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Site is up but not working right.

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Hi All,

So my site was infected with an htaccess bug.  I moved it to a new private server but it is not working correctly.  I have updated my site access credentials in the client area.  I have the ability to upgrade the PHP on the server to 8.1+  So if someone from Invision could look at the site for me and figure out what I need to do to get it upgraded and working again. 

Thank you in advance for the help.


PS  There is a big balloon event happening soon.  We have used the follow feature heavily in the past for downloading updated map files for the pilots.  So I need to get this working asap so I can work out the bugs before the event.  I also have to figure out how to get my Bulk mail working again.

Edited by CaptJeff
forgot to follow
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Could you please clarify what is not working properly for you? While I do not see some images, they are rendering 404 not founds, that would be a server check to ensure the migration went properly. If that is the issue you're referring to, have you check with your provider that the images exist on your server in the same location?

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I have no clue how to do this.

I tried to replace the missing images and I received an error message.  I do not know where the images are supposed to be in the 50,000 files on this thing.

I do not know what version of invison is on there.  The follow feature seems not to be working.

I tried to upload a new file in one of my testing folders but was not notified even tho I know I had two emails following it.

I do not know where to begin.  I would like to update to the newest version of invision but when I did that before it crashed the site.  Took me weeks to get it back to this point. 

I am lost and need help.

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2 minutes ago, CaptJeff said:

I tried to upload a new file in one of my testing folders but was not notified even tho I know I had two emails following it.

As you changed servers, I would recommend checking your email settings ACP -> System -> Email Settings. Please work with your hosting provider to ensure those are correct.

2 minutes ago, CaptJeff said:

I tried to replace the missing images and I received an error message.  I do not know where the images are supposed to be in the 50,000 files on this thing.

This would be on your server, not in the software. I would suggest asking your hosting provider if you are unsure how to move these files from your old server to the new.

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I need help please. 

Where are those types of files stored?  What is the file folder called and under what other file folders is it in?  I have 39 gigs of back up files but I do not know what they are called.  So..

If I upload a file for download in the download section where does the invision software put that file?  If I upload a screen shot for the file I just uploaded where does the invision software put that screen shot?

Next issue.  I have tried to update my site and crashed it.  I have tried to set up a temp site with the new version of invision software and it ran for about a day and then crashed.  My hosting does not know anything about your software so they can not help me.  I have placed my Admin Credentials in my client area and I have also updated the FTP information so you can gain access to my site.  I have spent 10 years building this site with your software and would like a little help, PLEASE.

I am a retired hot air balloon pilot.  I am not a developer.  I have stumbled my way with this stuff for years now and not been able to get it to work correctly.  I have left my site untouched for nearly 4 years because I did not understand the last major update you guys rolled out.  I am now on a private server where I can get the PHP set to 8.1+ so the new version of Invision will work.  As I said I tried to update it and crashed it on the old server.  Luckily the previous hosting made a backup tar file for me and I have been able to get the new server to install that and the site is sort of working.  I do not know how to fix.  I have crashed the site several times trying on my own to fix it. 

I do not even know what version I am running but if you could be so kind as to see what you can do.  I can not fix this.


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If you have not updated in that long, you will most likely need to upgrade PHP and make sure your server meets the requirements.  Once on PHP8, run the following script:

Again, only do it after you switch to PHP8.  It will tell you if it is ready for the latest version of IPB.  

Temporarily disable any third party plugins/applications.  

Once everything is good, download a set of files from the client area and upload them to your site.  (Replacing everything already there.). Then run domain.com/admin/upgrade.  Let it walk you through upgrading.  Once done, login to ACP, make sure any resources are updated and turn them back on.  Test things to make sure they're good!  

You might need to update your theme or switch to a new default as well if your theme is super old.  


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One thing I would advise here Jeff, is slowing down a little. You stated above you had some issues with email and missing files, however in the next message said you attempted to upgrade. You need to get the site stable before you are attempting the next step, unless that next step is an attempt to get it stable. 

At present you are running 4.4.10. 

Its not clear what issue you are having at this point, or what has happened, as you mentioned you run an upgrade yet arent on the latest release, so its unclear what upgrade you ran or if you reverted this from backup in some way

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Thank you Marc and Randy,

Let me go down the list of issues that I am aware of.

My screen shots are not working on the scrolling thing at the top of my main page.

I have tried re-uploading all of the monthly image files and that did not fix it.

