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Download: ProMenu Basic

Robert Simons

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right, noticed it was not an actual link. where I had not done any css edits prior I just wanted to make sure I was setup correctly before I try to :smile:

upgrade was a breeze btw, super simple.

well it was basically a rewrite ... everything (except 2 views in the acp) runs off cache now

only thing I didn't get too was major cleanup and document commenting .. but since the next build "groups" will require a total tear down again .. the issue seemed moot
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well it was basically a rewrite ... everything (except 2 views in the acp) runs off cache now

only thing I didn't get too was major cleanup and document commenting .. but since the next build "groups" will require a total tear down again .. the issue seemed moot

speaking of...you got that update done yet?
:) :)
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<if test="hasmenus:|:is_array($menudata) AND count($menudata) > 0">

<ul class='promenu' id='menu'>

  <foreach loop="menus:$menudata as $menuid => $menuitem">

    <li id="nav_app_{$menuitem['promenu_use_app']}" class='left<if test="leftOpen:|:$menuitem['promenu_left_open'] == 1"> left<else /> right</if>_open'>

<a href="{$menuitem['promenu_url']}" class="<if test="isactive:|:$menuitem['_active'] == 1"> active<else /> inactive</if><if test="isCategory:|:$menuitem['promenu_is_cat'] == 1"> menucat</if><if test="hasSubs:|:$menuitem['has_subs'] == 1 && $this->settings['promenu_disable_arrow'] == 0"> down_arrow</if>" title="<if test="hasDescrip:|:$menuitem['promenu_description']">{$menuitem['promenu_description']}<else />{$menuitem['promenu_title']}</if>" id="promenu_{$menuitem['promenu_id']}"

<if test="isCategorynoFollow:|:$menuitem['promenu_is_cat'] == 1">



<if test="openNew:|:$menuitem['promenu_open_new_window'] == 1"> target="_blank"</if>>

<if test="hasIcon:|:$menuitem['promenu_icon']">

<img src="{$menuitem['promenu_icon']}" height='14px' width='14px' /><else />{$menuitem['promenu_title']}</if>


<if test="hasSubs:|:$menuitem['has_subs'] == 1">

{parse template="nav_submenus" group="promenu" params="$menuitem[$menuitem['promenu_parent_id']], $menuitem['promenu_left_open'], $menuitem['promenu_parent_id']"}</if>


<if test="isCategoryJS:|:$menuitem['promenu_is_cat'] == 1">

<script type="text/javascript">

function noclick_promenu_{$menuitem['promenu_id']}(e)


var elem = Event.findElement(e);



$( 'promenu_{$menuitem['promenu_id']}' ).observe( 'click', noclick_promenu_{$menuitem['promenu_id']} );


</if>  </foreach>



<script type="text/javascript">

var menu=new menu.dd("menu");



if you want that for subs too nav_submenus

<if test="hasmenus:|:is_array($menudata) AND count($menudata) > 0">

<ul class='<if test="isFirstSubReal:|:$first != 1"> first</if><if test="leftOpen:|:$active == 1"> left<else /> right</if>_open'>

   <foreach loop="menus:$menudata as $menuid => $menuitem">

    <li id="nav_app_{$menuitem['promenu_use_app']}" class='left'>

<a href="{$menuitem['promenu_url']}" class="<if test="isCategory:|:$menuitem['promenu_is_cat'] == 1"> menucat</if><if test="hasSubs:|:$menuitem['has_subs'] == 1 && $this->settings['promenu_disable_arrow'] == 0"> right_arrow</if><if test="isactive:|:$menuitem['_active'] == 1"> active<else /> inactive</if>" title="<if test="hasDescrip:|:$menuitem['promenu_description']">{$menuitem['promenu_description']}<else />{$menuitem['promenu_title']}</if>" id="promenu_{$menuitem['promenu_id']}"

<if test="isCategorynoFollow:|:$menuitem['promenu_is_cat'] == 1">



<if test="openNew:|:$menuitem['promenu_open_new_window'] == 1"> target="_blank"</if>>

<if test="hasIcon:|:$menuitem['promenu_icon']">

<img src="{$menuitem['promenu_icon']}" height='14px' width='14px' /><else />{$menuitem['promenu_title']}</if>


<if test="hasSubSubs:|:$menuitem['has_subs'] == 1">

{parse template="nav_submenus" group="promenu" params="$menuitem[$menuitem['promenu_parent_id']], $menuitem['promenu_left_open'], 1"}</if>


<if test="isCategoryJS:|:$menuitem['promenu_is_cat'] == 1">

<script type="text/javascript">

function noclick_promenu_{$menuitem['promenu_id']}(e)


var elem = Event.findElement(e);



$( 'promenu_{$menuitem['promenu_id']}' ).observe( 'click', noclick_promenu_{$menuitem['promenu_id']} );






give those a whirl and see how it goes

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I know I'm probably being thick, but can you explain what the default menu application settings are all about please. I'm not getting any indications of active links on my board but it is probably my lack of understanding.


well if your running "forums" as your default application .. those settings are pretty much moot .. they are designed for those using other applications for the default..as IMHO any application set as default, should be first in the primary list and first in the breadcrumb..those settings give ppl that option ... as far as your menus not showing active ..... did you read the documentation? ... you have to edit all existing menus after upgrade .. as some settings will be lost due to variable adjustments .. did you make those edits? .. and is it just subs .. or all menus?
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its done in the acp ... promenu.css

most the stuff is marked..but some background colours on the bottom of the sheet might not be

if I am reading it right its this section just for the background correct?

