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Assign member to user group after registration

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As mentioned above by opentype, if you wish to change the usergropu that is set after registration that is a config item that can be set in your conf_global.php file, by changing the assigned group. For most however its simpler just to rename the members group to whatever you want it to be called. 

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53 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

As mentioned above by opentype, if you wish to change the usergropu that is set after registration that is a config item that can be set in your conf_global.php file, by changing the assigned group. For most however its simpler just to rename the members group to whatever you want it to be called. 

Yes, but I would still have the same problem. Why? Maybe, my rationale is wrong.

This is what I currently have:

Users can...

1. Pay for a product and they will be assigned to user group X based on that product 

2. Register without purchasing a product to have access to some free resources in pages. The user group assigned is 'members', the default one.

The problem happens when trying to differentiate users that paid from users that did not pay. Why?

I have different drip email campaigns sent to new members and those who purchased a product. 

The problem is:

1. If a paid user cancels his subscription, he will be moved back to the default group 'members', or whatever it's called. It's irrelevant, I believe

2. If a user that registered without a purchase, he will also be assigned the 'members' user group.

In the end, both paid and non-paid members will end up in the 'members' user group at some time, and that's not good. Why?

Because, their historical record of purchasing a product in the community is different.

A paid user goes back to members user group when he cancels the renewals. A non paid member will be in the same group, and that's the issue I want to fix because the new emails I send every week will be completely different if a user paid or not a product.

In the end, all the users end up in the 'members' user group, regardless of their purchases or not.

That's why I wanted to:

1. Users that register without purchasing a product will be assigned user group 'no purchase', for example

2. Users that purchased a product will be assigned the members user group when they cancel the renewal.

By doing so, I would differentiate users who have paid from those who have not. Right now, I can't do this because all users end up in the default 'members' user group, regardless of how you call/rename that group. So, once a paid member cancels, he will be part of the same user group for members that did not purchase s product.

Hope I explained myself correctly.




1 hour ago, Sonya* said:

Probably, you can use Group Promotion. E.g. move all users who joined less than 1 day ago, and are in the Groups Members into another group.


Thanks a lot . Yes, but that would not be automated. I would have to do it manually periodically.

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You did, however what I dont understand is the statement there that users with and without a purchase will end up in the members group. If their purchase has expired, they don't then have a purchase.

There isnt really any way to do what you want to here if you are looking for members registering through different methods being added to different groups. That isnt a function of the software at present. Users can be 'moved' to groups on a scenario, such as purchasing, but if you have it set to move back on expiry, it will indeed move back to the initial group (members or whatever group they were in). If you have it not move back, they would alway then be in the group the purchase put them in.

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@OptimusBain, I think there is a way. 

  1. Create a group "Customers" that will be used only as secondary group. 
  2. Let the new registered members be in Members group.
  3. If a member purchases something, you move him in another group to grant benefits, let say VIP.
  4. Add a secondary group Customers while purchasing, it can be made automatically.
  5. If a purchase expires or is cancelled, return them to Members.
  6. BUT let their secondary group Customers persist after expire or cancel.

That way you can distinguish:

  • Members - never purchased something
  • Members with secondary Group Customers (there was a purchase in the past)

See the product setup below:



Edited by Sonya*
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1 hour ago, Marc Stridgen said:

You did, however what I dont understand is the statement there that users with and without a purchase will end up in the members group. If their purchase has expired, they don't then have a purchase.

A user that does not pay for a product will belong to user group = members

A user that buys a product will end up in user group = members, when his subscription expires

So, in the end, we won't be able to distinguish members who paid or did not pay by the user group.

5 minutes ago, Sonya* said:

I think there is a way. 

Thanks a lot. I will think about this scenario that you have laid out and see if I can make it work like that. Thanks so much for taking the time to think about it. Much appreciated.

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1 minute ago, OptimusBain said:

A user that does not pay for a product will belong to user group = members

A user that buys a product will end up in user group = members, when his subscription expires

So, in the end, we won't be able to distinguish members who paid or did not pay by the user group.

Users who have a current active subscription should be placed into a separate group if you need to distinguish them.

If you need to see who previously had a subscription, you would view that report in your subscription area. 

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Just now, Jim M said:

f you need to see who previously had a subscription, you would view that report in your subscription area. 

Yes, but the drip campaign application I am using only distinguishes user groups. Commerce and emails have limited functionalities in ACP, you can't do a lot of things for automating things based on what the user has previously done in the past. I found drip campaign app but it also has its limitations because ACP has them as well.

We'll see in the future. Thanks a lot

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Just now, OptimusBain said:

Yes, but the drip campaign application I am using only distinguishes user groups. Commerce and emails have limited functionalities in ACP, you can't do a lot of things for automating things based on what the user has previously done in the past. I found drip campaign app but it also has its limitations because ACP has them as well.

We'll see in the future. Thanks a lot

I would advise making any suggestions for the future that you would like to see in the appropriate areas (either to us or the author of the add-on you're using) 🙂 .

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