Could contain: Page, Text, Chart, Plot, File

I do not know how to tell what a third party thing is.  Nor do I know how to "Turn them off"  So I am kinda stuck there.

I have run that check the server script before   I do not know what it is telling me when it finishes and I do not know what to do about it.

My host can change the PHP any time I ask but the last time we changed it the site crashed.  So I am unsure how to get around that.

The whole PHP thing is a chicken and egg thing.  If I upgrade the server to PHP 8.1+ the site crashes.  If I try to upgrade the site without upgrading the PHP the site crashes.  So which came first?  The chicken or the Egg?

Looks like I am missing a bunch of my screen shots and some of the files that were there.  I guess  I could go back and reload them but there are hundreds of them.  In addition I do not want to spend all the time to find, and reload all of the files and screen shots if we are going to loose them when we do an upgrade.


I have figured out how to fix my email head.

Could contain: Page, Text

I was using postmark for my mass emails and bulk mail.  I do not know if that is working or not.  I remember working on setting that up for nearly a week and there was a code I had in the mail section of the admin area that made it work.  I have no idea how that was set up.

Fixing missing Files.

When I try to fix a file that is "Gone" I find the file on my desktop and upload it.  Then I find the screen shot and upload it.  Then when I hit the "SAVE" button I get an error.

Could contain: Page, Text

So even if I try to fix this the site will not let me.  On the ones where the file is still on the server I can reload the screen shot.  But when I find a file were the screen shot and the file itself are gone (and I try to reload) I get the above message.

So much stuff

So  I have a bunch of issues.  I am unsure how to fix or proceed.  I am very happy that this is so easy for many of you but it is not for me.  I had a very hard time with this stuff before the software upgrade beyond the 4.4 thing.  I could not understand the version after the one I have now.  Then I had a hemorrhagic stroke and spend 5 days in a coma.  Now trying to understand this stuff is nearly impossible.  I get so lost trying to do this stuff.  I do not understand what the help stuff is saying let alone being able to do it so I end up down a six mile long rabbit hole.

At this point  I am stuck.  Yes, I can try to fix some of this stuff on my own but it will take me a super long time since I must learn how to do it first and then (by trial and error) work on it. 

Seems useless to try to fix it now

I now have the site sort of working on a new server.  BUT.... Before I spend hours and hours trying to fix it I would like to get it upgraded or updated or what ever you call it to the latest version.  If I am going to have to relearn all of this stuff I might as well learn the current stuff instead of relearning all of the 4+year old stuff only to have it all change when (and if) an upgrade/update is made.

There is a very big hot air balloon event happening in just a few weeks.  I would love to have this all fixed up by then and I know it is not possible for me to do it.

So I guess I will just try to chip away at this on my own.  I would love to upgrade but that is beyond me. Heck,  I have a hard time finding my way back to this message thread!  Honestly.  If I navigate away from this (Like going to my client area) I takes me 20 minutes to find my way back here.

Have a great day guys.  I love the software but I am just not educated enough to use it.






Could contain: Text

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38 minutes ago, CaptJeff said:

My screen shots are not working on the scrolling thing at the top of my main page.

I have tried re-uploading all of the monthly image files and that did not fix it.

Could contain: Page, Text, Chart, Plot, File

I do not know how to tell what a third party thing is.  Nor do I know how to "Turn them off"  So I am kinda stuck there.

I have run that check the server script before   I do not know what it is telling me when it finishes and I do not know what to do about it.

My host can change the PHP any time I ask but the last time we changed it the site crashed.  So I am unsure how to get around that.

In terms of this, you are quite simply missing the files. Its nothing related to 3rd party or your PHP version. Its simply that the image files are not present. 

39 minutes ago, CaptJeff said:

The whole PHP thing is a chicken and egg thing.  If I upgrade the server to PHP 8.1+ the site crashes.  If I try to upgrade the site without upgrading the PHP the site crashes.  So which came first?  The chicken or the Egg?

In this case, the egg. If you are looking to upgrade you would need to change the PHP version, then upgrade the site. But you would need to upgrade the site by uploading a fresh set of files, and running the upgrader. 

I have to be honest with you on that part, Jeff. I would get assistance in upgrading your site in my opinion. You are simply struggling too much with these, and its very likely you are going to end up back in the same scenario prior to getting it online.

42 minutes ago, CaptJeff said:

Fixing missing Files.

When I try to fix a file that is "Gone" I find the file on my desktop and upload it.  Then I find the screen shot and upload it.  Then when I hit the "SAVE" button I get an error.

