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Database Records Canonical Meta Tag

My Sharona
Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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I don't know if it is possible but...

When a record is created, you have the option of posting that record as a thread within a specified forum. If you utilize that option, both creations come with a canonical tag that gives the 'thread' preference. I have a want for it to be the opposite, I would like the "Record" to have the canonical link direction. Any way to achieve this?



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So... I have discovered an item with regard to this canonical meta tag system.

I have found that if I mark the database as posting a "topic" to a forum and then mark whatever category as to 'overriding the database forum options' and deselect 'post topic', the canonical tag on the database record will post a canonical meta tag that directs the record to have prominence.

Additionally, in this scenario, a forum topic is still created. And, the canonical tag that is created with the forum topic gives that canonical meta tag direction to that forum topic.

Not sure it is good to have two pages, almost identical, each dictating that they are the prominent version (as Google states that they will ignore one of them), but my records are showing up in Google News.

Edited by My Sharona
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/7/2022 at 11:47 AM, My Sharona said:

Additionally, in this scenario, a forum topic is still created.

Can you clarify on this, or perhaps show what your database and category settings are? I have a database that posts a topic to a forum, and a category within that database that overrides that and does not post to a forum, and I cannot reproduce a topic being created anyway.

Regarding the canonical tag - this is by design, currently. The canonical tag is generated dynamically based on the content the user is viewing, and when this is generated the system is unaware that a topic could be linked to a record.

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On 9/22/2022 at 5:27 PM, Ryan Ashbrook said:

Can you clarify on this, or perhaps show what your database and category settings are? I have a database that posts a topic to a forum, and a category within that database that overrides that and does not post to a forum, and I cannot reproduce a topic being created anyway.

Regarding the canonical tag - this is by design, currently. The canonical tag is generated dynamically based on the content the user is viewing, and when this is generated the system is unaware that a topic could be linked to a record.

Apologies @Ryan Ashbrook I read this not long after you posted, didn't have the time to respond and forgot to get back to it.

It is somewhat complicated. My settings have changed since I had a 'Locked task queue'. This is due to the fact that once it was resolved, I noticed that the functionality was markedly different. I chalked it up to the bug that was originally causing the canonical meta data acting the way it did (marking both the record and the forum thread as the record having canonical prominance). The marked functionality difference noticed at that point was as you say, dependent upon which item you were viewing as to what meta data was ultimately in the canonical tag.

I'm not sure why the the current design is to mark both creations as canonical. The whole purpose of a canonical meta tag is to tell search engines which of duplicate content is the 'master'. Having duplicate content both marked as 'master' is going to be very detrimental to SEO.

It is with this in mind that I created a '[feature suggestion] Database Records Canonical Meta Tag' thread that would allow for the selection of which duplicate content you would like Google to rank. After all, isn't this what you want for CMS, to rank the record instead of the thread?


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