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  1. Like
    Dreadknux reacted to Matt in Severe indexing issues from using plugins and apps vs robots.txt   
    We just block tab= in the robots.txt by default. I am thinking about a better solution for v5 where each tab gets its own FURL. It would be easy to do: site.com/articles/123-record/tab-content/ or something.
  2. Agree
    Dreadknux got a reaction from SoloInter in Invision Community 5: Tagging Reinvented   
    Thanks Matt - I do think there's value to having a portal where all tags are listed, as well. If I may be so bold as to suggest... perhaps there could still be a landing page that exists at www.site.com/tags/ that displays all tags through the site, while the Featured Content page (www.site.com/featured or whatever) can be a little more bespoke/selective based on what tags the admin wants to put front and centre?
    That seems like an elegant solution to me (and it offers users a useful place to go and browse through content if they ever get bored - at the moment in V4 /tag/ or /tags/ doesn't lead anywhere so it might also put something contextually useful there?)
    Thanks also for the added detail on how the Featured options work - based on the "Featured Reply" GIF you shared, would that reply also appear on the Featured Content landing page, or will that reply simply appear at the top of the topic?
  3. Agree
    Dreadknux got a reaction from PrettyPixels in Invision Community 5: Tagging Reinvented   
    Thanks Matt - I do think there's value to having a portal where all tags are listed, as well. If I may be so bold as to suggest... perhaps there could still be a landing page that exists at www.site.com/tags/ that displays all tags through the site, while the Featured Content page (www.site.com/featured or whatever) can be a little more bespoke/selective based on what tags the admin wants to put front and centre?
    That seems like an elegant solution to me (and it offers users a useful place to go and browse through content if they ever get bored - at the moment in V4 /tag/ or /tags/ doesn't lead anywhere so it might also put something contextually useful there?)
    Thanks also for the added detail on how the Featured options work - based on the "Featured Reply" GIF you shared, would that reply also appear on the Featured Content landing page, or will that reply simply appear at the top of the topic?
  4. Like
    Dreadknux got a reaction from SoloInter in Invision Community 5: Tagging Reinvented   
    Me, having used the alpha V5 site for a while, upon seeing the topic be about tags...

    Me, after having read Matt's post...

    This soundsย reallyย cool - a fantastic way to revitalise both the tagging system and content discovery across the platform. In my community, I did try to let users tag things themselves, but they often didn't bother and it was usually left to mods/staff - so I am not mourning the lack of open tags going forward...
    But this new cross-functional tagging system, coupled with the Featured Content page, sounds like it will be a godsend for my community. Oftentimes community members will post news in the forum before our 'official news staff' get round to writing about it, so being able to tag the forum post as 'news' and guaranteeing it will sit in the same "news" space as our 'official' news articles is something I've been dreaming about!
    The only piece of the puzzle missing for me in that regard is how well this feature will pair with the CMS/Pages "Copy to Database" system, which my 'official news team' uses a lot (both in terms of avoiding duplicate records appearing in the tag page, making sure linked Page/Topics are unified in search results, and ensuring Topic OPs are kept visible when converted while still prioritising any Page content as the 'canonical content').
    I had a couple questions regarding the tag pages and featured content section:
    What determines the posts that appear at the very top of the Featured Content page (the top three items)? Is it the most recent 'Featured' posts across any/all tags? Can we decide which tags can be included on the Featured Content page, or is it automated? Regarding the URL, are we able to set alternative FURLs for certain tag pages (for example, I might want the news tag page to be our site's actual news homepage, so it would be better to have the URL for this as www.site.com/news rather than www.site.com/tags/news)? I hate to ask this but needs must... what are the opportunities for ad placements on the Featured Content/tags page? Will there be ad blocks we can use for the post grid, or will be only be able to place ads above/below certain sections/areas? Thanks so much for another amazing feature update. Really surprised me with this one. ๐Ÿ™‚
    BTW, it looks like I'll be setting a calendar alert for the 21st June then... ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Like
    Dreadknux got a reaction from Mike G. in Invision Community 5: Tagging Reinvented   
    Me, having used the alpha V5 site for a while, upon seeing the topic be about tags...

