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Jeff...before you begin that work, can you advise what version of PHP you are currently on with v4.4.10 of the Invision software?

Also, before you proceed with ANY file replacements tomorrow...switch to PHP 8.0.x or 8.1.x (not 8.2.x) and then run this file on your hosting:

...do not proceed if you have anything not right with it. And post a picture of the result up here, regardless, if you do choose to proceed.

The more people know BEFORE you upgrade them the more they will be able to help.

And do not panic.

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1 hour ago, CaptJeff said:

While I realize you are trying to help the statement you have made does not. 

The statement made by @Marc Stridgen was very helpful and very accurate, spot on as well.

Look at the questions that you keep asking. You don't even know what third party apps are or where they can be found. I am sorry to say this and I really hope that I don't come off as rude, but it looks like that short of spoon feeding everything to you, there is not much that one can do. Just saying.


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I am sorry if I do not understand this stuff.  I just do not.  So many times when I try to read the help stuff it just confuses me more.  So I ask more questions.  I am very thankful for any help I get.  I go out of my way to say thank you each and every time.

I spent my life flying hot air balloons.  I have not spent my life doing code or this sort of stuff. 

I realize that much of the advice is spot on if you understand most of what they are saying but if you understand none of what they are saying then you have to ask more questions.

Here is an example.  I found a place where someone asked nearly the same question that I am asking.   I selected to follow that thread.  I do not know how to get back to that thread.  Marc gave a great explanation on what to do but there were several steps that I did not understand.  At this time I would love to go back and quote some of it for you but I can not figure out how to get back to that thread.  The navigation here makes no sense to me. 

Another example is how do I get here where I am now from the Client area.  When I go to the client area I can never figure out how to get back here to this forum.  There are no navigation links that make any sense to me.  So I just stumble around till I find my way back here.  By the time I get back here I have no idea how I did it. 

So yes this stuff is hard for me.  I do not know how else to do it.  Please do not take any offense to my stupidity.  I am honestly not trying to be combative or argumentative in any way.  I just don't get it.

All the best to you.


Thank you Nathan.

That was my first mistake.  I had my host change the server to PHP 8.1+  and my site crashed.  I did not know that was going to happen so it took me a couple weeks to get the site back up. 

So YES I am very weary of moving forward and that is why i ask so many questions.  I love the "Don't Panic" remark!

Thank you!

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25 minutes ago, Miss_B said:

The statement made by @Marc Stridgen was very helpful and very accurate, spot on as well.

But it is also general comments, with no specifics.

Read the room - Jeff has commented that he has difficulties here, so don't beat him down further, please. It serves zero purpose to do so. (And if there is a desire to argue the case with me on this, don't do it on this topic, please)

@CaptJeff good luck tomorrow. If in doubt, ask before you proceed.


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Ok  A couple of things. 

First I think I found the PHP version on the server I have . 

Could contain: Text, White Board

Next is I found out how to get back to that topic I said I found, where someone was asking nearly the same thing I was.  Here is the answer that I read and my questions about what they mean.  

BTW, I went to my activity streams.  I did not realize that I had to scroll down forever to find the topic but I did finally find it.  Its too bad that every post is listed instead of just the topics.


<<<<<< Quote Starts Here >>>>>>

4.4.X won’t run on PHP8. So you’ll have to upgrade to run it on the new host. I would suggest running the compatibility checker to make sure the new host has all of the required PHP modules.
"I found that out the hard way."
I would also disable all third party resources (applications and plugins) you might have installed. They’ll all need updated or replaced to be compatible with the new version of PHP.
"I am fairly sure I do not have any at this time."
Save and export all your files/db. 
"OK,  Here is where  I start to get lost..  Save and Export?  Is this the same thing or should it be Export and Save?  How?  Where are these things I should save? Is files and db the same thing or are we talking about two different items we need to save?  I know this seems silly but these are my honest questions?  I thought the Database were the files but maybe not."
Once you restore your files and database (fixing the conf_global.php with any updated info)… you will need to upload a full set of files from the client area and upload them to the new host. Then run the upgrader at domain.com/admin/upgrade.  "OK,  Is there a step in between somewhere?  Because in the previous instruction I was Saving and Exporting.  Now I am Restoring?  What happened in the middle?  How do you fix a conf_global.php?  Then upload a full set of files? I am assuming that (upload a full set of files) is a new version of Invision? The last step I can do if everything else works.  I know how to run the upgrader.  I have used it to crash my site before!!!"

Now you have taken a walk in my head.  These are the questions that pop up when I try to read the help stuff that others post.  I am not being sarcastic.  I honestly do not know how to answer these questions.  I promise if I do not understand I will make a mess of things.

Thank you all.  If nothing else I hope this entertains.  If you want to learn more about WHY I have such a hard time go and read my bio.  I have have a rough few years!


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6 minutes ago, CaptJeff said:

Ok  A couple of things. 

First I think I found the PHP version on the server I have . 

That is the version of the PHPMyAdmin application. It is not PHP itself. Everything in there is not relevant.

Please...does someone have an 4.4.x instance? Please post a screenshot of someone where within the ACP that will guide Jeff to understanding what version of PHP he is currently running.

@Jim M tagging you purely because it is within your abilities here to post that information.


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Do you have access to upload a file to your server?  If so you can create a basic phpinfo file.  It will tell you lots of good stuff including the php version. Just create a pain text file with the following and upload it with a name of like info.php


phpinfo( );

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12 hours ago, Nathan Explosion said:

But it is also general comments, with no specifics.

Not honestly sure what you mean there, Nathan. There was indeed step-by-step what needs to happen there. I understand there may have been questions after that, but there were indeed specifically what needs to happen.

@CaptJeff, you are currently running PHP 7.4.

Before you continue any further, with the working site, have you made a complete backup of the files and database at this point in time? If not, please have your hosting company do this before you do anything else at all. And we can then work from there.

With regard 3rd party items, you have 4 3rd party plugins, although they are all disabled. If you are not using those, you are probably best to uninstall them completely, by visiting System>Site Features>Plugins and selecting the x next to each item. I would highly advise on not using any 3rd party items, and sticking with the base product.

Get to this point, and we can then continue from there

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Hi All,

I am happy to say that my site has been upgraded to  I am now working on getting the colors to look as close to what they were as I can.  If someone could help me find out what all the names of the stuff is, it sure would help.  Right now I am using the T&E or P&H methods and it is not going well

Thank you all


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Hi Marc,

I did manage to find the tutorial on using the "Magic Wand" thing.  I have managed to customize the layout pretty good.  I still wish I could create some of the Gradient tiles for the Bars and some of the backgrounds.  I can create the stuff in my illustrator but I do not know how to get it to show on the site.  Could contain: Gold, Text

But for now I have map files to make for the National Balloon Classic hot air balloon event and I have to make new tutorials for the pilots so my plate is full.  The site is up and working and it looks OK. 

Thank you everyone for the help.  As I keep saying I wish I knew more about all this stuff but there is only so much time in a day.

All the best.

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