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Adriano Faria

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Everything posted by Adriano Faria

  1. You have 4 different errors in the first post. This one above is the second of your list and it is related to a plugin that changes/adds something to the Gallery image view.
  2. Most likely a 3rd-party resource is causing this. Check out the error in your logs: ACP -> System-> Support -> Error logs
  3. What's New in Version 1.1.1: Fix: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/443833-anonymous-browsing-toggle-support-topic/?do=findComment&comment=2940782
  4. Probably not a bug and it happens due to the buttons that shows up only to logged in users but it would look better if the blue bar had the same height for guests and registered users. Mobile phone. Default unmodified theme with no 3rd-party resource extending this specific area. Thank you.
  5. Couldn’t agree more. I'm evaluating whether it's worth keeping development when IPS5 is released. I'm probably one of the top earners due to the insane number of resources available but It's not worth it anymore. So much hassle for so little return. It definitely used to be better. In my specific case, while I have a lot to deal with/support, it's not a lack of support or new stuff. It is just what the marketplace became… and that’s it.
  6. https://invisioncommunity.com/contact-us Choose Accounts and Billing.
  7. And with this you can make the field a required:
  8. Click in the notification icon in your ACP: Then Notifications settings then enable Receive email notification? on A new member has completed registration.
  9. What's New in Version 1.2.0: Plugin converted to an application due to an IPS request. Instructions: Simply install the application and it will take care of everything: Will copy the plugin data to a proper application table Will copy the settings Will uninstall the plugin
  10. I really don't like to make workarounds! I'm not sure will even try it.
  11. Ok, I’ll link myself. Thanks @ibaker, reply to the message, please.
  12. If he purchased here, as he said, he couldn’t update manually; manual upload isn’t an option.
  13. @Marc Stridgen Could you please fix this? The user said has updated his board recently so I’m not sure why the files weren’t linked to marketplace. He got active licenses for the 3 resources so we’ll need you to link them to marketplace. These are the files: Thank you.
  14. I should have left them. I didn’t receive anything from you. Check the participants list at the top of the message. https://invisioncommunity.com/clients/purchases/
  15. I’m not sure what you’re talking about. I have only one message from you back from 2020 when I sent you Books app, not sure why. I see you have the 3 apps in your license but they are expired. You have to renew them to get the latest and compatible version, then I’ll request to someone from IPS to change them from CUSTOM to MARKETPLACE so you can update them when new versions are released. You are using versions from IPS 4.5/4.6.
  16. You can choose who can use and who can view a profile field. That’s what it does.
  17. Ok, it wasn't doing all the stuff. This resource was only updating the session, on which the online list is based: \IPS\Session::i()->setAnon(); The rest of the places pointed out by you are checked by the method isOnlineAnonymously(), which checks a bitwise value on the members table (is_anon). So after the change I've made locally, it is working in all places: I will update the marketplace version and should be available in a few days.
  18. No. I'll make some more deep tests using two accounts to see how it goes. One account is anonymous and the other trying to view the user (content, profile, etc). I'll reply back later.
  19. Polls are added to the topic itself and will appear above first post. The forum and the user group must have permission to use polls. If it is an existing topic, user mist edit first post and then add the poll.
  20. Are you aware of any workaround for this? I need to hook in removeReaction() :
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