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Same here it looks not like it was before. I have done no edits t the templates. Only some CSS to fit the forum style to my wishes :smile:

So I am not sure, it is the standard style I use and the menu isn't shown correct.

Have a look please at


I am not sure were the problem is. Could you help me please? On a picture an my Homepage Frontpage you can see how the menu was before the update.

Thank for your help


do me a favor and test it on the stock IPB theme ... let me know if it has issues as well .. as it really seems someting didn't either install right..or get uploaded properly
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do me a favor and test it on the stock IPB theme ... let me know if it has issues as well .. as it really seems someting didn't either install right..or get uploaded properly

So I tested everything now and ... now it works :)

The following happend:

At the beginning of my theming I edited the promenu css file directly .. then I deleted all my edits and made them in an extra css with all edits of all css files an my homepage. But the ip System recognize the promenu css still as edited. So while upgrading to the version 1.0.2 this css file was not edited by the system. After reverting this css file manually all worked well :)

But one more question:

If I remember right, you mentioned in the change log, that the parent menu is higjlightes as active when a child item is active. Is this a option are did i miss this funktion?

Thanks for your help!
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So I tested everything now and ... now it works :smile:

The following happend:

At the beginning of my theming I edited the promenu css file directly .. then I deleted all my edits and made them in an extra css with all edits of all css files an my homepage. But the ip System recognize the promenu css still as edited. So while upgrading to the version 1.0.2 this css file was not edited by the system. After reverting this css file manually all worked well :smile:

But one more question:

If I remember right, you mentioned in the change log, that the parent menu is higjlightes as active when a child item is active. Is this a option are did i miss this funktion?

Thanks for your help!

check your settings ... make sure "Enable Recursive Lookup" is set to yes

check your settings ... make sure "Enable Recursive Lookup" is set to yes

Hi thank for this hint :) This feature was disabled, so I enabled this feature now. So it works fine but one thing:

It now only shows the parent menu active when a child entry is active. If the parent entry is active it is shown as inactive. So I cheked also the css for this because I thought it is because auf my individual editing. But when activating this option the matching css rule for an active parent menu is:

#primary_nav .promenu a.inactive

When deactivating this feature the matching css rule is:

#primary_nav .promenu a.activ

Is this the normal structure or is this a bug?

thanks Benny

ahhh..ok...gottcha ... I'll make a quick patch for that tonight .. have to forgive me ... I stayed up all night to wrap this upgrade up and get it out ... so ATM I'm alittle slow LOL

No problem; as I say is in no way urgent. Many thanks
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Hi thank for this hint :smile: This feature was disabled, so I enabled this feature now. So it works fine but one thing:

It now only shows the parent menu active when a child entry is active. If the parent entry is active it is shown as inactive. So I cheked also the css for this because I thought it is because auf my individual editing. But when activating this option the matching css rule for an active parent menu is:

#primary_nav .promenu a.inactive

When deactivating this feature the matching css rule is:

#primary_nav .promenu a.activ

Is this the normal structure or is this a bug?

thanks Benny

yes this is intended behavior .. I just looked at your site .. I see you have your parent tied to an application .. in that case that parents application will overpower the child ...

Ah ok good to know :) Thanks for all your very fast help and answers :)



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Ah ok good to know :smile: Thanks for all your very fast help and answers :smile:



my pleasure .. need anymore assistance just let me know

Thanks MT for the Recursive Lookup

I am running ipC as the root of my site and the first menu links to my homepage www.bn.org.uk. If I specify the index.php in the URL then all is fine but if I just go to the basic URL them all of the index pages show up from every folder. there are also other index pages in the submenus that are showing up. Have had to disable active tabbing on all index pages for now.



I am running ipC as the root of my site and the first menu links to my homepage www.bn.org.uk. If I specify the index.php in the URL then all is fine but if I just go to the basic URL them all of the index pages show up from every folder. there are also other index pages in the submenus that are showing up. Have had to disable active tabbing on all index pages for now.



... i knew the folder had to be checked to match..... i put the code in place to check it... >.< simmons whatdya twitch?


