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Square Wheels

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Square Wheels

  1. I've never noticed that behavior before. I read posts on my site a few times a day. One thread might get 20 psots, it's only listed once in the stream. Not trying to argue with people, just pointing it out.
  2. Why would it list the same topic twice? I saw it earlier on the Hump Day post, it was listed three times, but I didn't take screen shot.
  3. Not sure where to post bugs. Today I've noticed items listed more than once.
  4. That's a great app; however, this should be built in.
  5. Is it possible to hide ads on mobile devices?
  6. Disabled all, cleared cache. Oddly, still shows.
  7. Very strange. I will see if there is another mod interfering with that switch not working for us. Thank you
  8. Index next to name Forum view next to name Individual post next to name Next to name where the likes are (Oddly only after you click like) I'm sure other places too Setting "View members flags" doesn't appear to have an effect.
  9. It is like that since version 1.0.0. Although the hover it's a profile card, I could let it show there too but I'll remove it. Seems to always show the flag. The only way to have it not show is to turn it off.
  10. Hi, Two issues. Typo, wannt Second, you can see I select not to see other members flags, I can see them on hover, and in the member view. I also see them in the unread view, and I suspect other places too. Thanks
  11. They turned it on for a few hours. Where should I send the log file? I'd prefer not to post it here. Thanks
  12. The host said they could turn on query logs, but that would likely cause a lot of overhead and slow the site down. I decided not to. Not sure what to do at this point. The times are now back to the unread page loading in 60+ seconds.
  13. Thank you, my host resolved a redis configuation issue.
  14. Do you have a Group Mention where we could put in something like @IPS_Spoprt in the "ticket" and all support staff would get notified? There is something like this in the Marketplace.
  15. Sorry, hopefully someone else can help.
  16. Do you allow external log ins such as Facebook? I do not believe those are validated. One of the reasons I turned all of the off.
  17. Does this allow them any advantages? View hidden posts, or something else? I approve every member manually. They go to the Validating Members section and I get an email when they join.
  18. All new members Unless you literally meant how, then it's under Login & Registration --> Registration.
  19. Thanks, I'll ask my host what's going on with redis
  20. Hi, I am seeing a lot of errors in the System Logs. Not sure what's triggering them. Could you take a look? No hurry. Thank you
  21. Hmm, I'm on 10.3, I don't see that warning. Also, never had an issue updating.
  22. This has been taking 60+ seconds to load https://squarewheelscycling.com/index.php?/discover/unread/ - it's been going on since the most recent release. Oddly, I just tried and it took 2 seconds. Where are the slow query logs?
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