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Anyone need help crashing a site?

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I went to the client area of Invision.

Could contain: Page, Text
I clicked on download a fresh version of 4.7.9.

I opened up the download zip and transferred it to a folder in my documents.

Could contain: File, Page, Text

I then uploaded all the files to the server using filezilla.

Could contain: Chart, Plot

I have done this process three times so far.


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8 minutes ago, CaptJeff said:

I used filezilla to FTP a new init.php file to the server. 

Where in the server did you ftp it? Did you ftp it to the right location overwritting the old one?

9 minutes ago, CaptJeff said:

Then I went to the admin/install and tried to run it.  Screen flashes and then goes blank.

I strongly suspect that your forum files aren't overwritten properly and that is why you get that. 

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I have a folder called /forum.  I have uploaded the files to that folder three times.  I also had a test location called /newforum.  I have uploaded to that folder twice.  I am unable to get any of them to work.


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Thank you Brian,  I will try that.  Currently my test forum seems to be upgrading, but it may just be my internet connection.  I will keep trying.  I just had a call from the Awards Chairman of the Balloon Federations Hall of Fame wanting to use the site tonight for their committee conference call.  I hope we can get this fixed soon.


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I logged it to see if I can see anything there, but unfortunately, the login details on file are not up to date. If you are getting a blank page however, thats something the server will be logging, and your hosting company should be able to tell you exactly what that is

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Here is what I have found on the error logs. 

[07-May-2023 14:23:44 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Declaration of IPS\cms\_Fields::displayValue($value = null, $showSensitiveInformation = false) must be compatible with IPS\_CustomField::displayValue($value = null, $showSensitiveInformation = false, $separator = null) in /home3/classln8/public_html/hotairballoonist/forum/applications/cms/sources/Fields/Fields.php on line 1304
[07-May-2023 14:23:47 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Declaration of IPS\cms\_Fields::displayValue($value = null, $showSensitiveInformation = false) must be compatible with IPS\_CustomField::displayValue($value = null, $showSensitiveInformation = false, $separator = null) in /home3/classln8/public_html/hotairballoonist/forum/applications/cms/sources/Fields/Fields.php on line 1304
[07-May-2023 14:24:02 UTC] PHP Parse error:  Unterminated comment starting line 1036 in /home3/classln8/public_html/hotairballoonist/forum/system/Http/Url.php on line 1036
[07-May-2023 14:24:06 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method IPS\Output::getNoCacheHeaders() in /home3/classln8/public_html/hotairballoonist/forum/init.php:1158
Stack trace:
#0 /home3/classln8/public_html/hotairballoonist/forum/init.php(1090): IPS\IPS::genericExceptionPage(NULL)
#1 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::exceptionHandler(Object(Error))
#2 {main}
  thrown in /home3/classln8/public_html/hotairballoonist/forum/init.php on line 1158

I am unsure how this will help since I can not get into the site or the Admin CP.

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We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. 

We look forward to further assisting you. 


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I have updated the log in information the best I can.  There are several items I do not know what they are or how they work.  Like "Admin CP URL"  Is there a URL that would take me straight to the Admin CP?  That would have been nice to know.  This entire topic was the reason I did not try to upgrade anything for over 3 years.  Every time I try to do anything on the site I end up having a site down for weeks.  So now again if I ever get this thing working again you can rest assured I will not touch it for the rest of my life.

Thank you all again for all of your help.  I am now having the server people restore the site from a backup.  This will be the third time I have them do this in the last few weeks.  Hope they do not get tired of me doing this.  The entire site is 39 gig so it takes a couple of days.

Thank you again for all your help.


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Just now, CaptJeff said:

I am now having the server people restore the site from a backup.  This will be the third time I have them do this in the last few weeks.  Hope they do not get tired of me doing this.  The entire site is 39 gig so it takes a couple of days.

If you have them restore at this point, there is nothing we can do to assist you. We need to be able to see the issue in action

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I have to choose from the backups they have on file.

Apr 15
 Mar 31
Apr 13 

I chose March 31st because I think the site was working then.  But again,  if I get it back up and working I may choose to "Leave it alone"  The software does not like me.  Its like having a mean cat.  Every time I get near it I get scratched and end up bleeding..

I will let you know how this works out.

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I have tried logging in again to see if I can see the issue for you, however the admin login details are still incorrect so I am unable to log into your upgrader.

One of the things I would very much advise you do, is remove all 3rd party items on your site. While many may run 3rd party items with no issue, this is probably what is causing you so many issues. You have a combination of lacking the knowledge to run your server environment proficiently and having too many variables that could cause issues on your system without the knowledge to correct them proficiently. This is not your fault, its simply that you have found your limit.