<if test="hasmenus:|:is_array($menudata) AND count($menudata) > 0">

<ul class='promenu' id='menu'>

  <foreach loop="menus:$menudata as $menuid => $menuitem">

	<li id="nav_app_{$menuitem['promenu_use_app']}" class='left<if test="leftOpen:|:$menuitem['promenu_left_open'] == 1"> left<else /> right</if>_open'>

<a href="{$menuitem['promenu_url']}" class="<if test="isactive:|:$menuitem['_active'] == 1"> active<else /> inactive</if><if test="isCategory:|:$menuitem['promenu_is_cat'] == 1"> menucat</if><if test="hasSubs:|:$menuitem['has_subs'] == 1 && $this->settings['promenu_disable_arrow'] == 0"> down_arrow</if>" title="<if test="hasDescrip:|:$menuitem['promenu_description']">{$menuitem['promenu_description']}<else />{$menuitem['promenu_title']}</if>" id="promenu_{$menuitem['promenu_id']}"

<if test="isCategorynoFollow:|:$menuitem['promenu_is_cat'] == 1">



<if test="openNew:|:$menuitem['promenu_open_new_window'] == 1"> target="_blank"</if>>

<if test="hasIcon:|:$menuitem['promenu_icon']">

<img src="{$menuitem['promenu_icon']}" height='14px' width='14px' /><else />{$menuitem['promenu_title']}</if>


<if test="hasSubs:|:$menuitem['has_subs'] == 1">

{parse template="nav_submenus" group="promenu" params="$menuitem[$menuitem['promenu_parent_id']], $menuitem['promenu_left_open'], $menuitem['promenu_parent_id']"}</if>


<if test="isCategoryJS:|:$menuitem['promenu_is_cat'] == 1">

<script type="text/javascript">

function noclick_promenu_{$menuitem['promenu_id']}(e)


var elem = Event.findElement(e);



$( 'promenu_{$menuitem['promenu_id']}' ).observe( 'click', noclick_promenu_{$menuitem['promenu_id']} );


</if>  </foreach>



<script type="text/javascript">

var menu=new menu.dd("menu");



if you want that for subs too nav_submenus

<if test="hasmenus:|:is_array($menudata) AND count($menudata) > 0">

<ul class='<if test="isFirstSubReal:|:$first != 1"> first</if><if test="leftOpen:|:$active == 1"> left<else /> right</if>_open'>

   <foreach loop="menus:$menudata as $menuid => $menuitem">

	<li id="nav_app_{$menuitem['promenu_use_app']}" class='left'>

<a href="{$menuitem['promenu_url']}" class="<if test="isCategory:|:$menuitem['promenu_is_cat'] == 1"> menucat</if><if test="hasSubs:|:$menuitem['has_subs'] == 1 && $this->settings['promenu_disable_arrow'] == 0"> right_arrow</if><if test="isactive:|:$menuitem['_active'] == 1"> active<else /> inactive</if>" title="<if test="hasDescrip:|:$menuitem['promenu_description']">{$menuitem['promenu_description']}<else />{$menuitem['promenu_title']}</if>" id="promenu_{$menuitem['promenu_id']}"

<if test="isCategorynoFollow:|:$menuitem['promenu_is_cat'] == 1">



<if test="openNew:|:$menuitem['promenu_open_new_window'] == 1"> target="_blank"</if>>

<if test="hasIcon:|:$menuitem['promenu_icon']">

<img src="{$menuitem['promenu_icon']}" height='14px' width='14px' /><else />{$menuitem['promenu_title']}</if>


<if test="hasSubSubs:|:$menuitem['has_subs'] == 1">

{parse template="nav_submenus" group="promenu" params="$menuitem[$menuitem['promenu_parent_id']], $menuitem['promenu_left_open'], 1"}</if>


<if test="isCategoryJS:|:$menuitem['promenu_is_cat'] == 1">

<script type="text/javascript">

function noclick_promenu_{$menuitem['promenu_id']}(e)


var elem = Event.findElement(e);



