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Marketplace Updates?


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I notice that a theme I'm using was updated a few hours ago in the marketplace fixing some issues yet when I open the marketplace in the ACP and click on the updated file, I get this:


I've run the support tool and it says everything is in the green - I've run the applications check for updates but still no mention of this updated theme.  I can't download it because I'm told to do this through the ACP.  It would be helpful if there was a 'check for installed updates' button so updates are recognised.

Any help would be appreciated.

With thanks

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20 minutes ago, Paul E. said:

Also brought this up in testing. The workaround I found was to go to System > Tasks > updateCheck > run it a bunch of times over and over again until you see the menu item increment the available update number.

You can click check for updates on the applications page, it does the same thing 👍

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