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Sidebar in pages

Go to solution Solved by Daniel F,

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Prior to upgrading to 4.7.3 I had a sidebar that was sitewide. Since the upgrade it is only there on my homepage and forums. Ideally I want it in pages too. I can't remember whether this was the default setting in the previous version I was using or if I needed to make some customisations for the sidebar to show in pages.

Does this require a plug in or a template changes to work in 4.7.3? 

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That seems to be a different issue to what I have. He does not have the pages app and has no sidebar on his forum lists and topics, whereas I do have the sidebar on my forums list page and topics list. The sidebar is there on all forum related pages as well as my home page. It just isn't there in the pages app.

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9 minutes ago, tlw1999 said:

It just isn't there in the pages app.

It’s not a global setting. Each page in Pages may or may not have a sidebar. 
For a Page Builder page, just open the front end block manager and put at least one widget into the sidebar. Then the sidebar will be used. 
You probably don’t use that but for the sake of completeness: Manual pages in Pages have setting in the ACP which controls the appearance of the sidebar. 

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3 minutes ago, opentype said:

 For a Page Builder page, just open the front end block manager and put at least one widget into the sidebar. Then the sidebar will be used. 

Yes that's how I've always done it, but when I try now the sidebar isnt there on pages. It's there on the forum and I drop the blocks in via the front end, but for whatever reason the pages template doesn't have the sidebar.

I do have these spaces at the bottom, one of which looks like it might be the sidebar but just in the wrong space?


Could contain: Page, Text


Edited by tlw1999
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