At some point, something has to give in order to simplify matters. In an ideal scenario, moving to cloud would be a very good start, but you have mentioned you don't have that option. So removing all 3rd party and running stock will remove many variables that could cause you issues. 

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Of course you are completely correct.  I have a hard time figurine out what a third party thing is.  There are so many things that I have added to the site over the course of 10 years and many of them are things I would not want to loose.  Things like the Member Map are items I find to be a huge benefit to the site.  Could simple things like the Theme mess up the upgrade?  I love the chat rooms but I believe that may be a third party thing too.  I just would not know where to start.  Since my stroke I have a hard time with concentration and comprehension.  Everything is so much more of a challenge than before and I was pretty overwhelmed before. 

Hopefully when the server people get the site restored and hopefully I can get into the site and make is so YOU can get into the site.  Then maybe WE, can figure this out.  I will have to ask a bunch of questions if you don't mind.

All the best to you


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OK,  I found a new error log on the server.  I was looking in the public/html folder under the domain HotAirBalloonist.com/forum.  But just now while looking at the main folder for my account I found another error log. 

Here is what it said. 

[09-May-2023 07:00:10 America/Boise] PHP Fatal error:  The task was called with PHP version 7.3.33 while PHP 8.0.0 is required. in /home3/classln8/public_html/hotairballoonist/forum/applications/core/interface/task/task.php on line 39

This may be the answer.  There is a file "PHP" that is asking the stuff to be read with an old 7.3.33 version while the server is using 8.0.0.

I hope this helps.  Sorry my understanding is so poor.


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I think you have it backwards, seems like your site is still running PHP version 7.3. Can you ask your host and confirm you are on PHP 8.0? I thought you were running PHP 8.0, but I could be wrong and best for your host to check.

 Could contain: Page, Text, File


That's why I am confused on your error.

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2 hours ago, CaptJeff said:

Of course you are completely correct.  I have a hard time figurine out what a third party thing is.  There are so many things that I have added to the site over the course of 10 years and many of them are things I would not want to loose.  Things like the Member Map are items I find to be a huge benefit to the site.  Could simple things like the Theme mess up the upgrade?  I love the chat rooms but I believe that may be a third party thing too.  I just would not know where to start.  Since my stroke I have a hard time with concentration and comprehension.  Everything is so much more of a challenge than before and I was pretty overwhelmed before. 

Hopefully when the server people get the site restored and hopefully I can get into the site and make is so YOU can get into the site.  Then maybe WE, can figure this out.  I will have to ask a bunch of questions if you don't mind.

All the best to you



I fear that a lot of your addons will not be supported any more. For instance, Members Map doesn't exist, and it was (I believe) rewritten and called Community Map. However, @Martin A. did or does have an upgrade option to import all your old markers.

As for your other plugins/addons, you'll need to go through them and see if they're able to be upgraded and whether you need them. And yes, an old theme can cause problems. Ideally, you'd need to disable all addons/plugins and run the default theme and update the site that way, ensuring that ALL NEW FILES overwrite the old ones on the server.

I don't mean to be another just to jump in and confuse issues, but it's best that you restore your forum and keep it as is until you're 100% ready to upgrade.

Edited by Dean_
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Thank you Dean for your wisdom.

When you say that martin has an option to import all my markers.

Import them into what?  If the member map program is no longer available then what would you import them to?  I have not upgraded my site in more than 3 years so I have no idea what is out there. 

I can barely keep the site functioning and it seems that any spare time I have is used to try to fix stuff so I have no idea what is out there or what even works with the latest version of the software.

I guess that has been my point all along.  I do not understand so much of the stuff and the upgrades are beyond me so without any help my site will never be upgraded because I simply do not understand it.

Thank you for your input.  I am always open for suggestions and advice.


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12 hours ago, CaptJeff said:

[09-May-2023 07:00:10 America/Boise] PHP Fatal error:  The task was called with PHP version 7.3.33 while PHP 8.0.0 is required. in

This means your CRON job is still pointing to an old version of PHP.  It is not the PHP version of the site itself. (The server has multiple versions of PHP running and the cron is pointing to 7.4 still.)

Once you can actually login to ACP, you’ll want to get the correct path to update your cron that runs every minute. 

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I would advise at this point reverting to your backup. Its clear the issues you are having are likely being caused by 3rd party items. Once you have that reverted by your host and have your site up and running, we can then go through what you need to evaluate before you try an upgrade again.

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