Could contain: Page, Text

So even if I try to fix this the site will not let me.  On the ones where the file is still on the server I can reload the screen shot.  But when I find a file were the screen shot and the file itself are gone (and I try to reload) I get the above message.

This is one whereby the advice would only be to upgrade your site to  the latest release first of all. 

44 minutes ago, CaptJeff said:

So much stuff

So  I have a bunch of issues.  I am unsure how to fix or proceed.  I am very happy that this is so easy for many of you but it is not for me.  I had a very hard time with this stuff before the software upgrade beyond the 4.4 thing.  I could not understand the version after the one I have now.  Then I had a hemorrhagic stroke and spend 5 days in a coma.  Now trying to understand this stuff is nearly impossible.  I get so lost trying to do this stuff.  I do not understand what the help stuff is saying let alone being able to do it so I end up down a six mile long rabbit hole.

At this point  I am stuck.  Yes, I can try to fix some of this stuff on my own but it will take me a super long time since I must learn how to do it first and then (by trial and error) work on it. 

Seems useless to try to fix it now

I now have the site sort of working on a new server.  BUT.... Before I spend hours and hours trying to fix it I would like to get it upgraded or updated or what ever you call it to the latest version.  If I am going to have to relearn all of this stuff I might as well learn the current stuff instead of relearning all of the 4+year old stuff only to have it all change when (and if) an upgrade/update is made.

There is a very big hot air balloon event happening in just a few weeks.  I would love to have this all fixed up by then and I know it is not possible for me to do it.

So I guess I will just try to chip away at this on my own.  I would love to upgrade but that is beyond me. Heck,  I have a hard time finding my way back to this message thread!  Honestly.  If I navigate away from this (Like going to my client area) I takes me 20 minutes to find my way back here.

Have a great day guys.  I love the software but I am just not educated enough to use it.

I very much sympathize with your situation there, Jeff. The reality is here, you probably need someone to help you run the site and its administration, if you are unable to go with the cloud options. 

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Yes please.  There is nothing else I can do at this point.  I am back to the same spot I was 4 years ago.  No idea how to move forward and no one to help me.

I have tied to upload the images and files and they fail.  Even with all your explanations I have not a clue what to do.

I was hoping that someone at invision could help me with this.  I updated my log in credentials so you have access to my admin CP and to my FTP.

I am so disappointed that 10 years of work will go down the drain.  I am now on disability and I am barely keeping a roof over my family.

Just so tired.

All the best to you.


This is what I get when I try to reload a file that is missing.  I have no idea what it means or how to fix.

INSERT INTO `ibf_downloads_files_records` ( `record_file_id`, `record_type`, `record_location`, `record_realname`, `record_size`, `record_time` ) VALUES ( 1279, 'upload', 'monthly_2022_02/Passwords.mp4.bc62c8593aa9d30b3da7fa2cf359fe60.mp4', 'Passwords.mp4', NULL, 1687546133 )
IPS\Db\Exception: Column 'record_size' cannot be null (1048)
#0 /home/thompson/sites/hotairballoonist.com/public_html/forum/system/Db/Db.php(937): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*IPS\\downloads...', Array)
#1 /home/thompson/sites/hotairballoonist.com/public_html/forum/applications/downloads/modules/front/downloads/view.php(982): IPS\_Db->insert('downloads_files...', Array)
#2 /home/thompson/sites/hotairballoonist.com/public_html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\downloads\modules\front\downloads\_view->newVersion()
#3 /home/thompson/sites/hotairballoonist.com/public_html/forum/system/Content/Controller.php(50): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#4 /home/thompson/sites/hotairballoonist.com/public_html/forum/applications/downloads/modules/front/downloads/view.php(60): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute()
#5 /home/thompson/sites/hotairballoonist.com/public_html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\downloads\modules\front\downloads\_view->execute()
#6 /home/thompson/sites/hotairballoonist.com/public_html/forum/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#7 {main}

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6 minutes ago, CaptJeff said:

I was hoping that someone at invision could help me with this.  I updated my log in credentials so you have access to my admin CP and to my FTP.

As my colleague mentioned, what you need here is a dedicated web administrator to assist you moving forward. This is really beyond our scope of support as what you're facing here really isn't a direct issue with the software.

