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Xenon Landing theme support


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On 2/16/2019 at 12:23 PM, jcdesign said:

Send me a pm and take a  look at this later today.

I was told you to contact me so I can take a look at your site. It´s hard to determine what is wrong in screeshots you post here. And the html is working, but I have done a couple of changes in the slider.

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Thanks for reporting this. It was my fault when doing the last update. Replace this in the html document. Replace this in Our Picks section:

                                        <h4><a href="{theme="section3_layout3_title_link"}">{theme="section3_layout3_title"}</a></h4>
                                        <p class="posted-on"><span>{theme="section3_layout3_date"}</span> {theme="section3_layout3_month"}</p>
                                    <div class="entry-expert">
                                             <div class="post-readMore">                                     
                                          </div><div class="container3">
                                          <a href="{theme="section3_layout3_button_link"}" class="btn-grad2 wow fadeInUp" data-wow-duration="1s" data-wow-delay="0.8s">{theme="section3_layout3_button"}

This will be fixed to the next update!

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7 hours ago, DoorMadeEasy said:

when i try to upload the  xml  i see this error show .




You have a limit at 2 mb at your host, and it´s very low. 

If you are in a host server you must contact them and request  a higher value. Increase the limit to at least 8mb.

If you are in WHM cPanel it´s easy to change this in php.ini settings.



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Been looking though the theme and I do like Xenon, As it's 2019 and my site isn't big as it used to be I been looking at new ideas for first impressions regards the theme that will support and work with my other custom HTML/CSS works. Just like the look but can't work out if it will go better with light or dark.  

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8 hours ago, DoorMadeEasy said:

i have done everything  when i go to the landing page that i created  it's keep  loading all the time.. 


i have done uploading the landing file to the room and i changed the url  so  why it keep loading ?

Send me a pm with url, admin login rights. I must see where the problem is!

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, jcdesign said:

How strange, put this code in custom.css for so long and see if there is any difference?

.owl-carousel .owl-stage-outer {
    position: relative;
    overflow: hidden!important;


still didn't work unfortunately

I will pm you the url and have enabled guests to view this theme

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...


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