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Download: (SOS31) Emoticons in Members Statuses v1.1.0

Adriano Faria

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Hey Adriano,

I found out today that I have the same problem with this hook like I have with your Emoticons & BBCode in Profiles Hook which I explained here yesterday: http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/330675-download-sos31-emoticons-and-bbcodes-in-members-profile-comments-v100/page__view__findpost__p__2072558

I seems to work fine with just one or two emoticons but someone in my forums tried the hook by adding more emoticons and that's how it shows up:

Look at the red marks. The links for deletion, locking etc. get bold. And the HTML code looks like this:

			<div id="statusContent-999">

				<h4><a href="http://shakiraforum.de/user/380-talia/" title="View Profile">Talía</a>&nbsp;<a href="http://shakiraforum.de/user/380-talia/" class="__user __id380" title="View Profile"><img src="http://shakiraforum.de/public/style_images/saleelsol/user_popup.png" alt=""></a> <img src="http://shakiraforum.de/public/style_emoticons/default/chainsaw.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":chainsaw:"> <img src="http://shakiraforum.de/public/style_emoticons/default/spleen.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":spleen:"> <img src="http://shakiraforum.de/public/style_emoticons/default/eek2.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":eek2:"> <img src="http://shakiraforum.de/public/style_emoticons/default/schweinekram.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":schweinekram:"> <img src="...%3C/h4">

				<p class="desc">

					<img src="http://shakiraforum.de/public/style_images/saleelsol/lock_small_gold.gif" id="statusLockImg-999" style="display: none;" alt="Locked Status">

					50 minutes ago

					 · <a href="http://shakiraforum.de/index.php?app=members&amp;module=profile&amp;section=status&amp;do=deleteStatus&amp;status_id=999&amp;k=fd202d1e3adacb85ce366fdde154c810" id="statusDelete-999" class="__sD __d999">Delete</a>

					<span id="statusUnlock-999" style="display: none;"> · <a href="http://shakiraforum.de/index.php?app=members&amp;module=profile&amp;section=status&amp;do=unlockStatus&amp;status_id=999&amp;k=fd202d1e3adacb85ce366fdde154c810" id="statusUnlockLink-999" class="__sU __u999">Unlock</a></span>

Notice how it ends the same way like embedding videos in comments with your other hook for emoticons/bbcodes in comments... with "...":

 <img src="http://shakiraforum.de/public/style_emoticons/default/schweinekram.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":schweinekram:"> <img src="...%3C/h4">

Seems as if the last emoticon was too much since the code is interrupted. The comment by Dani with just one emoticon looks fine even in source code:

<div id="statusContent-996">

				<h4><a href="http://shakiraforum.de/user/134-dani/" title="View Profile">*Dani*</a>&nbsp;<a href="http://shakiraforum.de/user/134-dani/" class="__user __id134" title="View Profile"><img src="http://shakiraforum.de/public/style_images/saleelsol/user_popup.png" alt=""></a> hat heute frei! Kaum zu glauben aber wahr! xD <img src="http://shakiraforum.de/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":)"></h4>

				<p class="desc">

					<img src="http://shakiraforum.de/public/style_images/saleelsol/lock_small_gold.gif" id="statusLockImg-996" style="display: none;" alt="Locked Status">

					Today, 11:47 AM

					 · <a href="http://shakiraforum.de/index.php?app=members&amp;module=profile&amp;section=status&amp;do=deleteStatus&amp;status_id=996&amp;k=fd202d1e3adacb85ce366fdde154c810" id="statusDelete-996" class="__sD __d996">Delete</a>

					<span id="statusUnlock-996" style="display: none;"> · <a href="http://shakiraforum.de/index.php?app=members&amp;module=profile&amp;section=status&amp;do=unlockStatus&amp;status_id=996&amp;k=fd202d1e3adacb85ce366fdde154c810" id="statusUnlockLink-996" class="__sU __u996">Unlock</a></span>

					<span id="statusLock-996" style="display: inline;"> · <a href="http://shakiraforum.de/index.php?app=members&amp;module=profile&amp;section=status&amp;do=lockStatus&amp;status_id=996&amp;k=fd202d1e3adacb85ce366fdde154c810" id="statusLockLink-996" class="__sL __l996">Lock</a></span>


				<p class="desc" id="statusToggle-996">

								<a href="#" class="__sT __t996">Add comment</a>

I have 3.1.4. and it looks the same in both skins... IP.Board and my custom one.

I really do think now that it has something to do with character limit in comments/status updates.

EDIT: Ok, just noticed that there's a character limit (400 characters) in comments so I guess there's also a limit in status updates. Any way to allow more characters for both so that comments/status updates with several emoticons or videos don't mess up the comments/statuses?

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Well, it doesnt work for everyone. Have you tried longer text plus 5-6 emoticons? Or can anyone try it at his/her installation?

I think it's a character limiting problem and if this limit can't be changed in profile comments and statuses, I guess I'll have no use for this hook as well as the bbcode and emoticons in profiles hook since it messes up the profiles/statuses. :ermm:

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No need to be rude. :huh: I just told you that there are problems when using a lot of smilies or media bbcode in comments/statuses. Sorry, next time I will just uninstall your hooks without bothering you.
I like a lot of your hooks though and never experienced any problems. :thumbsup:

So yeah, I will uninstall these ones. Cause even if I know that I can't post media bb code in comments or text and several emoticons in statuses/comments I don't think all my members will remember that. :rolleyes:

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Hi Adriano. I can see your screen shots, but for some reason, it isn't working on my board. I never said I didn't like this app. I like this app, I would like it more if it worked like you have it working. Here are screen shots of what it happening at my board with short comments.

I did what your instructions said to do. Just install the hook file, which I did. I installed it and tried it. Any suggestions?

If you would like to see it with the IP Skin, let me know, I can get those for your also.


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