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Posts posted by jackflash

  1. 23 hours ago, teraßyte said:

    Are you using this SMF forum? Based on your reply, you didn't even know it was there, I guess not. You can ignore/remove it. Or, if there are some posts or other content, and you want to preserve/import it, you can use the converter application after upgrading to 4.7.


    As for the steps to upgrade to 4.7, what you're doing won't work because you also need to change the PHP version as I mentioned before. You need to proceed with a manual upgrade. If you follow the instructions in the IPS guide I linked, you'll be okay and the data will be retained.


    If you're still uncomfortable doing the manual upgrade yourself, there's also the option of hiring a 3rd party Provider to do the upgrade for you: https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers-directory/

    I'm also on that list if you want to send me a PM.

    I'm interesting in having a site upgraded from 4.3.6 to current.  What are the details and your rates?

  2. Just a shout out to Team Invision:

    We upgraded a site running 4.2.4 (how old is that?) today to the current version of 4.7.15 and it went really smooth.  The site has about 20,000 members (not sure how many topics), but the upgrade didn't take long at all. 😍

    We have two big sites running 4.3.6, which we're going to upgrade this week too!

  3. 8 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

    No matter what anyone says, you're not going to like it.  And that's OK.  We all have things that we want.  There are things I've wanted for *20 years*.  

    That's super unfair and not a fair comparison.  Setting up a Shopify account was not something done by the development team.  Matt did not spend hours setting it up taking away from other development efforts.  It was done by the sales/marketing folks (Jordan, Charles, etc).  There are different people within IPS that do different things.  Some of that involves development, some of it involves other things.  

    Again...  it's not about you or me.  It's about what IPS needs for a majority of their customers.  That's not on us to determine.  What IS for us to determine is to look at the features that are there and make a decision if it works for us.  If it does, great...  use the product.  If not, we look elsewhere.  

    Personally for me, while there are features I would like to see...  the features that exist are more important which is why I'm still here.  If that situation were to change, I would find another solution.  

    There has been about a dozen people who've commented in this thread asking for it over 6 YEARS.  So while it may be important to some folks, it's not something that "everyone" is clamoring for.  Again...  it comes down to what does the MAJORITY of users need?  If this is such important functionality, there are some great third party developers you could engage to create the solution.  

    But personally I think you're going a little overboard to say that IPS does not listen to its customers because a few feature requests that you want don't make it into the product.  

    What are you even talking about?  IPS IS a software company, which makes e-commerce software; however, doesn't use it to power its own store?  How is this supposed to inspire confidence in their products?

    9 hours ago, CheersnGears said:

    It's been approximately 48,228 hours since the original request was made. Multiply that by, what..? Probably 4 developers and you've got 191,912 hours.

    So yeah.. take out holidays and weekends, and they've only had 150,000ish hours to work on a function that already exists in two other sections of their code. 

    You'll probably we waiting just as long, or longer, for your 10 features as well. 

    It's the unfortunate reality of Invision Power and has been for years.... unless one of their enterprise customers wants it, it doesn't get done.  Us peasants here on the ground don't matter. 


    The gallery app hasn't been substantially updated in 5-years - at this point, they should NOT even be charging for it.

  4. Solved !

    FYI for anyone, which has runs into this issue.  The host couldn't find any errors in the log for this. 

    I sent her to this topic and she noticed the first screenshot, which shows PHP 8.0.16.  She expressed that running PHP 8.x was causing the error, so we downgraded it back to 7.x and this solved every issue.


  5. 15 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Unfortunately, not the error in question. That is stating you’re missing an index file but is not related to the issue as that not the right directory. 

    ONCE AGAIN, WHERE CAN I SEND YOU THE LOG or access to the C-Panel????????????

    If I knew the technical details on how to fix this, I would.  This discussion in a public forum is just dragging out.

    @Marc Stridgencan you PLEASE help!

  6. 12 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    You can post it here and strip any private info as you did earlier or message the entry to me. Please do not post/message the whole log, only the corresponding entry. 

