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Google "Page Speed" Results for IPB


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when you say "we", what do you mean? you only represent yourself not everyone here or am I missing something here?

best argument ever. So in order for IPB to win we need to compare it with a crappy skin designed by aliens from Mars.

No. I mean that as soon as you want to edit your images, you will need to either stop using sprites or compile them all again manually. Most people will choose to stop serving sprites as compiling a sprites image is beyond most people.

Exactly my same point..... a valid one I would think.... How Many non-skinners here can say they would bother to keep sprites running?
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I don't really wish to derail this into an "Us v Them" topic. My point is that we will not destroy ease of use to get a higher number. Other than that, I'm happy to make changes.

I didn't see anyone complaining about it there on xF and sure if implemented correctly here, no one would complain. In fact we already have a mod to accomplish sprite albeit in beta stage but you can see from it how many people liked the idea and want it to go forward.
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I got a 71/100 for http://www.gamedev.net/ , which has an IP.Content frontpage. We have all sorts of extra cruft that slows page load as well..

This isn't all sprites.. but most of this stuff can be fixed through your web server software config.

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Pagespeed is not related only to the skin ... I have 85/100 with ads + analytics and if we test some random xf optimized site we get similar results.

I archive this with a Ehren's skin, keep-alive + correct expire headers + smushing images + different domain for images/styles/js to avoid cookies.

Other than this ... varnish for guests + mod_pagespeed to clean blank spaces (collapse_whitespace,remove_quotes,remove_comments filters) (~1/4 the size uncompresed)

This image is from webpagetest.org but I get the same values from pagespeed (google):


The B result in Cache Static Content is related to Adsense and I don't use any CDN.

This does not mean IPS shouldn't do anything about .. there is lot of work to do and I hope to see some results in 3.2.4. (seo) :angel:

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I think its fine. Heres my IPB board, nothing really customized.


I will never use sprites. ever. Unless there is an automatic tool. Comparing the company forums is a poor benchmark, because half of the those things on PageSpeed aren't even controlled by IPB.

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It's worth noting that locally I get this:


Shades-20111103-162321.jpg' alt='' class

" alt="" class="ipsImage" width="945" height="750">

That's a stock IP.Board 3.2.3.

I'm not saying IPB is a crappy software. Frankly speaking, I'm against this mentality of ridiculing any suggestions for improvement. You see. I'm a researcher and we spend years and years trying to improve an algorithm by 1% and call that new achievement and you guys are like: 80, 90 schmighty it is all the same for me.

exactly what's wrong with suggesting something that will improve the speed of a website by an amount of at low as 10 ms?
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I for one use stock skin and if provided with sprites I will use it. I have seen plenty of forums using IPB default skin. Now, if someone needs to use their own skin, they get 2 options. Either they can add their own sprites or just use images.

If the option to use sprites is available admins will use it.. if it's not available how someone is going to use it to begin with? And who knows once sprite are added, skin coders will also provide sprite skins? may be they will charge extra for it but i guess it will be available.

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If the option to use sprites is available admins will use it.. if it's not available how someone is going to use it to begin with? And who knows once sprite are added, skin coders will also provide sprite skins? may be they will charge extra for it but i guess it will be available.

Actually, someone could use sprites right now in their custom skin if they wanted to. Note that I'm not aware of any custom skins that do, but that doesn't mean skinners can't.
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Actually, someone could use sprites right now in their custom skin if they wanted to. Note that I'm not aware of any custom skins that do, but that doesn't mean skinners can't.

Honestly, thats precisely and exactly my point.
If a modder(im NO designer tbh, i do a lotta to-spec skins cause i cant be bothered to go off no design, different thought processes) like me can and does repeatedly axe the few remaining bg images in favor of CSS3 and/or sprites, the default can be very lightweight.
this is just an example, its basically a stock skin stripped of bg images in favor of CSS3 and css straight bg/border backups for the unsupported... AND the shoutbox is on this page, as a note.
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What I do with the default IPB skin is add in some CSS3, for example the maintitle's can be easily converted into a CSS3 gradient. But the main key to a fast loading site is not having huge images or files to load and being on a fast host near to your users location.

