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Download: ProMenu Basic

Robert Simons

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Is there a way to stop the 'pages' tab highlighting in an active state along with the menu item that I am currently viewing? I have created a test category with a test page within it and the category tab changes to an active white state when on the page but so does the pages tab? Frankly I'd like to totally shut off the pages tab. Maybe I'm new to the IP.content product but I don't see the point to the 'pages' tab.

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Is there a way to stop the 'pages' tab highlighting in an active state along with the menu item that I am currently viewing? I have created a test category with a test page within it and the category tab changes to an active white state when on the page but so does the pages tab? Frankly I'd like to totally shut off the pages tab. Maybe I'm new to the IP.content product but I don't see the point to the 'pages' tab.

are you still using the default menus?

I recommend removing them with the setting..and build your own
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Is there a way to stop the 'pages' tab highlighting in an active state along with the menu item that I am currently viewing? I have created a test category with a test page within it and the category tab changes to an active white state when on the page but so does the pages tab? Frankly I'd like to totally shut off the pages tab. Maybe I'm new to the IP.content product but I don't see the point to the 'pages' tab.

as above, or hide the link completely via manage applications and modules...
noone sees the point of the "pages" tab TBH....
is there one other than annoying activity?
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yup I failed LOL

I think using a transparency there would be problematic, in the end it should be easier to just use the nav bar hex# there so active/inactive would still show different.

Hi I hope I understand you right, you want a transparency in the background of the topmenu? I got it working with transparency if you want I can show you my css settings for this, If I haven't get you right, just ignore my post :)

If you look at http://onlinegilde.net you will see this menu with transparency

Greetings Benny
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released an upgrade .. fixed a small bug with activation and IPC when Content is set as the default application

I also switched a variable in one template (nav_menus) to avoid any possible conflicts ... this upgrade will not wipe out any changes to templates (unless you revert .. then the current change will be present) ... so if you wish to make the edits manually



<ul class="promenu" id="menu">

and change to

<ul class="promenu" id="promenu">

and find

<script type="text/javascript">

var menu=new menu.dd("menu");



and change to

<script type="text/javascript">

var promenu=new promenu.dd("promenu");



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uploaded and overwrote and now no dropdown actions at all.

reverting back to 1.0.2 now to see if a fluke.

edit: uploading 102 corrected it immediately. will try 103 again shortly.

did you read the documentation on upgrade from 1.0.2?

or really read what I posted up above?

if so..and your still seeing it..its your browser .. f5 to recache should resolve the issue
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I reverted the only skin edit made back to stock and ran upgrade process like normal, cleared cache from browser and purge cache from cdn.
then went on a pc I have not used for months.
same issue.
think it probably an upload issue itself but have not had a chance to verify.

one thing I noticed is the menu held the edits I had done even though I reverted (manually, I copied org promenu css before editing) so I really am suspecting upload issue.

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I reverted the only skin edit made back to stock and ran upgrade process like normal, cleared cache from browser and purge cache from cdn.

then went on a pc I have not used for months.

same issue.

think it probably an upload issue itself but have not had a chance to verify.

you repaet the process and have the same issue .. I'll have a look
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I upgraded from 1.01. Everything right now is listed under "more" which I don't want. So, when I go in the settings and disable the "more" setting my menu goes nuts. None of my parent menus will show for me. Can I get you to take a look for me? I do have a custom skin so that may be the issue...

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I upgraded from 1.01. Everything right now is listed under "more" which I don't want. So, when I go in the settings and disable the "more" setting my menu goes nuts. None of my parent menus will show for me. Can I get you to take a look for me? I do have a custom skin so that may be the issue...

have you checked it on default skin..to make sure its not a skin issue?
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