If you can't or don't want to move to our Cloud, the next best option is to hire a provide off the list here to assist you: https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers/

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I have no money.  I am living on social security disability.  I am over $1,000 short each month on the monthly bills and have been slowly selling off all of my balloon equipment to keep a roof over my wife and two children. 

I have nearly crashed my site trying to fix it myself today.  I am now worse off then I started the day.

I went into the admin CP and tried to run the diagnostic tool.  It told me this.

Could contain: Chart, Plot, Page, Text

So I looked at the FTP and found this in that location.

Could contain: Text, File

So I did a right click and changed the cod to 777 and then I got this.

Could contain: Person, Text, Page, File, Head

and now I can not get it back.  The site looks like this.

Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage

All I can do is try to figure it out myself or hope that someone is willing to help. 


From what I have read here today, it seems I have only one option actually.  Try to fix it myself or just let 10 years of work die.

My hope was that since I got the site mostly working someone would be nice enough to step in and upgrade it and then I could work from there.  Heck I wanted to get that community map thing from Martin to replace my old member map and I do not even have the $39 to pay him for the app.

Please stay healthy gang.  A stoke is no joke.  Even if you live the life you have left may not be worth it.



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15 hours ago, CaptJeff said:

Could contain: Chart, Plot, Page, Text

So I looked at the FTP and found this in that location.

Could contain: Text, File

So I did a right click and changed the cod to 777 and then I got this.

This would indicate the folder is not writable, not the files inside it.


15 hours ago, CaptJeff said:

Could contain: Person, Text, Page, File, Head

and now I can not get it back.  The site looks like this.

This is likely unrelated to changing the permissions on files in the logs folder as that would not take down your site.

I see that you restored from a backup as your community is running currently. I would advise taking things one step at a time. Restoring your images in the uploads folder first and then moving towards an upgrade. Lean on your hosting provider as much as possible for any changes to the file system as they will know what to do in these cases (and if you have support with them the best route). Also, any file uploads which you may need to do (such as a manual upgrade)

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  • 2 weeks later...

While I am glad you wrote me back I will be honest I have no idea what to do with your statement

On 6/24/2023 at 10:39 AM, Jim M said:

This would indicate the folder is not writable, not the files inside it.

Ok?  so what does that mean?  What should I do?  Does it need to be writable?  How do I make it Writable?  I just do not understand what I am supposed to do with the information you have provided here..  I am guessing nothing right now.


it will take me weeks to sort thru what is working and what is not working.  Right now it looks like many of my download files are gone.  So I will start to re-load the video files and the screen shots.  At that point I will need to know how to upgrade the site.  You mentioned something called a Manual Upgrade.  What is that?  Is that what I will need to do?  Do I need to upgrade the PHP first?  Last time we tried to upgrade the PHP the site crashed.  Remember the Chicken or the Egg comment I made before.  If I can not upgrade the site unless I have 8.1+PHP but changing the PHP will crash the site so it seems like a no win thing to me.. 

Anyway, we have managed to get a site that looks like the old site up.  I am trying to upload the missing stuff.  But this is why I left the site alone for years before.  Every time I try to upgrade I end up spending months trying to fix it BACK the way it was before I tried to upgrade it.  You would think I would learn my lesson someday.

All the best.  I love my site I just wish I could get it to work as good as it was a few years back.


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As mentioned in my previous post, you will want to lean on your hosting provider for this. They are there to assist you with server functionality like permissions, uploading files, etc…

Right now, I would suggest contacting them before you make any change and ask for assistance in these tasks mentioned, like properly migrating your files. 

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Hi Jim,

While I greatly appreciate your efforts to help, I am so (still) very confused.  My hosting people also do not understand the method to upgrade or update my site.

The files have been moved so there is no migrating left to do.  The site is now on a private server.  I am in the process of re-loading the files and videos that were lost.

When that is done..  I would like to upgrade or update my site to the latest version of invision. 

Please if you would for me and my server people.  How do we do that?  What is the process for upgrading or updating the site?  The last time we tried we changed the PHP and the site crashed.  When we tried to update the site it would not do it because the PHP was not correct.  So, again, I am back to the chicken and the egg issue I have mentioned a dozen times in this thread.  I cant have a chicken without an egg and without a chicken there is no eggs.

I can not upgrade the site because the PHP is wrong but if I change the PHP then the site crashes and there is nothing to update.

I would sure like some hints

Thank you.



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@CaptJeff I'm no specialist myself, but I faced a similar problem you're describing. For years, I was trapped in the exact version you currently have because any attempt to upgrade would result in issues. However, one day I decided to upload the newest Invision board files and ran the upgrade - surprisingly, it worked.

