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ability to lock and unlock own topic, not working unless giving additional access

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I created a custom user group and added the ability to lock and unlock own topic, but it's not working unless I active the "Can manage alerts?" access too

But then there will be another issue, the users will be able to lock and unlock all topics, not just their own topics


I am on latest version 4.7.3

PHP 8.1.9

MariaDB 10.6

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1 hour ago, Mohsen Parhizkar said:

All the users in that particular user group by enabling "Can manage alerts?" can lock and unlock all topics even from other users

Are you providing them a moderator ability to unlock/lock topics in ACP -> Members -> Staff -> Moderators? If so, this is for all content, not just their own.

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I attached the screenshot of the settings of the same user group

with this setting, the users will be able to lock and unlock all topics, not just their own and if I disable the "Can manage alerts?", they can't do that for any topic


Group Menu Settings

Could contain: Page, Text, File


Moderator Menu Settings

Could contain: Page, Text, File

Edited by Mohsen Parhizkar
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This is easy to reproduce, Marc.

  1. Modify the 'Members' group, enable the 'Can lock and unlock own content?' permission.
  2. Login as a member and create a topic
  3. Once created, click 'Moderator Actions' -> 'Lock'

Result - click 'Save' has no effect on the topic

Could contain: Page, Text


  1. Make the member a restricted moderator, with only the 'Can manage alerts?' permission
  2. Try to lock the topic again.

Result - clicking save now locks the topic.

Could contain: Page, Text

Edited by Nathan Explosion
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11 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

This is easy to reproduce, Marc.

  1. Modify the 'Members' group, enable the 'Can lock and unlock own content?' permission.
  2. Login as a member and create a topic
  3. Once created, click 'Moderator Actions' -> 'Lock'

Result - click 'Save' has no effect on the topic

Could contain: Page, Text


  1. Make the member a restricted moderator, with only the 'Can manage alerts?' permission
  2. Try to lock the topic again.


Could contain: Page, Text

That's known and fixed for an upcoming release, the issue is that we can't reproduce the second issue with being able to lock all topics and not only the own.

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53 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

I would need to know which group this is to take a look, but please also check on the forums tab on moderator settings first of all

This isn't one of the defaults user groups, I made a custom user group

I didn't have any idea that there are some access settings in that tab too, the cause of the problem was exactly on the forums tab, the "Can lock topics/questions?" and "Can Unlock topics/questions?" had been enabled,

I think the logic of this kind of setting, isn't correct, when we disabled the lock and unlock the topic ability, why in the forums tab, we should have same settings?


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