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Actually, someone could use sprites right now in their custom skin if they wanted to. Note that I'm not aware of any custom skins that do, but that doesn't mean skinners can't.

May be they are not using it because it's not in default skin? If it's available in default skins and once admins will see page loading or speed difference, they will ask for it and based on demand skinners will provide it? May be skinners are not providing it since it's not in default skin? dunno..

What I do with the default IPB skin is add in some CSS3, for example the maintitle's can be easily converted into a CSS3 gradient.

Can you please post how to in resource section so newbie people like me can follow ?
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What I do with the default IPB skin is add in some CSS3, for example the maintitle's can be easily converted into a CSS3 gradient.

list, these are primary targets to be converted.




.topic_buttons li.important a, .topic_buttons li.important span, .ipsButton .important, .topic_buttons li a, .topic_buttons li span, .ipsButton

EDIT, whoops #primary_nav is css no-image already :P

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May be they are not using it because it's not in default skin? If it's available in default skins and once admins will see page loading or speed difference, they will ask for it and based on demand skinners will provide it? May be skinners are not providing it since it's not in default skin? dunno..

Can you please post how to in resource section so newbie people like me can follow ?

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I've been playing with a few things today, and noticing that the pagespeed tool doesn't seem to pick up caching correctly. It's stating that many of the resources we're serving aren't sent with caching headers (i.e. expires header), but (1) I confirmed they are, and (2) Firebug in Firefox actually shows the files being fetched from cache instead of the server.

Sometimes waiting a bit to refresh the analysis resolves the problem, almost like the pagespeed tool is caching data. Point being, be careful relying on what it reports directly without verifying the results yourself.


" alt="" class="ipsImage" width="1000px" height="300px">

Realistic suggestions for improvement will be considered of course.

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thats exactly what i was referring to...

Exactly my same point..... a valid one I would think....

Honestly, thats precisely and exactly my point.

wow your points seem to always be in agreement with IPS. I wonder if we can add an option to this board that goes like: read IPS reply to your suggestions with Marcher Technologies compliments? (ON, OFF, default to OFF)
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I'm not saying IPB is a crappy software. Frankly speaking, I'm against this mentality of ridiculing any suggestions for improvement. You see. I'm a researcher and we spend years and years trying to improve an algorithm by 1% and call that new achievement and you guys are like: 80, 90 schmighty it is all the same for me.

exactly what's wrong with suggesting something that will improve the speed of a website by an amount of at low as 10 ms?

I wasn't ridiculing anyone. I've said several times that I'm happy to use these tools to increase IPB's efficiency. I'm sorry if you feel I was being dismissive. We have to balance the need for intense optimisation against ease of use
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Realistic suggestions for improvement will be considered of course.

what are your views on a complete fresh look at the default skin

currently it seems that its built downwards
eg it shows everything but permissions stop you following links etc

would it not be a worthwhile approach to rebuild it the other way
as in it only displays links if your permissions allow you to follow

google webmaster tools reports are full of crawl errors where the search engine has tried to follow rating links, profile links etc when the guest does not have permission

similar sort of approach would work for javascript as well - one example is rating.js loads for guests even if they can't rate

such an approach should result in performance, ease of use and seo improvements ?
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what are your views on a complete fresh look at the default skin

currently it seems that its built downwards

eg it shows everything but permissions stop you following links etc

would it not be a worthwhile approach to rebuild it the other way

as in it only displays links if your permissions allow you to follow

google webmaster tools reports are full of crawl errors where the search engine has tried to follow rating links, profile links etc when the guest does not have permission

similar sort of approach would work for javascript as well - one example is rating.js loads for guests even if they can't rate

such an approach should result in performance, ease of use and seo improvements ?

Matt is intending to take a close look at this for the next major release of IP.Board, actually. It doesn't require a full skin rebuild. It simply requires the skin to check if you have permission to view a link before presenting the link.
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Regarding sprites... cPanel/WHM's branding editor has a screen from which you can upload custom icons to replace the default ones, and at the bottom, there's a tool that regenerates the sprites file. Perhaps a similar tool in IP.Board could be used to serve images as sprites without introducing the work that comes with building a sprite sheet.

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