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Adriano Faria

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Everything posted by Adriano Faria

  1. I know it’s a feature suggestion for the Core and you probably already know but there’s a marketplace resource to accomplish that just in case you don’t want to wait.
  2. Hello, I have a new resource that adds a moderator permission and needs to send a notification to these moderators when a specific action happens. Item 1.1 of Marketplace Submission Guidelines says: It was already said to me in old ticket system that "there are things that can't be done in other way/there's only one way to do" or something like that, like methods from models, etc. So my question is basically in this part, for example, that can be found in \IPS\Content::report(): /* Send notification to mods */ $moderators = array( 'm' => array(), 'g' => array() ); foreach ( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_moderators' ) as $mod ) { $canView = FALSE; if ( $mod['perms'] == '*' ) { $canView = TRUE; } if ( $canView === FALSE ) { $perms = json_decode( $mod['perms'], TRUE ); if ( isset( $perms['can_view_reports'] ) AND $perms['can_view_reports'] === TRUE ) { $canView = TRUE; } } if ( $canView === TRUE ) { $moderators[ $mod['type'] ][] = $mod['id']; } } $notification = new \IPS\Notification( \IPS\Application::load('core'), 'report_center', $index, array( $index, $reportInsert, $this ) ); foreach ( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_members', ( \count( $moderators['m'] ) ? \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'member_id', $moderators['m'] ) . ' OR ' : '' ) . \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'member_group_id', $moderators['g'] ) . ' OR ' . \IPS\Db::i()->findInSet( 'mgroup_others', $moderators['g'] ) ) as $member ) { $notification->recipients->attach( \IPS\Member::constructFromData( $member ) ); } $notification->send(); That's exactly what I need: search for all moderators (unrestricted or that has a specific permission) but it would change basically the moderator permission name and the notification line. So the doubt is pretty straightforward: is it allowed/safe to use it? If no, how to check moderator permissions in "another way"? Thank you.
  3. I don't have only this file to support. No, I don't have any news on it. As it isn't crashing your board and it is a cosmetic issue, it is NOT urgent to me so it will wait.l
  4. It is to me now because @Stuart Silvester fixed. Probably some permission change.
  5. What's New in Version 1.0.15: Add new setting to admin choose the default ordering of the member list. Options are: Name Joined Date Content Count Reputation Points Achievements Points
  6. Nope, as the cart was designed to work only with Packages from Store (Commerce).
  7. You can't if you're CiC in the most basic plan. Someone from IPS can explain it better.
  8. I can. Send a message. 👍
  9. Because streama are not cached. IPS removed from blocks simply because it didn’t reflect the truth for the moment. Before you could see the unread dot and bold title, then you click to read the item (topic or anything else), go back to index and… the topic kept with unread dot and bold. It would remove them only when cache is updated. Simple like that. So people complain “why it is still bold if I already read it?”.
  10. I’ll take a look when I have to update the app.
  11. Can't reproduce: If you both can provide steps, I'm happy to test it again.
  12. I submitted yesterday a fix to the issue above yours. There's a pending version already. I'll take a look on this for the other version.
  13. No problem here: Same IPS and PHP versions from you. Also, I confirmed that isOnlineFromPC() isn't a Core method so you have another resource throwing this error in your board. I suggest to disable all resources and go enabling one by one so you can see which one is the one.
  14. Will test the app tomorrow in the morning. 4.6.10? PHP 7? 8?
  15. I don’t think so. I don’t recognize the isOnlineFromPC(). I’m not sure if this is from Core too. Do you have only this resource that does something in topic view?
  16. No, but you can use the following resource and set a high number of post count: Like 100,000. That means that only members in selected groups with 100,000 posts will be able to start new messages but they can receive and reply.
  17. This is there because there's a hook from this app running on it. Did you run the tool to rebuild the cache? Latest version removed only a blank space from a table name, like ' mytable' to 'mytable'. This has absolutely nothing to do with your report.
  18. Viewing your other topics, I guess this isn’t related to this resource.
  19. Removed by Spotify. They come from the same area from biography. At least you can disable those. I just edited the file description to reflect that information.
  20. And that’s the goal of the content message. You want to use comments in a not “designed” way, hence the lacking of permissions.
  21. You want to hide ALL or only 1 comment? If it’s only 1, you better use the Staff Note (content item message) instead. This is an example in Downloads but it’s all the same:
  22. You will know when a new version is released so follow both files to get notified. Till there, I have my own schedule of updates and I’m following it.
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