#primary_nav .promenu ul


background: #1C3B5F; /* Change this to alter your background color */

font-size: 0.95em !important;

min-width: 150px; /* Change this to alter the minimum width of submenus */

position: absolute;

z-index: 10000;

margin: 0;

padding: 0 !important;


specifically the #1C3B5F; / part, I SUCK at css/skinning LOL
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if I am reading it right its this section just for the background correct?

specifically the #1C3B5F; / part, I SUCK at css/skinning LOL

its actually more extensive than that...

its all actually marked quite well .. except for the last section ...

under /* INACTIVE ARROWS FIRST >.< ALTER AT YOUR OWN RISK*/ are background colors to change as well ... plus hover colors and font colors .. and plus you'll need to recolor your arrows to match ... I didn't mark those .. as those where last minute adjustments made on the fly before I released
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well if your running "forums" as your default application .. those settings are pretty much moot .. they are designed for those using other applications for the default..as IMHO any application set as default, should be first in the primary list and first in the breadcrumb..those settings give ppl that option ... as far as your menus not showing active ..... did you read the documentation? ... you have to edit all existing menus after upgrade .. as some settings will be lost due to variable adjustments .. did you make those edits? .. and is it just subs .. or all menus?

Okay thanks. On the active menu stuff, yes I did read the documentation... I have got the main app ones showing up now but the ccs page links don't always seem to be picking up the correct pages. If I select the {root}/index.php page then all of the index.php pages seem to highlight irrespective of which folder they are in. Maybe I just need to fiddle a bit?

Also although the page folders are now showing in the pages drop down correctly they don't show in the main ACP menu page. By no means urgent but showing them here as well would be great.

Edit: Overall excellent app though. One of the best $10 I've spent on IPB stuff. :smile:
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Okay thanks. On the active menu stuff, yes I did read the documentation... I have got the main app ones showing up now but the ccs page links don't always seem to be picking up the correct pages. If I select the {root}/index.php page then all of the index.php pages seem to highlight irrespective of which folder they are in. Maybe I just need to fiddle a bit?

its possible .. if you can't get it straight..shoot me a pm with some credentials and I'll have a look for you

Also although the page folders are now showing in the pages drop down correctly they don't show in the main ACP menu page. By no means urgent but showing them here as well would be great.

not sure if I follow what your trying to say ... yes..I adjusted the dropdown list to show folder structure..to make it easy to know what page is what .. but on the main menu view? how does IPC folder structure apply there?
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I have just upgraded to the latest version and it has put the menu in a different place and looks terrible now as can be seen in the image beow:


I would appreciate some help so I can get the site back to how it was before upgrading please.

Same here it looks not like it was before. I have done no edits t the templates. Only some CSS to fit the forum style to my wishes :)

So I am not sure, it is the standard style I use and the menu isn't shown correct.

Have a look please at http://onlinegilde.net

I am not sure were the problem is. Could you help me please? On a picture an my Homepage Frontpage you can see how the menu was before the update.

Thank for your help

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I have just upgraded to the latest version and it has put the menu in a different place and looks terrible now as can be seen in the image beow:


I would appreciate some help so I can get the site back to how it was before upgrading please.

ugh .. skinbox ... they have nice skins .. but they go sooo far off basic standards that it can make it quite the task to alter in any way .... I too run skinbox themes so I know from experience .... you'll need to work with the templates abit to get it to look as intended for that theme .. and make some minor adjustments here and there ... if you end up not being able too do it shoot me some creds and a link in pm and I can show you how to tweak it
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ugh .. skinbox ... they have nice skins .. but they go sooo far off basic standards that it can make it quite the task to alter in any way .... I too run skinbox themes so I know from experience .... you'll need to work with the templates abit to get it to look as intended for that theme .. and make some minor adjustments here and there ... if you end up not being able too do it shoot me some creds and a link in pm and I can show you how to tweak it

Tthey are not skinbox templates and the menu worked just fine with the previous version.

I have sent you a pm in the hope you can fix this. If not I will have to stop using the menu as our site is now unusable with the menu how it is.
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its possible .. if you can't get it straight..shoot me a pm with some credentials and I'll have a look for you

Ignore me, I'm an idiot.

not sure if I follow what your trying to say ... yes..I adjusted the dropdown list to show folder structure..to make it easy to know what page is what .. but on the main menu view? how does IPC folder structure apply there?

It's just that it shows the application, page, and description ... and the page reference still doesn't make much sense as it is.
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Same here it looks not like it was before. I have done no edits t the templates. Only some CSS to fit the forum style to my wishes :smile:

So I am not sure, it is the standard style I use and the menu isn't shown correct.

Have a look please at


I am not sure were the problem is. Could you help me please? On a picture an my Homepage Frontpage you can see how the menu was before the update.

Thank for your help


looks like your js file is messing up possiblly .. might want to reup al least that file if not all .. worse case I can look into it if you cna't get it straightened out
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