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Deprecation errors using PHP 8.1.10

KT Walrus
Go to solution Solved by Stuart Silvester,

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Just upgraded to PHP 8.1.10 and got 2 deprecation errors. I have IN_DEV set and installed.

The first is with the License Check where $resonse['test_url'] is empty. I do not have a test install for the license.

Could contain: Text, Menu, File, Word


Second is in mobileNavigation.phtml in the first "Browse" menu link.

Could contain: Text, Menu, File

I have the Browse menu enabled and for some reason, it adds a "Browse" link as the first menu item in the Browse dropdown...

Edited by KT Walrus
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11 hours ago, Matt said:

It’s worth upgrading to the latest version. We have been fixing things as we see them. 

I did upgrade to 4.7.3 and these deprecation errors were not fixed. Unless, you slip in minor fixes to the release, I should be using the latest version. The fixes are trivial.

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