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Max File Size – Where do I find that setting?

Go to solution Solved by Adriano Faria,

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This might be a stupid question, but I cannot find the correct setting in the AdminCP to control the Max File Size restriction in the editor's upload field. Where can I adjust this?

Could contain: Page, Text

Also, why is there no space between the current setting (24.41) and the file suffix (MB)? I want it to look like the Max total size info (24.41 MB instead of 24.41MB).

Thanks in advance!

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Thanks for your reply. I am afraid I am too stupid to understand these settings. This is why:

1. No total maximum storage is set, yet there is a max total size. Why? I was expecting that one could upload limitless here, but each file can only have a max file size of 5 MB.

Could contain: Page, Text, FileCould contain: Page, Text


2. Maximum storage for each submission is set to 5000, yet it only displays the max total size. Makes sense (I guess?), because if the total maximum storage is 3000, one can ignore the higher setting for maximum storage for each submission (but regarding this see 4. below).

Could contain: Page, Text, File, WebpageCould contain: Page, Text


3. Just the total maximum storage is set, the maximum storage for each submission is unlimited. Just the max total size is being displayed. Makes also sense (same as under 2.).

Could contain: Page, Text, FileCould contain: Page, Text


4. Similar to 2., but this time the maximum storage for each submission is lower than the total maximum storage. Yet it only displays the max total size (but incorrectly? Shouldn't this be 5 MB?) I am under the impression that with these settings here there should be a max total size of 5 MB and a max file size of 3 MB in the editor's upload field.

Could contain: Page, Text, FileCould contain: Page, Text, Cutlery


So basically I don't understand why 1. and 4. work and display how they do right now.

Edited by MMXII
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Don't miss the fact that the content maximum also depends on your host plan, i.e. from the real space on your server that you have available. I.e. software settings are relative - IPS has no way of knowing how much space you have on your server, how many users there are in your community to display an accurate size indicator.

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8 minutes ago, Adlago said:

Don't miss the fact that the content maximum also depends on your host plan, i.e. from the real space on your server that you have available. I.e. software settings are relative - IPS has no way of knowing how much space you have on your server, how many users there are in your community to display an accurate size indicator.

I'm afraid that is not correct, the amount shown there if your member group is not restricted would be that of your PHP upload limit setting, not the space on your server.

Additionally this description may help OP with our software settings.

Total maximum storage - this would be the space the user has among all their uploads.

Maximum storage for each submission - this is submission based, i.e. upload limit per forum post.

These can be used in combination so that if Total maximum storage is unlimited but you want to restrict your users in this group to uploading only 3MBs worth of files per content submission, you would put that in "Maximum storage for each submission".

You can also do the reverse and limit say all uploads to 10GB but not limit them per content submission or any combination of that.

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1 hour ago, Jim M said:

Total maximum storage - this would be the space the user has among all their uploads.

So this has nothing to do with the "max total size" info that is being displayed in the editor? This is about all the space a user has available for all their files among all apps (forum posts, downloads, calendar entries...)? Then why are 2 infos being given like I posted above under 1.?

I thought the 2 options in the group settings work like this:

  • Total maximum storage limits how much space can be used by all attachments within a content item.
  • Maximum storage for each submission limits how much space can be used for each single attachment (although the user might add more than one attachment within a content item, until he reaches the total maximum storage).

But that is a wrong assumption, correct?

1 hour ago, Jim M said:

These can be used in combination so that if Total maximum storage is unlimited but you want to restrict your users in this group to uploading only 3MBs worth of files per content submission, you would put that in "Maximum storage for each submission".

I understand they way these options are supposed to work, but I guess I am irritated by what is being displayed in the editor's upload area. So if I take what you said here, my 4th example should cover this, right? But then I would expect to be informed about "max file size", not the "max total size" (like it is being done, see 4.).

1 hour ago, Jim M said:

You can also do the reverse and limit say all uploads to 10GB but not limit them per content submission or any combination of that.

I guess this is my example under 3. There I get it that "max total size" makes sense. In a way... (although the user does not know how much space he has left to use until he reaches the total maximum storage).

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15 minutes ago, MMXII said:

This is about all the space a user has available for all their files among all apps (forum posts, downloads, calendar entries...)? Then why are 2 infos being given like I posted above under 1.?

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On 10/11/2020 at 7:38 AM, Morrigan said:

The reason that it shows both is because they are 2 different items in permissions. There are server side settings that will affect the max-file-size as well but:


The top one is the remaining storage they have (lets say the 30 megs that you posted there) the second one is the maximum size they can upload per attachment (2 megs). So if you set the first to the larger number and the second to the smaller number it will look correct.

This is intended for sites with limited storage space or similar as well as sites that wish to provide extra storage space for subscribers etc.


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To clarify, the uploader is stating the maximum total size of files you can upload to the editor at that point in time. This can be limited by any of the above factors, be that a limit for content item, the total left the user themselves can upload, or indeed the upload_max_filesize setting in PHP. Which ever is lower is what will show

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