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Our Picks Homepage - Supporttopic


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5 minutes ago, Noni said:

It's a perfect app. However, what happens when there are too many picks? A load more button should exist... to lighten up the loading time of the page.

I also suggested other possible improvements here:


There's a pagination, just like on the original picks page.


Thanks, that's a nice list, we'll see what else we'll add to this.

Edited by Fosters
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15 hours ago, Noni said:

How do you set the pagination? I haven't reached that yet and i've loaded multiple articles already


It's the IPS4 default value of 25 items per page.

By the way, great homepage @Noni.  If you don't mind, I'd like to take a screenshot as a featured example for everyone.  Nice job with the wide photos and descriptive text.  


Edited by Fosters
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9 hours ago, cafeboricua said:

Is there a way I can edit or customize the picks?

Hi @cafeboricua

This plugin uses the native Our Picks, which means any feature is stock.  We don't change or modify any of the features.  

As far as I can tell, you cannot edit or customize the promoted content in Our Picks once you publish.  However, I'm sure IPS would appreciate your suggestion in Feedback :) 

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  • 3 months later...
On 11/6/2017 at 1:05 PM, buddylove said:

if I set default , the forum not working 

I’m sure the forum still works it’s just not the first thing that pops up when you type the url of your site in. I seriously doubt this application crashes your forum. I’m guessing right now your forum is probably set as default so it loads when someone goes to your site. When you set this as default this will be what people see first sorta like a landing page but I’m sure your forums are still working you’ll just need to add /forums/ to the end of your domain name and there will also be a link in the navigation that says Forum probably under the Browse heading. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
5 hours ago, Pedro Ibáñez said:

Hi again Fosters!

I'm interested in this application because I just want to do a home page with our picks, but I don't understand exactly what this plugin does.

What is the difference between this plugin and the normal our picks page?


This plugin makes Our Picks the homepage.  That's it.  

Otherwise, Our Picks is a normal page like Leaderboard, Staff, Activity  Strrams and usually communities have a different homepage like forums.  

Edited by Joel R
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5 hours ago, Square Wheels said:

Ugh, I saw the screenshot about and thought this app stylized the Our Picks to make them look more appealing, I didn't realize all it did was set the default app to our picks.  I clearly need to read more closely.

Our Picks already looks pretty good.  Just add some pretty pictures and a clever caption and you're off and running! 

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9 hours ago, Joel R said:

Our Picks already looks pretty good.  Just add some pretty pictures and a clever caption and you're off and running! 

I disagree, it looks rather sloppy.

15 minutes ago, Fosters said:

This app was created while it wasn't possible to use our picks as homepage, it's probably useless now, BUT we've been working hard the 2 days to enhance it, to give the people which bought this app some new features!
More information TBA ;)

That's OK, I don't think most people visit this page on my site, for now I've uninstalled this app.

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3 hours ago, Fosters said:

This app was created while it wasn't possible to use our picks as homepage, it's probably useless now, BUT we've been working hard the 2 days to enhance it, to give the people which bought this app some new features!
More information TBA ;)

It may be just my installation but I did have a problem when I tried the native IPS way. I would set up Our Picks as the home page, yet if I clicked on the forum's logo or the Home link, Our Picks wouldn't show the photos, only the text.

However, this app has worked as intended and I don't have the same problem with it. So, not quite obsolete yet. ;) (Not sure if I'll have Our Picks as the home page, but I'm just testing at the moment).

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New release available:) . We have also changed the app name because this is the first of many releases which are going to enhance the Our Picks Page...


WE love our clients and supporters, so we have decided to included the new features into this app instead of releasing and selling them as new apps.

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Fosters Crew is pleased to present the newest version of Our Picks Improvement v1.1.0, available immediately in the IPS Marketplace for download.  In addition to setting Our Picks as the homepage, we've now included advanced filtering to quickly sort through different content types.  


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