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How do I obtain the checkout subscription link?

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Hi there,

I want to link people to buy my subscription plan on a listing page I created.

Here is the listing page: https://www.breatheheavy.com/exhale/index.php?/exhale-plus/

Notice the pink button in the Exhale+ tier. What link should I use for that button? I want it to take them straight to the checkout page.

Here's my subscriptions page (default page made by IPB): https://www.breatheheavy.com/exhale/index.php?/subscriptions/ 

It doesn't appear I can use the link it generates for that Join Now button that takes them to the checkout. Here's an example link with a key:


What should I use?

Support at IPB says this cannot be done - that I must use the default subscription page. 🧐 

How is that button on the default subscribe page being generated? Can we somehow tell it to generate in the custom field of the field record I created? There must be some way. 

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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2 minutes ago, opentype said:

<a href='{url="app=nexus&module=subscriptions&controller=subscriptions&do=purchase&id=3" csrf="true"}'>Take Me to Cart</a>

Only works in templates. That’s what the support meant. 

Hey @opentype. You saw I'm using SuperListing 😎

That code you provided... what do I do with it? 

This is what I'm using to display the button in the custom field using 'URL.'

{{if $formValue}}
<a href="{$formValue}" class="ipsButton ipsButton_important ipsButton_fullWidth">Join Now</a>


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1 hour ago, opentype said:

Just replace the old code entirely. New: 

{{if $formValue}}
<a href='{url="app=nexus&module=subscriptions&controller=subscriptions&do=purchase&id=3" csrf="true"}'>Join now</a>


Thanks! Possible to make this a button somehow please? 🙏 Would be aweeeesome 

Edited by Jordan Miller
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You should link your image block to the subscription page. The one that says exhale plus .So when a user thinks what is exhale plus and tries clicking /tapping it they are taken there . You could even configure it to only show to people who don’t have it yet .


I was viewing the page on phone and the plans looked like blocks.You could create a sidebarblock with an image/logo clickable linking to this from the main page as i said above.Just a suggestion 🙂

Edited by Mark Round
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6 hours ago, Mark Round said:

You should link your image block to the subscription page. The one that says exhale plus .So when a user thinks what is exhale plus and tries clicking /tapping it they are taken there . You could even configure it to only show to people who don’t have it yet .


I was viewing the page on phone and the plans looked like blocks.You could create a sidebarblock with an image/logo clickable linking to this from the main page as i said above.Just a suggestion 🙂

Great suggestion! Yea I def need to get more eyes on this page now that it's finished 🙂

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@opentype Hey again. I encountered a little issue with the code you provided (thank you btw).

On my Exhale+ page with the SuperListings... when a guest clicks the button to join, it takes them to an error page.




However, when clicking the button from IPB's default Subscriptions page as a guest, it takes you to a checkout page where that guest can either login or create an account. 




How can I make it so my custom Exhale+ page takes the guest / non-logged in member to this checkout page that the default one does? Is this possible? 

Edited by Jordan Miller
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18 minutes ago, opentype said:

Works for me. 

I tried in an incognito window in Chrome and it successfully took me to the checkout.*

The error is occurring in Safari.

46% of visitors reading my website use Safari. 😩

Any idea how this can be fixed? It's strange that it's a browser issue.

However, it works on the default page so I have hope still!

Edited by Jordan Miller
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7 hours ago, Fosters said:

I can confirm that it works in safari for me too...According to the error code it's a CSRF issue.Were you probably using 2 different tabs in the same browser where you were logged in in one, while being logged out in the other?

Oh wow you're right. This morning it takes me to checkout on Safari and Chrome in incognito. 

However, how does that explain it not working on incognito yesterday? 

Yesterday, I moved the pricing tiers block to IPB's default subscriptions page and it the button was working instantly so I started using that page again. Good to know that I can use this button elsewhere though and that it appears to be something that was user-error (aka me lol). 

Here's where the subscription page lives now: https://www.breatheheavy.com/exhale/index.php?/subscriptions/


2 hours ago, Mark Round said:


After looking at your site yesterday it got my cogs ticking,and I thought what better way to sell the exhale plus package than a shiny badge to wear! Not sure if its your thing but i mocked this up.


I love where your head is at!! This is a great idea. I am going to look into doing this today. 

I want non-subscribers to see these extra little add-ons and feel inspired to subscribe. 

Sidenote: it's been sooo fun using my site without ads. IMO subscriptions will be the future of forums. 

Edited by Jordan Miller
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