    [autoindex:error] [pid 408425:tid 22420960093952] [client] AH01276: Cannot serve directory /home3/qyyqkgmy/public_html/: No matching DirectoryIndex (index.html.var,index.htm,index.html,index.shtml,index.xhtml,index.wml,index.perl,index.pl,index.plx,index.ppl,index.cgi,index.jsp,index.js,index.jp,index.php4,index.php3,index.php,index.phtml,default.htm,default.html,home.htm,index.php5,Default.html,Default.htm,home.html) found, and server-generated directory index forbidden by Options directive

  7. 27 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Unfortunately, I am hitting an Internal Server Error before the system is even starting here. Could you please check your server error logs entries for just a few moments ago? 

    Do you need access to Cpanel?  I can't see anything in reference to the specific site in question.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. 

    We look forward to further assisting you. 


    Information added.

  9. Ran the PHP and this is what it returned - looks good:


    Got to here and then the screen goes white


    Tried to start the upgrade again and this screen appears:


    After I continue the "Continue Upgrade," screen goes white again.

    Not sure what's happening or why?

    Error Log:

    08-Mar-2022 20:00:47 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Declaration of IPS\core\_Stream::roots($permissionCheck = 'view', $member = null, $where = []) must be compatible with IPS\Node\_Model::roots($permissionCheck = 'view', $member = null, $where = [], $limit = null) in /XX.com/applications/core/sources/Stream/Stream.php on line 95
    [08-Mar-2022 20:00:53 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Declaration of IPS\core\_Stream::roots($permissionCheck = 'view', $member = null, $where = []) must be compatible with IPS\Node\_Model::roots($permissionCheck = 'view', $member = null, $where = [], $limit = null) in /XX.com/applications/core/sources/Stream/Stream.php on line 95

    I re uploaded the Stream.php file, but the upgrade still hangs up and fails.

  10. We have updated a site today and have noticed that the custom blocks are now missing and there doesn't see an option to creating them again?  I have checked the 'Manage Blocks' tab on the front page of the site and it isn't there.  Has it been moved?

  11. 17 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    They do. In Pages app.

    That's not native to the forum though, which it should be.

    Why would one need to purchase a pages app in order to have the ability to add a custom block on a forum?

  12. On 4/28/2021 at 5:20 PM, The Old Man said:

    Well I finally gave this a go and I couldn't get it to work. I kept getting a 401 error when testing the connection and their plug-in was saying I was trying to use OAuth instead of OAuth2 in IPS. I also tried the Custom option instead of the Invision option in the WP plug-in, in case.

    I was following Option B IPS as the server, but I think in fairness it was very likely my fault because I was working on a WP staging site for a client which currently requires a PW to log into as yet so I think that was affecting the redirect. I even tried disabling Cloudflare on it in case.

    BTW the guidance seems to be somewhat outdated, screenshots, some typos, no mention of installing a htaccess etc, so I reported to let them know there's been some changes.

    Sorry I couldn't confirm for you, I will definitely be using it when the WP site launches and I think it will work.

    Thanks for the. note - sorry that I missed reading it earlier.  I'll give it a go next week.

  13. 15 hours ago, CoffeeCake said:

    FYI, if you haven't run across it, there's also this:

    I don't use it, and the description sounds like it uses Wordpress as the main authentication mechanism.

    We do use OAuth for backend systems integrated with IPS similarly to how is described in what you linked. You receive a prompt asking you to authorize the login and approve the scopes, and it's not quite streamlined, but it works. We don't use it in a public facing capacity, yet for backend things it works just fine.

    Thanks for the link and comments.

  14. On 4/10/2021 at 3:28 AM, Kjell Iver Johansen said:

    No not at all.

    Just a sidenote:

    But english is not my first language and I try my best to understand the humour  and «in between lines stuff» that happens in a language that is not my first language.

    My grandmother spoke at least European 12 languages.  During our conversations, she would often pause before telling me something and explaining that I wouldn't understand a certain proverb or joke because it was from x-culture.

  15. 10 hours ago, Jordan Invision said:

    why not write something out every time you feel compelled to use a sad reaction? I imagine it'd make the person you're quoting feel seen and heard far more than a sad reaction. 

    I'm not completely opposed to adding the sad reaction back, but I am also having trouble advocating for this change. Communities are designed for members to contribute and convey emotion. Sadness is an emotion (imo) that deserves some extra attention. 


    Why even have reactions at all if a user can't simply chose one to convey their thoughts?


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