    Me, after having read Matt's post...

    This soundsย reallyย cool - a fantastic way to revitalise both the tagging system and content discovery across the platform. In my community, I did try to let users tag things themselves, but they often didn't bother and it was usually left to mods/staff - so I am not mourning the lack of open tags going forward...
    But this new cross-functional tagging system, coupled with the Featured Content page, sounds like it will be a godsend for my community. Oftentimes community members will post news in the forum before our 'official news staff' get round to writing about it, so being able to tag the forum post as 'news' and guaranteeing it will sit in the same "news" space as our 'official' news articles is something I've been dreaming about!
    The only piece of the puzzle missing for me in that regard is how well this feature will pair with the CMS/Pages "Copy to Database" system, which my 'official news team' uses a lot (both in terms of avoiding duplicate records appearing in the tag page, making sure linked Page/Topics are unified in search results, and ensuring Topic OPs are kept visible when converted while still prioritising any Page content as the 'canonical content').
    I had a couple questions regarding the tag pages and featured content section:
    What determines the posts that appear at the very top of the Featured Content page (the top three items)? Is it the most recent 'Featured' posts across any/all tags? Can we decide which tags can be included on the Featured Content page, or is it automated? Regarding the URL, are we able to set alternative FURLs for certain tag pages (for example, I might want the news tag page to be our site's actual news homepage, so it would be better to have the URL for this as www.site.com/news rather than www.site.com/tags/news)? I hate to ask this but needs must... what are the opportunities for ad placements on the Featured Content/tags page? Will there be ad blocks we can use for the post grid, or will be only be able to place ads above/below certain sections/areas? Thanks so much for another amazing feature update. Really surprised me with this one. ๐Ÿ™‚
    BTW, it looks like I'll be setting a calendar alert for the 21st June then... ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. Haha
    Dreadknux got a reaction from Matt in Invision Community 5: Tagging Reinvented   
    Me, having used the alpha V5 site for a while, upon seeing the topic be about tags...

    Me, after having read Matt's post...

    This soundsย reallyย cool - a fantastic way to revitalise both the tagging system and content discovery across the platform. In my community, I did try to let users tag things themselves, but they often didn't bother and it was usually left to mods/staff - so I am not mourning the lack of open tags going forward...
    But this new cross-functional tagging system, coupled with the Featured Content page, sounds like it will be a godsend for my community. Oftentimes community members will post news in the forum before our 'official news staff' get round to writing about it, so being able to tag the forum post as 'news' and guaranteeing it will sit in the same "news" space as our 'official' news articles is something I've been dreaming about!
    The only piece of the puzzle missing for me in that regard is how well this feature will pair with the CMS/Pages "Copy to Database" system, which my 'official news team' uses a lot (both in terms of avoiding duplicate records appearing in the tag page, making sure linked Page/Topics are unified in search results, and ensuring Topic OPs are kept visible when converted while still prioritising any Page content as the 'canonical content').
    I had a couple questions regarding the tag pages and featured content section:
    What determines the posts that appear at the very top of the Featured Content page (the top three items)? Is it the most recent 'Featured' posts across any/all tags? Can we decide which tags can be included on the Featured Content page, or is it automated? Regarding the URL, are we able to set alternative FURLs for certain tag pages (for example, I might want the news tag page to be our site's actual news homepage, so it would be better to have the URL for this as www.site.com/news rather than www.site.com/tags/news)? I hate to ask this but needs must... what are the opportunities for ad placements on the Featured Content/tags page? Will there be ad blocks we can use for the post grid, or will be only be able to place ads above/below certain sections/areas? Thanks so much for another amazing feature update. Really surprised me with this one. ๐Ÿ™‚
    BTW, it looks like I'll be setting a calendar alert for the 21st June then... ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. Haha
    Dreadknux reacted to Matt in Invision Community 5: Tagging Reinvented   
    Added a note on your account, thanks!ย ๐Ÿ˜‚
  8. Like
    Dreadknux got a reaction from Sonya* in Pages: Can't have two folders (in different locations) with the same name???   
    I'm currently working on a pretty large-scale archival project and am using Pages and custom wrappers/templates to pull it off. But a big requirement is to be able to have folders with the same name placed in different areas of the folder hierarchy, and bizarrely it seems as if I can't do that?
    For example, I have a 'games' folder here:
    And I have just tried to create another 'games' folder here:
    But the system won't let me.