Before attempting this, it's crucial to disable all plugins, themes, and third-party applications. 

What I did was quite simple. I just copied and pasted the new files from Invision, replacing all the old files, and ran the upgrader. Miraculously, everything started functioning as it should. However, I also had to update all outdated plugins and applications post-upgrade.

During this process, I discovered a particular plugin that caused a crash after the upgrade. So, I disabled it, and everything worked smoothly.

Make sure before you attempt to do anything, please back up your database and files.

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14 hours ago, CaptJeff said:

Please if you would for me and my server people.  How do we do that?  What is the process for upgrading or updating the site?  The last time we tried we changed the PHP and the site crashed.  When we tried to update the site it would not do it because the PHP was not correct.  So, again, I am back to the chicken and the egg issue I have mentioned a dozen times in this thread.  I cant have a chicken without an egg and without a chicken there is no eggs.

I can not upgrade the site because the PHP is wrong but if I change the PHP then the site crashes and there is nothing to update.

I would sure like some hints

The confusion here is that this has been explained on quite a few occasions. We are trying to assist, but there is only so far we can go to assist on a self-hosted environment that you're not sure how to run correctly, unfortunately. Our advice at this stage is to go with a more managed environment (our cloud product) or employ someone to manage this part of the site on your behalf, as you are clearly struggling with this. 

In answer to your question, what you need to understand is that you are on a very old version, so have missed the transitional steps between where you are now, and where you need to be. By this, I mean there were versions between which could use both php7 and php8, where you could upgrade, then switch. This is no longer the case and we no longer support PHP 7 at all.

So, with the above statement, this means you can not use the automatic upgrader in the admin CP, and your site will indeed crash/break once you update the server to PHP 8.

The process you need to follow is below

  1. Do a full backup of your site in its entirety.
  2. Switch your server to PHP 8 (Yes, your site will break. This is expected)
  3. Use the requirement checker to ensure you have all the minimum requirements on your PHP installation.  You can find this at the following location - https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7046-get-ready-for-ips-40/
  4. Upload a fresh set of files from your client area
  5. Visit /admin/upgrade in your browser to visit the upgrader directly. Log in and run the upgrader

The problem you will inevitably have here, are 3rd party items you have installed there. This is the issue you have had a few times before. If you have 3rd party items that are not compatible with PHP 8 and the latest release, it is likely it will either break your site once its upgraded, or break the upgrader itself. You need to check these with the developers of those apps and plugins to see what is the best way forward. Our advice if unable to manage these would be to remove as many of these as possible.

Again, I really cant emphasize enough how much I would advise you get assistance from someone to manage your site on this side for you if you are struggling with it.

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This is a great start.  I now understand a little more about what I need to do.

Please refrain from saying things like move to a cloud version or employ someone.  I had a stroke and lost all of my income.  I am now living off social security disability and that does not even cover the monthly bills so I have no money at all.

But..  You have helped me get a better idea of how to move forward.  My next question is how do I figure out what third party items are on the site?  At this point I do not think I have any but I do not know how to tell if something is a third party app.

Thank you for the advice.  We will get there somehow.  My private server person is helping me with the PHP stuff.

All the best .


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8 hours ago, CaptJeff said:

But..  You have helped me get a better idea of how to move forward.  My next question is how do I figure out what third party items are on the site?  At this point I do not think I have any but I do not know how to tell if something is a third party app.

You would visit System>Site Features>Applications and System>Site Features>Plugins

8 hours ago, CaptJeff said:

Please refrain from saying things like move to a cloud version or employ someone.  I had a stroke and lost all of my income.  I am now living off social security disability and that does not even cover the monthly bills so I have no money at all.

I fully understand and empathise with your situation there. However the reality is, there isn't a huge amount more we can give in terms of advice here, and this would be the correct advice to be giving you. While I understand its not possible at present, it would be irresponsible of me not to provide the correct advice

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10 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

You would visit System>Site Features>Applications and System>Site Features>Plugins

While I sincerely appreciate your efforts to help.  I have been on that page before.  It does not tell me what a 3rd party app is or if one is turned on.  While I realize you are trying to help the statement you have made does not.  Here is a screen shot of that page.  Which ones are 3rd party?  How do I tell?  How do I turn them off if they are? 

Could contain: Text, Page, Number, Symbol, Person

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