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Registration as "Goal" in Google Analytics


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I cannot set up registration tracking (Goals) in Google Analytics. I've tried every method in GA (expressions, begins with, etc) to no avail. It seems the link that is sent in emails for completing registrations is a redirect that does not contain the GA code.


I searched the support forums for a fix, but only found people with the same issue and no solution.  I already asked support the same thing, but they refused to help, stating it's "out of scope".


What is the fix?

I'm using V.

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On 12/10/2016 at 9:08 AM, Apfelstrudel said:

Here it is:

Goal (regex): .*do=validate.*

Step 1: /forums/register/

Step 2: /forums/register/?do=validating

These parameters : step 1, step 2 don't fit with my analytics parameters available

My url register page is domain.com/register : (not domain.com/forums/register


So I made this setting on analytics : 


I have about 20 new registration on the past 7 days, and if I verify the goal, there are no result

If I wait a few days, there is no result about this goal on analytics...  :(

Someone could help me to do these setting correctly ? :unsure:


I have already tested begins with, regular and equals to

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3 minutes ago, EricT said:

These parameters : step 1, step 2 don't fit with my analytics parameters available

My url register page is domain.com/register : (not domain.com/forums/register


So I made this setting on analytics : 


I have about 20 new registration on the past 7 days, and if I verify the goal, there are no result

If I wait a few days, there is no result about this goal on analytics...  :(

Someone could help me to do these setting correctly ? :unsure:


I have already tested begins with, regular and equals to

Are you using the email validation option? If you don't use it, the members won't need to call /register/?do=validating and the google analytics goal won't be reached :)

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Since my new setting, I had a few registrations, but no goals on google analytics.

So, on the past 30 days, I made a search on all pages with the word "register" : 



And here the results : 


There are :

- 133 URL /register/
- 1 URL from Adriano invite plugin
- 3 URL with do=complete --> It is registration using Facebook API
- 1 URL using google transale for the register page

So, there is no possibility to create a registration goal if there is no email validation (excepting for facebook registration) ?

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It is not about google analytics, but to know which URL I should take as goal.

On google analytics, I saw there is no specific URL when a user registry (except if he use Facebook connect). Maybe because I am not using email validation.


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As I said in https://invisionpower.com/forums/topic/424752-registration-as-goal-in-google-analytics/?do=findComment&comment=2659142 , if you're not using a validation method, there's no way to notify google analytics from the client side after the successful registration because your users will just be redirected to the index page.
You'll need a custom plugin which either uses https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/protocol/v1/  which adds custom parameters to your url which then could be tracked by google analytics.

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