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How To: Disable/Enable BreadCrumb on Specific Pages?


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Just wondering if anyone knows how I can disable the Breadcrumb from appearing on specific pages, or another way to only enable it for specific pages.


Ideally I would only want the BreadCrumbs showing up on my Forums and Calendar, but I could live with it being on all pages except for my Home page.

I found the below code to add to custom.css which disables the top breadcrumb entirely from my site, but I'm not sure users would appreciate having only a bottom breadcrumb.

/* Hide breadcrumbs*/
.ipsfocus_breadcrumbWrap{ display: none; }
.ipsSubNavigation{ display: none !important; } /* Overwrite inline style tag */

Anyone have some suggestions on how I can go about setting this up?


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Am assuming you mean home page created with IP.Pages ?

If so then if you only have the home page created using Pages then yes it can be done but if you have other pages also created with Pages then it will also remove from those pages as well other than creating new template page and remove the 'breadcrumb' from the template and use that only as the home page (hope that makes sense)

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1 hour ago, Nathan Explosion said:

Again - assuming home page is created with Pages.....

Within the pages templates, create a css file that contains that css code. Then, on the page(s) you want to affect, include that css file via the 'Page Includes' setting of the page.

Wow thank you!

This is a very powerful feature.

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