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Everything posted by marklcfc

  1. Does this just mean that the emails will continue to bounce but I just won't be notified about it? so I won't be aware of how often it's happening.
  2. I would do that, but I've set it all up in amazon ses, guessing I'd have to set up a new email in ses called noreply@mysite to do that. But then I assume I'm still going to get the failures and I'm only bothered by it as I suspect it will harm my reputation on there having all these delivery failures which are so frequent when post before register is active. My bounce rate is quite high now and that's with me having post before register off for a while now How exactly and would that help with Amazon ses reputation or not?
  3. The actual users don't end up registering or in validating though, I just get a load of spam emails whenever Post before register is turned on.
  4. Does it affect post before register though? That's where I'm getting spam through and nowhere else
  5. Ok applied that patch, I don't use subscriptions though
  6. I ran the upgrade from 4.6.10 to 4.6.12 on Wednesday, but since then one of my moderators can't log in on his Kindle Fire. He can view the site as a guest on it but when going to log in he gets a page cannot be reached message. Any ideas? He's tried all the usual clearing cache/history and I don't have a Kindle to test it on. It works on other devices, it's just the Kindle.
  7. mysqldump --opt --user=db_username --password=db_password db_name --default-character-set=utf8mb4 | gzip > ./public/05apr.sql.gz Like this? Should the character set be present on a restore too?
  8. @Nathan Explosion I've been using this for forever, probably since around 2005 but still seems to work. How would I add the character set into it so it works? Or should I just change to your version? I prefer the smaller gz file size to download and keep mysqldump --opt --user=db_username --password=db_password db_name | gzip > ./public/05apr.sql.gz
  9. This one? Isn't showing a price. And do you just install it and it works or any other setting up? Isn
  10. Can I for the post before register page?
  11. I just have an app for login purposes, I was creating a new one for this but never worked
  12. I tried this months ago following the old guide and nothing ever worked. Absolutely clueless what to do with it
  13. Where is the option to seelct oembed now? Not that it'll work
  14. So there's no way to stop it? I'm still getting lots of these emails email failures
  15. On spam prevention I have Invisible reCAPTCHA selected
  16. In the past hour I’ve had around 40 spam failure to deliver messages. It’s happened twice in that hour, around 20 times within a minute, different emails in every failure. Its happening through the post through register from what I see, but how they are doing it so fast I don’t know. Any ideas? I’ve turned it off temporarily Example of one
  17. Do you have to pay now? I added the free trial billing option but it said when the trial ran out it will stop working unless I choose one of the paid plans
  18. It's gone back to not working again, last time when I cleared cache it started working again but now it won't no matter what. I went into the settings and entered the API again and it wouldn't accept it as Invision was telling me to set up a billing again. I've gone ahead and done that for a test but the maps still don't show, so now I've cancelled the billing as I'm not paying to display a map. But why would the maps stop showing?
  19. If I can connect my account on this page does that mean the registration part is all working fine too? https://invisioncommunity.com/settings/login/?service=2
  20. Does this take into account archived topics? If not, the counts will be much reduced.
  21. Not all new features but needed, as I suggest every time a topic like this appears. Night mode button. Ask certain members to revalidate their email. (bounced email occasions) Merge old member title with new rank system, so the ranks title becomes editable after # of posts, and place that title under the username.
  22. I use this similar to you, where post count is more than 1, is this not fixed in 4.6.11? I'm still on 4.6.10.
  23. Sometimes you get troublesome posters in certain topics and the only way to stop it is through restricting by forum (via a different member group). I'd rather just be able to stop them posting in one topic, but ok to post everywhere else.
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