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Do you want the ability to re-size photos (avatars), to come back?


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Size does matter. [img]


There's a dirty joke somewhere in there... (That's what Matt would of probably have said)

Anyways, I want to be able to set the avatar size as well.



I'm guessing the staff are voting no.... lol (kidding of course) but that's why I should have made the votes public.. my bad. lol

You will always get a more accurate poll by not making it public.

Many will say 'what business is it of x's how I vote!'

In my opinion the avatar issue is a major problem, and now sets IPB under Vbulletin in terms of forums with better user experience. A patch would clear this injustice up easily and put IPB back in it's rightful place above vbulletin....

but until then.....

  • Management

As I just posted elsewhere:

You can already have different sized photos for each member group, this has not changed. However, a fixed square thumb is used that is 100x100 (scaled to 90x90 in topic view, 50x50 in other areas) for consistency.

When viewing a user's profile, the photo is shown with the proper aspect ratio and this can be changed per group.

We're no different from every other website that allows personalisation. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, etc all use a fixed square thumbnail.

I really don't see a great need to have randomly sized avatars in topic view, on the board index and elsewhere.

I do think this poll is going to be a little biased because it doesn't really ask the right question. Mostly people will vote yes to "Do you want a feature added" regardless of what it is and the implications of it.


For me personally I have been using 133x133 avatars since about 2004, it's something I have stuck with for many moons... going to 100x100 or 90x90 will of course upset some people and I will be forced to edit the code in order to adjust.

This for me is a feature that has been present on every forum software I have ever used, I guess I'm just saying that when you remove a feature that is needed and has been used for this long, it's a bit of a setback.

I guess I just don't understand.

If we don't speak, you won't know, if we do speak, it doesn't matter... I'm at a bit of a loss here to be totally honest.


I do think this a little biased because it doesn't really ask the right question. Mostly people will vote yes to "Do you want a feature added" regardless of what it is and the implications of it.

can we have both options ?

3.14 and 3.2 the method chosen in admin CP for avatars?

can we choose ourselves the implications ?

is it very hard to make?

We're no different from every other website that allows personalisation.

Not any more! You were different and this was great.

Scaled avatars often look... "wrong" and many people won't stay with the standard-skin and in others different sized avatars may well fit in all around the software, without breaking them %7Boption%7D

edit: If all the web jumps out of a window, will you too?
Why there is no more place for uniqueness on this earth? Everything should follow standards, really?

Absolutely yes.

With vBulletin I was used to set a maximum size per usergroup. I not only used this option, but also the option to set one size for ALL members. Weird, why this limitation? I don't see the advantage of it.


Matt I would disagree with you in the sense that it is in topic view where we usually see the avatars/photos that a member uses. We use forum software mainly to read topics not to visit user profiles (at least in my case).

In my opinion you can't justify the change because Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin do it this way as this is a forum, those are not.

The little perk of a slightly larger image on the avatar/photo is used by many of us for special groups, people that donate money, etc.

If it is important for some administrators to have uniform avatar/photos sizes they already had that option and they still do. But for those of us that wanted to have different sizes the option was completely taken away. It is not as simple as increasing the size of the thumbnail as then again, it would be a one size fits all which most of the people in this topic are not after; plus a bit of an annoyance to have to modify the files. Notice I am not talking about most users of IPS as I do understand that the majority of the users do not post here.


Matt I would disagree with you in the sense that it is in topic view where we usually see the avatars/photos that a member uses. We use forum software mainly to read topics not to visit user profiles (at least in my case).

In my opinion you can't justify the change because Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin do it this way as this is a forum, those are not.

The little perk of a slightly larger image on the avatar/photo is used by many of us for special groups, people that donate money, etc.

If it is important for some administrators to have uniform avatar/photos sizes they already had that option and they still do. But for those of us that wanted to have different sizes the option was completely taken away. It is not as simple as increasing the size of the thumbnail as then again, it would be a one size fits all which most of the people in this topic are not after; plus a bit of an annoyance to have to modify the files. Notice I am not talking about most users of IPS as I do understand that the majority of the users do not post here.

I couldn't agree more!

A forum is a forum is a forum is a forum ... and NOT a social network. If people want a social network they will visit one, there are tons out there already ;)

I do think this poll is going to be a little biased because it doesn't really ask the right question. Mostly people will vote yes to "Do you want a feature added" regardless of what it is and the implications of it.

Oh god dammit.

brb making this a hook.

So guys, I made this into a hook sort of. Just uploaded it to the market place and stuff. Lets keep in mind that I'm not a professional coder by any means, so that hook is the messiest piece of crap you'll ever use lol. But hey, it works right?

Oh, and since Matt is so obsessed with breathing life into the economy I decided to be an butthole surfer and charge for the hook. Don't worry though, if you want it for free just pm me and beg.


Is there a place to allow avatars sizes to be, I don't know, "fluid"? You know, so that the avatar is the same demensions, no matter what size the Admin makes it? Like the old way of doing it?

Honestly, this is the first time since I first went to IPB that I've actually thought IPS had taken a step BACK and not forwards. :(


Wilford Tibbetts


I would find this hook great but, apart from the price and the chance it won't be updated to future versions, I dislike that I'd have to set the photo-upload-restrictions for the avatars and therefore lose flexibility?
What if I'd like to allow bigger avatars but smaller photo-uploads? :(


I would find

this hook

great but, apart from the price and the chance it won't be updated to future versions, I dislike that I'd have to set the photo-upload-restrictions for the avatars and therefore lose flexibility?

What if I'd like to allow bigger avatars but smaller photo-uploads? [img]


Its not working properly for me...

Come on IPS, give us a working hook to add back the functionality if needed... There is a big demand for this..

It's really an interesting situation.

Code-wise, would it be much of a challenge or too much investment to to add it back in?

Will IPS just sit it out and hope that most of us will forget about this?


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