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Member Map

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ok i think iv figured it out

If we add only custom markers only to the member map, it wont zoom. as soon as you add one member location it will zoom in to the appropriate level.

is this the way it is intended to work, ie no zoom if there are only custom markers?

Edit - ps is there a way to change the default size of the map that appears?

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ok i think iv figured it out

If we add only custom markers only to the member map, it wont zoom. as soon as you add one member location it will zoom in to the appropriate level.

is this the way it is intended to work, ie no zoom if there are only custom markers?

Edit - ps is there a way to change the default size of the map that appears?

The custom markers should affect the automatic zoom and center, I've just reviewed the code and there isn't any reason for that not to happen.

As for the size (height ?) of the map, that is set in the CSS file, you can edit that in your ACP.

Bugs can be reported to the Tracker here: http://ipb.silvesterwebdesigns.com/tracker/project-2-member-map/
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The custom markers should affect the automatic zoom and center, I've just reviewed the code and there isn't any reason for that not to happen.

As for the size (height ?) of the map, that is set in the CSS file, you can edit that in your ACP.

Bugs can be reported to the Tracker here:


ok thanks ill create an account and post on the tracker

got my test site up so they can see it live too
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3.2 Compatability release (1.0.5) will be available very soon.

It's not the full-blown feature release I had planned on, but there is a neat new feature with it.

Nothing for 3.1.4? Man, those of us with custom skins that will have to wait a while are going to have it tough. What's the new feature? Directions?
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Nothing for 3.1.4? Man, those of us with custom skins that will have to wait a while are going to have it tough. What's the new feature? Directions?

I'm not sure what you want ? I can't do a 3.2 compatibility release for 3.1.4 %7Boption%7D

This release updates the map to use built in 3.2 CSS, the new feature is a mini-map on profiles (it's a hook so it can be disabled)

I just update member map 1.0.3 to member map 1.0.4

After update, all of the markers are deleted.... however statistics are always good (under the map) : 99 Users

What's happened ?? What can I do ?

It sounds like you've got a Javascript error, make sure all of the files have been uploaded.
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I really like this.

Is there any way to "set" the language of the map? My browser is a Japanese one, but I would like to see the English googlemaps in there rather than Japanese version, which it seems to be defaulting to.


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I really like this.

Is there any way to "set" the language of the map? My browser is a Japanese one, but I would like to see the English googlemaps in there rather than Japanese version, which it seems to be defaulting to.


Have a look on user profiles at the map (enable the hook first), let me know if that uses your browser defined language.

It may be that v2 of the API doesn't support localization as such, but from what I can see v3 does (the profile map uses V3)
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Hi there

Not sure what you are asking me to do there stoo2000 --- can you be more specific.

IE9 >>> Japanese
Firefox >>> English



One more thing.... the mini map on the user profile page is really good! Is it possible to have it a bit more "zoomed out" than the current setting is? Our users will be from all over the world and right now the setting is quite zoomed in detail would be better to have it further out a bit


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Hi there

Not sure what you are asking me to do there stoo2000 --- can you be more specific.


IE9 >>> Japanese

Firefox >>> English



One more thing.... the mini map on the user profile page is really good! Is it possible to have it a bit more "zoomed out" than the current setting is? Our users will be from all over the world and right now the setting is quite zoomed in detail would be better to have it further out a bit


That's odd then, maybe there's a bug or something with FireFox ?

The mini-map was intended to be quite zoomed in, it does react to the scroll wheel on your mouse though, so you can zoom out.
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Ok I see. No way we can alter the default zoom?

Regarding the Firefox, thats actually what I want.... I wamt it to display in english whatever, if possible.


I read it backwards, I thought you wanted to use the browser language!

You'll need to do a file edit to /admin/applications_addon/other/membermap/sources/classes/google.php


protected $_jsUrl = 'http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=2&key=';

change to:

protected $_jsUrl = 'http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&hl=en&v=2&key=';

For the zoom level, you'll need to make a change to /public/js/ips.membermap.js

ipb.membermap.pinPointMap.setZoom( 12 ); 

The number can be 1 - 16, lower the number the further zoomed out it will be

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Hey stooo2000

Thanks again for that.
The member map is now showing some English.
Also the zoom works on the User Profile map ... but that map on the user profile is still showing the Japanese version.... do I need to edit another file for that?

Sorry for all the hassles.

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Hey stooo2000

Thanks again for that.

The member map is now showing some English.

Also the zoom works on the User Profile map ... but that map on the user profile is still showing the Japanese version.... do I need to edit another file for that?

Sorry for all the hassles.

Not a problem.

I'm afraid the hook isn't easy to edit since I didn't use a skin template, I have however opened a bug report for it: http://ipb.silvesterwebdesigns.com/tracker/issue-25-use-a-skin-template-for-profile-map/
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When I was using SMF I built a similar app for my forum. I have discarded it when I moved to SMF so I'm glad that there's on available in the market place.

There's just one little thing I miss from my old app. I used the G_PHYSICAL_MAP for map type to have it displayed by default in "terrain" mode. You can see it here (without any markers though). My forum is about overlanding and we like topo maps :)

I can look at your code/skin and find out where to change it but it would really save me some work if someone could tell me where to do it.

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Here's a strange one. I don't know why, but suddenly (or so it seems) the chatbox on my 3.2 test forum is capitalizing the first letter of each word.

Strange, right?

There's a setting for that in your ACP (not sure if it's global or not).

Not sure what it has to do with Member Map though ?
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