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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by DawPi

  1. Hello @Interferon, this is how IPS4 Commerce license system works now. This mod "just adding" new version of it (from normal md5 generated key) - allow your own license keys (from an external system mostly). So any suggestions about e-mail notifications and changes places where customer may find their keys should be addressed to IPS Team. Hope you understand me. 🙂
  2. Wrap whole sidebar template bit by this code: {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id}} ...default sidebar template bit content... {{endif}}
  3. Doable via manually editing theme. Its possible for you? I can provide instruction.
  4. I may have something for you. PM me if you're interested. 😉
  5. Just made as a custom work for this topic owner.
  6. This mod is done already. 🙂
  7. Edit choosen template to be used by group X. Then using my mod assign 'bots' to that group. That's all.
  8. It's standard feature of IPS4.
  9. Send me your acp&FTP details. Works fine on all my&clients boards.
  10. Yes, this is what this mod doing. Explain.
  11. Nope. In first it's trying get meta seo data from datastore... if ( isset( \IPS\Data\Store::i()->metaTags ) ) { $rows = \IPS\Data\Store::i()->metaTags; } else { $rows = iterator_to_array( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_seo_meta' ) ); \IPS\Data\Store::i()->metaTags = $rows; }
  12. Send me PM and we'll discuss it.
  13. Woah, when it was changed actually? 😮
  14. Hi, it's only for me or everyone? 😉 P.s. I can open support tickets system from this url directly though: *** Link Removed ***
  15. Give me an example please how it suppose to work.
  16. Remove smaller group. Then IPS4 ask where do you want to move exists members.
  17. @SUBRTX, why you are confused? I've replied you.
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