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Download: ProMenu Basic

Robert Simons

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When I installed or upgraded an application the last few times I always lost permissions in some forums so just check the permissions. This also happened when I removed an IPS App.

if anyone can confirm this happening on install/uninstall of other products (including IPS) please post .. as we could be looking at a possible bug in IPB rather than promenu
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Hmmm, this rings bells with what happened on my STdriveRS site recently, forums disappearing, was beginning to think I had ghosts :D

ATM I'm leaning toward an IPB bug ... and the possibility that ProMenu could even be triggering the issue .. I have looked thru the source code...and I see no cause for it whatsoever
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the interwebs are all magic anyways so...... :smile:

could it be less a PM issue and more a php memory limit during any app install/uninstall/recache process as it writes to database?

I doubt a memory limit would cause this issue .. all applications use the same permissions table....so unless something is messing up somewhere..deleting permission types for no apparent reason .. I can't think of a cause
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look... here are the only imagery IN this css.

#primary_nav .promenu a.inactive.down_arrow


background:#1C3B5F url({style_images_url*}/_menu_icons/down_arrow.png ) no-repeat 100% !important;


#primary_nav .promenu a.inactive.right_arrow


background:#1C3B5F url({style_images_url*}/_menu_icons/right_arrow.png ) no-repeat 100% !important;


#primary_nav .promenu a.active.down_arrow


background:#fff url({style_images_url*}/_menu_icons/down_arrow_active.png ) no-repeat 100% !important;


#primary_nav .promenu a.active.right_arrow


background:#fff url({style_images_url*}/_menu_icons/right_arrow_active.png ) no-repeat 100% !important;


#primary_nav .promenu a.active:hover.down_arrow


background:#fff url({style_images_url*}/_menu_icons/down_arrow.png ) no-repeat 100% !important;


#primary_nav .promenu a.active:hover.right_arrow


background:#fff url({style_images_url*}/_menu_icons/right_arrow.png ) no-repeat 100% !important;


{style_images_url*} remove the *.. it would parse here.... that's not in the stock css, or caused by it.

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For those of you using the Cleancut stylesheet, this is how it should look:


/* ProMenu CSS - By Marcher Tech and Robert Simons - ©2012 Provisionists LLC  */


/* promenu.css					*/


#primary_nav .promenu ul


min-width: 150px; /* Change this to alter the minimum width of submenus */

position: absolute;

margin: 0;

padding: 0 !important;



#primary_nav .promenu li


  background: #d9d9d9 url({style_images_url*}/master/gradient_bg.png) repeat-x left 50%;



margin: 0 !important;

padding: 0 !important;

display: block !important;


#primary_nav .promenu ul li


margin: 0 !important;

padding: 0 !important;

display: block !important;

float: none !important;


#primary_nav .promenu a


text-shadow: none !important;


#primary_nav .promenu a:hover


background: #d0d0d0;

color: #4e6a97;


#primary_nav .promenu a.active


background: #4e6a97;


border: 1px solid #334562;

border-top: 1px solid #b6c3d7;

border-bottom: 0;

line-height: 35px;

padding: 0px 15px;

color: #fff;


#primary_nav .promenu li ul.right_open


left:140px; /* Change this to alter the right position of the submenu */

top:-5px		/* Change this to alter the top position of the submenu */


#primary_nav .promenu li ul.left_open


left:-145px; /* Change this to alter the left position of the submenu */

top:-5px		/* Change this to alter the top position of submenu */


#primary_nav .promenu li ul.first


left:0px; /* Change this to alter the left position of the first dropdown menu */

top:35px		/* Change this to alter the top position of the first dropdown submenu */



#primary_nav .promenu a.inactive.down_arrow


background: url({style_images_url*}/master/_menu_icons/down_arrow.png ) no-repeat 109% !important;


#primary_nav .promenu a.inactive.right_arrow


background: url({style_images_url*}/master/_menu_icons/right_arrow.png ) no-repeat 100% !important;


#primary_nav .promenu a.active.down_arrow


background: #4e6a97 url({style_images_url*}/master/_menu_icons/down_arrow_active.png ) no-repeat 103% !important;


#primary_nav .promenu a.active.right_arrow


background: #4e6a97 url({style_images_url*}/master/_menu_icons/right_arrow_active.png ) no-repeat 100% !important;


#primary_nav .promenu a:hover.inactive.down_arrow


background: #d0d0d0 url({style_images_url*}/master/_menu_icons/down_arrow.png ) no-repeat 109% !important;


#primary_nav .promenu a:hover.inactive.right_arrow


background: #d0d0d0 url({style_images_url*}/master/_menu_icons/right_arrow.png ) no-repeat 100% !important;


#primary_nav .promenu a:hover.active.down_arrow


background: #d0d0d0 url({style_images_url*}/master/_menu_icons/down_arrow_active.png ) no-repeat 103% !important;


#primary_nav .promenu a:hover.active.right_arrow


background: #d0d0d0 url({style_images_url*}/master/_menu_icons/right_arrow_active.png ) no-repeat 100% !important;


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First of all thankyou for such a great mod, i have recently purchased this to swap out fusion which i have used for ages. Only one slight problem is when using iphones / ipads for drop down catagories you have to click on the header name and it opens the drop down box but there is no way to close it unless you click on another menu link? on fusion you could simply click the drop down menus name again and it would close,


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First of all thankyou for such a great mod, i have recently purchased this to swap out fusion which i have used for ages. Only one slight problem is when using iphones / ipads for drop down catagories you have to click on the header name and it opens the drop down box but there is no way to close it unless you click on another menu link? on fusion you could simply click the drop down menus name again and it would close, Paul

fusion menu uses a click method for its submenus I do believe .. mine uses hover .. which could be a possible issue for mobile devices .... I do plan on implementing a click versus hover option eventually .. but for now its strictly hover activated
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Hello, I have just bought ProMenu and I like it, thank you. I have two css questions.

1. In firefox 9.01 there is a white gap between the main navigation and the drop down menu (my site). How could I get rid of it? This white gap does not show using the chrome (version 16.09) browser.

2. Is there a way I could change the drop down menu border color?

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