $199 for an additional year or $19 per month. In the not so recent past, each of the modules (downloads, gallery, pages, etc) used to have a separate cost/renewal. IPS recently switched their pricing model to include all of the core components.
  17. Does this happen with a default theme? This could also be a problem with your theme.
  18. Given the functionality works as currently designed… that would be a suggestion to make in the feedback forum. 🙂
  19. The notes section in your client area is a good spot that all IPS team members can access. 🙂
  20. Like anything EVENTUALLY you will need to upgrade. For example when PHP 8.X eventually becomes end of life and no support for it is available. What Charles is saying is that time frame is so far out, they don’t even know when it is yet. You literally have YEARS before that point. By never upgrading under no circumstances ever… you are going to subject your users to eventually running the equivalent of Windows 95. This can eventually allow your user’s data to be stolen and your site compromised. There is not even a timeline yet for when IPB5 will be released yet… so whatever that ends up being, add some years to it. If you seriously can’t figure out an upgrade path in that time, I would suggest not running a site at all.
  21. Are you able to send a test message to them? Their mail server may be rejecting emails from your server.
  22. Take a look at the following: There is a section around what to do once you have changed the license.
  23. It is fixed in 4.7.13. Generally IPS does not promote manually editing files and instead will recommend waiting for the version to be released.
  24. It sounds like you have a problem mapping fastcgi properly so that it passes requests to the server for processing. https://antonlytvynov.medium.com/nginx-serves-php-downloads-instead-of-executing-6d0442c579a6 It’s also possible your converted htaccess logic is interfering with how requests are mapped and needs to be adapted. These sorts of issues are server related and not related to IPB itself. If you are not comfortable managing server configurations, I would recommend looking at IPS’s cloud offering which takes care of managing all of the underlying technology stacks.
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