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Support Renewal Alert Out of Sync with Date

Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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Hi all,

Late last week we started getting the warning banners in our ACP that our Support payment was due, which was followed up by an email order No. offering renewal for the usual price, but with the bracketed date as follows: (Expires: 02/06/2022)

Eh?  Are you collecting renewals 5 months early, or is there an error in our entry?  I don't know which is right, as I have the world's worst memory, so I'm looking for some guidance.  Either correction of the database so our entry matches the date of the alert, or defer the alerts until the real renewal date.  We've had these out-of-sync alerts now for 2 years, as I found the screenshot from last year while I was saving one off for this year too.

i was going to post the screenshot, but as the support forum is now public, I'm not sure I want details of my forum's back-end visible to all.  Is it limited to members, or visible to the whole world?



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