    There's no reason for this error to appear unless I'm trying to make two 'games' folders in the same location, but I'm clearly not doing that.ย Please fix this in V5.
  9. Like
    Dreadknux reacted to Matt in Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps   
    Yes this. I stated the reasons for this in my post. We're still building the back-end services to support building and releasing v5 as we'll need to keep building and releasing v4 also. We need different endpoints for licensing, bulletins, etc.
    Waiting for that to be done will just delay testing further and there's a lot to test.
  10. Like
    Dreadknux got a reaction from Matt in Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps   
    I think Matt is simply saying that all users invited into the testing stage will only have a cloud version of V5 to try out. It's not about cloud customers versus classic customers.
  11. Like
    Dreadknux got a reaction from David N. in Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps   
    Looking forward to the next stage!
  12. Like
    Dreadknux got a reaction from Matt in Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps   
    Looking forward to the next stage!
  13. Like
    Dreadknux reacted to Jimi Wikman in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    Am I correct to assume that the blue arrows here have designated CSS classes or ID's?

    If that is true, then it is possible to style them so then you can have the transparent block below and above if you want. Same functionality and both UI's are possible.
    All through the magic of CSS ๐Ÿ˜‰
  14. Like
    Dreadknux reacted to Matt Finger in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    Yes, there is a clear formatting button, but more importantly the content is stored according to a predefined schema - this means that there will never be random styles or lines that are unexpected, even after pasting. Though you cannot have "whatever wherever however in the source", this becomes a big advantage for everyday users since the entire content state is achievable through the UI.
  15. Like
    Dreadknux got a reaction from TDBF in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    I tend to use the Source button these days simply to debug HTML that kind of goes wonky in custom CKEditor buttons I make. But if IPS adds an 'inline gallery' button in the new editor that allows me to insert groups of images in rows (the same way I can on a Wordpress blog), I won't really have a need to even do that.
    I think there's merit to having more advanced functions in the editor that allows for adding custom CSS classes to headers etc so admins/power users can really customise their content, but that's going outside of the realm of "common user" stuff. Just something I think would be great to add as the new editor evolves.
  16. Thanks
    Dreadknux got a reaction from Matt Finger in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    I tend to use the Source button these days simply to debug HTML that kind of goes wonky in custom CKEditor buttons I make. But if IPS adds an 'inline gallery' button in the new editor that allows me to insert groups of images in rows (the same way I can on a Wordpress blog), I won't really have a need to even do that.
    I think there's merit to having more advanced functions in the editor that allows for adding custom CSS classes to headers etc so admins/power users can really customise their content, but that's going outside of the realm of "common user" stuff. Just something I think would be great to add as the new editor evolves.
  17. Haha
    Dreadknux got a reaction from Jimi Wikman in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    It's really not, to be honest. Seriously, this weird "unmarked white space that exists but doesn't really unless you click it" idea is a nonsense - both in usability terms and in WYSIWYG standards. If your community members can't discern what a 'Title' field is, they're definitely not going to figure out whatever esoteric suggestion this is. ๐Ÿ™‚
    And I dare say that, if you know that your community mostly consists of people who are unable to operate forums, a small change to the post editor is really not going to move the needle for you one way or the other. I also don't know why you would decline to offer email support to people asking for help, but that is probably doing more harm to your cause than a blue arrow button ever could.
    Agreed. It's a pretty bizarre argument; "these contextual buttons that add lines above and below a quote box are simply too complicated for the common user! What they really need is a Source button to click on so they can dig into the HTML code, scroll to the line they need on their tiny mobile screen and add extra p tags and div containers!" ๐Ÿ˜‚
  18. Like
    Dreadknux got a reaction from Jimi Wikman in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    Whaaaaaat Matt F coming in with the clutch MVP post of the thread!? That's awesome news, thanks for sharing/teasing!
    Respectfully, I do not think your suggestion would really solve anything and in fact would make UX worse. Having extra space above/below the box area that is clickable-to-enable-text-input but is otherwise redundant will be super confusing to users, and would make the post editor not WYSIWYG compliant. Users need to see that what they're typing in the editor (and especially how it is presented in the editor) will be 100% accurate to how the post will appear on publish.
    I would recommend waiting for V5 to come out and trying out the icon. While every user's experience will of course be different and there will likely be room for improvement in the UI, in my view I really do not think any user (no matter their level of experience) will miss these two clear icons sitting in the box area:

