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Improvements for the app Gallery


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I honestly believe that IP.Board is one of the most complete platforms, but unfortunately its additional content (Downloads aside) needs more attention.

  • In Gallery you can also upload videos as well as images, but in every button there is “Insert image”, wouldn't it be better to put “insert media”? (obviously where video content is allowed to load)
  • Whenever a person uploads a video, the video doesn't have any thumbnails, I have no idea if with php you can extrapolate a frame from the video, but I sincerely believe it would take too much. Why not allow a custom thumb to be loaded? Maybe with FFmpeg? YouTube style, 3/5 thumbnails where the user chooses the best one.


  • When a blank album is created, a blank thumb is created, in the list, wouldn't it be better a written with: “There are no images in this album yet”?


  • File name in the gallery, why? in albums me and my users upload lots of screnshots, it's hard to edit every single name... But why make it appear in “ipsPhotoPanel”?


  • An edit I asked for a few times, and I tried to make it custom, spoiler images. Now every community has the possibility to hide images, because they have spoiler or NFSW content, such as the method used by Reddit or Steam.
  • And finally, a secondary thing but definitely nice and appreciable in a gallery, a personalized video player, and not the classic HTML5. A video player that allows you to put the logo of the site and other customizations, example: VideoJS, JWPlayer or Plyr.


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3 hours ago, Askancy said:
  • Whenever a person uploads a video, the video doesn't have any thumbnails, I have no idea if with php you can extrapolate a frame from the video, but I sincerely believe it would take too much. Why not allow a custom thumb to be loaded? Maybe with FFmpeg? YouTube style, 3/5 thumbnails where the user chooses the best one.


During submission you can manually upload a thumbnail of the video. There is no capacity (yet) to automatically extrapolate frames for thumbnails.

3 hours ago, Askancy said:
  • File name in the gallery, why? in albums me and my users upload lots of screnshots, it's hard to edit every single name... But why make it appear in “ipsPhotoPanel”?


You can adjust the caption of the image during submission.


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2 hours ago, bfarber said:

During submission you can manually upload a thumbnail of the video. There is no capacity (yet) to automatically extrapolate frames for thumbnails.

You're right, I've seen now and it allows, unfortunately though it doesn't indicate if this is a video or an image, at this point it would be cute/better to have the “play” icon to indicate a media content.

2 hours ago, bfarber said:

You can adjust the caption of the image during submission.

Yes, I know, but I never understood why a user should care about the name of the image. I think that goes to break the beauty of the design. Also if one uploads 50 images together, changing name to every single image becomes a huge job, for something that in my opinion shouldn't appear there, at least. In my opinion that be inserted just above “Taken with”, in the lightbox.  Or they include the function for “rename all to:” a bit like when setting copyright in on mass.

It's a bit like in the attachments of images in posts, rightly the name of the attachment (if image) is not shown because it's not of interest.

Moreover I am not a developer of the IPS scene, so I do not know if it is true, and I ask you. Is it true that plugins can't include elements in lightboxes?

I hope you improve this application that really has so much potential.


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  • 4 months later...

+1 for all of those! I believe IPS have said video/media in the gallery is on their radar, but any of the suggestions above would be really great to see! 

For me, the ideal features would be:

  • Automatic thumbnail generation for videos
  • Video compression
  • Custom video player  (right now some videos don't play for certain users, depending on their browser) 
  • Possible integration with amazon mediaconvert (which I believe would do a lot of the above) - I believe this would also allow for multiple versions of a file to be served depending on the user, for example a lower resolution version on mobile devices / weak internet connections. Those kind of features could save a small fortune on bandwidth costs and improve performance too, as right now I believe the full raw video file is downloaded as soon as anyone loads the video. 
  • Wording changed to reflect media/videos, not just images.
Edited by theipsguy
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I realize I'm just getting greedy at this point... but one more I just thought of:

  • Automatically show the video's duration - Right now the gallery doesn't show you the video length until you've already loaded the video - would be great if a youtube-style timestamp was automatically included in the corner of the thumbnail (e.g. 04:21 for a 4 minute 21 second video).
Edited by theipsguy
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  • 4 months later...
On 8/28/2020 at 12:00 PM, bfarber said:


During submission you can manually upload a thumbnail of the video. There is no capacity (yet) to automatically extrapolate frames for thumbnails.

You can adjust the caption of the image during submission.


Has there been any discussion about upgrading Gallery? @Matt

Edited by ZakRhyno
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