$( 'promenu_{$menuitem['promenu_id']}' ).observe( 'click', noclick_promenu_{$menuitem['promenu_id']} );






give those a whirl and see how it goes

this makes the images super small lol even worse then b4 lol
since the update looks like below b4 editing

after editing it looks even worse

i need it to display my pictures at full size for both then all will be uniform again also noticed all the sub menus aren't working just a huge list even though in theory i resaved them all as submenus not sure why this is :sad:

Edit so i looked up my image buttons width height etc and changed the 14px to the correct height so now there back to normal from your code problem is the submenus have been all borked since the update

heres the pic for reference
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[s]this makes the images super small lol even worse then b4 lol

since the update looks like below b4 editing


after editing it looks even worse



[s]i need it to display my pictures at full size for both then all will be uniform again[/s] also noticed all the sub menus aren't working just a huge list even though in theory i resaved them all as submenus not sure why this is :sad:

Edit so i looked up my image buttons width height etc and changed the 14px to the correct height so now there back to normal from your code problem is the submenus have been all borked since the update

heres the pic for reference


revert your nav_submenus
  • Author

I am running ipC as the root of my site and the first menu links to my homepage www.bn.org.uk. If I specify the index.php in the URL then all is fine but if I just go to the basic URL them all of the index pages show up from every folder. there are also other index pages in the submenus that are showing up. Have had to disable active tabbing on all index pages for now.

are you using url and link to application in junction .. or seperately?

revert your nav_submenus

ok reverted the code


as u can see the they shrink back and arent sub menus although they should be
  • Author

ok reverted the code


as u can see the they shrink back and arent sub menus although they should be

those large images wont work on sub menus..you'll have to goto different icons or just use titles on those subs

those large images wont work on sub menus..you'll have to goto different icons or just use titles on those subs

just tried that there still not becoming submenus they haven't been sub menus since i updated this morning images are not the problem im guessing a bad upgrade or it corrupted on me while upgrading?
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you'de have to pm me a link and some credits so I can take alook b4 I can really do anymore for you

pm sent

Hi Robert,

I love the look of this (I'm currently using Fusion Menu) - just one question, is there any way to use it so that certain menus show for usergroups rather that member sets?



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Hi Robert,

I love the look of this (I'm currently using Fusion Menu) - just one question, is there any way to use it so that certain menus show for usergroups rather that member sets?



no..its setup on basic permission sets ... what your really needing is a "group" menu system .. I currently have that in the works .. it would still be based off the same permissions .. but you could have different sets of menus per group .. or different menus for different member sets ... etc ... plus it will have different locations for menu placements (header, primary, the "grey bar", and footer .. with a possible option for parsing them on the fly using parse menu option ... sky will be the limit .. so if thats something your looking for...might wanna jump on the band wagon now .. because when I release that upgrade .. I will most likely raise the price .. as the sheer scope of it will warrent it .. also note .. I will only be doing upgrades .. no rerelease and repurchasing

.. so if thats something your looking for...might wanna jump on the band wagon now ..

I'm jumping now. Can't wait for it!


are you using url and link to application in junction .. or seperately?

This is the setup for my home menu and activities menus for examples. I'm not sure which might be causing the problem. (Note that I have the active tabbing turned off for now).


This is the setup for my home menu and activities menus for examples. I'm not sure which might be causing the problem. (Note that I have the active tabbing turned off for now).


im quite confused on this.... shouldnt be possible to come up wrong like that... :logik:

  //Active?... ugh, revisited	

if($this->registry->ccsFunctions->getPageName()==$menuItem['promenu_app_page_seo'] && $this->registry->ccsFunctions->getFolder()== $menuItem['promenu_app_page_folder'])


$menuItem['_active'] = 1;


... >.< we DO check the folder matches... :logik:

  • Author

im quite confused on this.... shouldnt be possible to come up wrong like that... :logik:

  //Active?... ugh, revisited	

if($this->registry->ccsFunctions->getPageName()==$menuItem['promenu_app_page_seo'] && $this->registry->ccsFunctions->getFolder()== $menuItem['promenu_app_page_folder'])


$menuItem['_active'] = 1;


... >.< we DO check the folder matches... :logik:

ya..not sure whats going on there...waiting on a pm reply .. wanna get in under an account and see whats up first hand


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