    If a user is so inexperienced that you think they will not know what those buttons do, I will imagine the first thing said user would do is experiment and click those buttons to see what function they served. And there, problem solved.
    My only suggestion regarding this topic is that, perhaps the arrow buttons should be permanently visible on the box in the post editor (at present in the V5 alpha those blue icons only appear if you hover your mouse over the box - and that's a scenario where Iย doย believe that inexperienced users may have difficulty, as they may not think to hover over the box in order to reveal a solution they're looking for).
  19. Agree
    Dreadknux reacted to Matt in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    I think it's worth waiting until you can use it. Then get feedback from your members. I'm sure it actually works better than you imagine and that it's quite intuitive.
    If you have a reason to use source code beyond fixing CKEditor issues, please let us know and please be as specific as you can which will really help, for example "Embed other sites" is less helpful than "I have a separate website, and I want to bring blog articles into my posts at around 600px high with a scrollbar".
  20. Like
    Dreadknux got a reaction from Marc in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    It's really not, to be honest. Seriously, this weird "unmarked white space that exists but doesn't really unless you click it" idea is a nonsense - both in usability terms and in WYSIWYG standards. If your community members can't discern what a 'Title' field is, they're definitely not going to figure out whatever esoteric suggestion this is. ๐Ÿ™‚
    And I dare say that, if you know that your community mostly consists of people who are unable to operate forums, a small change to the post editor is really not going to move the needle for you one way or the other. I also don't know why you would decline to offer email support to people asking for help, but that is probably doing more harm to your cause than a blue arrow button ever could.
    Agreed. It's a pretty bizarre argument; "these contextual buttons that add lines above and below a quote box are simply too complicated for the common user! What they really need is a Source button to click on so they can dig into the HTML code, scroll to the line they need on their tiny mobile screen and add extra p tags and div containers!" ๐Ÿ˜‚
  21. Like
    Dreadknux got a reaction from Sonya* in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    It's really not, to be honest. Seriously, this weird "unmarked white space that exists but doesn't really unless you click it" idea is a nonsense - both in usability terms and in WYSIWYG standards. If your community members can't discern what a 'Title' field is, they're definitely not going to figure out whatever esoteric suggestion this is. ๐Ÿ™‚
    And I dare say that, if you know that your community mostly consists of people who are unable to operate forums, a small change to the post editor is really not going to move the needle for you one way or the other. I also don't know why you would decline to offer email support to people asking for help, but that is probably doing more harm to your cause than a blue arrow button ever could.
    Agreed. It's a pretty bizarre argument; "these contextual buttons that add lines above and below a quote box are simply too complicated for the common user! What they really need is a Source button to click on so they can dig into the HTML code, scroll to the line they need on their tiny mobile screen and add extra p tags and div containers!" ๐Ÿ˜‚
  22. Agree
    Dreadknux got a reaction from Matt in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    It's really not, to be honest. Seriously, this weird "unmarked white space that exists but doesn't really unless you click it" idea is a nonsense - both in usability terms and in WYSIWYG standards. If your community members can't discern what a 'Title' field is, they're definitely not going to figure out whatever esoteric suggestion this is. ๐Ÿ™‚
    And I dare say that, if you know that your community mostly consists of people who are unable to operate forums, a small change to the post editor is really not going to move the needle for you one way or the other. I also don't know why you would decline to offer email support to people asking for help, but that is probably doing more harm to your cause than a blue arrow button ever could.
    Agreed. It's a pretty bizarre argument; "these contextual buttons that add lines above and below a quote box are simply too complicated for the common user! What they really need is a Source button to click on so they can dig into the HTML code, scroll to the line they need on their tiny mobile screen and add extra p tags and div containers!" ๐Ÿ˜‚
  23. Agree
    Dreadknux got a reaction from Mike G. in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    It's really not, to be honest. Seriously, this weird "unmarked white space that exists but doesn't really unless you click it" idea is a nonsense - both in usability terms and in WYSIWYG standards. If your community members can't discern what a 'Title' field is, they're definitely not going to figure out whatever esoteric suggestion this is. ๐Ÿ™‚
    And I dare say that, if you know that your community mostly consists of people who are unable to operate forums, a small change to the post editor is really not going to move the needle for you one way or the other. I also don't know why you would decline to offer email support to people asking for help, but that is probably doing more harm to your cause than a blue arrow button ever could.
    Agreed. It's a pretty bizarre argument; "these contextual buttons that add lines above and below a quote box are simply too complicated for the common user! What they really need is a Source button to click on so they can dig into the HTML code, scroll to the line they need on their tiny mobile screen and add extra p tags and div containers!" ๐Ÿ˜‚
  24. Like
    Dreadknux got a reaction from Mike G. in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    Whaaaaaat Matt F coming in with the clutch MVP post of the thread!? That's awesome news, thanks for sharing/teasing!
    Respectfully, I do not think your suggestion would really solve anything and in fact would make UX worse. Having extra space above/below the box area that is clickable-to-enable-text-input but is otherwise redundant will be super confusing to users, and would make the post editor not WYSIWYG compliant. Users need to see that what they're typing in the editor (and especially how it is presented in the editor) will be 100% accurate to how the post will appear on publish.
    I would recommend waiting for V5 to come out and trying out the icon. While every user's experience will of course be different and there will likely be room for improvement in the UI, in my view I really do not think any user (no matter their level of experience) will miss these two clear icons sitting in the box area:

    If a user is so inexperienced that you think they will not know what those buttons do, I will imagine the first thing said user would do is experiment and click those buttons to see what function they served. And there, problem solved.
    My only suggestion regarding this topic is that, perhaps the arrow buttons should be permanently visible on the box in the post editor (at present in the V5 alpha those blue icons only appear if you hover your mouse over the box - and that's a scenario where Iย doย believe that inexperienced users may have difficulty, as they may not think to hover over the box in order to reveal a solution they're looking for).
  25. Like
    Dreadknux got a reaction from UncrownedGuard in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    It's really not, to be honest. Seriously, this weird "unmarked white space that exists but doesn't really unless you click it" idea is a nonsense - both in usability terms and in WYSIWYG standards. If your community members can't discern what a 'Title' field is, they're definitely not going to figure out whatever esoteric suggestion this is. ๐Ÿ™‚
    And I dare say that, if you know that your community mostly consists of people who are unable to operate forums, a small change to the post editor is really not going to move the needle for you one way or the other. I also don't know why you would decline to offer email support to people asking for help, but that is probably doing more harm to your cause than a blue arrow button ever could.
    Agreed. It's a pretty bizarre argument; "these contextual buttons that add lines above and below a quote box are simply too complicated for the common user! What they really need is a Source button to click on so they can dig into the HTML code, scroll to the line they need on their tiny mobile screen and add extra p tags and div containers!" ๐Ÿ˜‚
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