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Topic Prefixes - Are they coming or not?

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I'm aware of the mod available but I have to pay for that. I pay enough out to host and maintain my website as it is, the prefixes would be a great addition to my website but I need to know if Invision are planning to introduce this? It makes no sense to me that they haven't been added into the IP board package, even as an option.

I've been waiting a while and would like to know the score, thanks.

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No offense, but 20$ is too much for us, for that mod. So yes, I hope IPS will consider to add this as their default feature. :]

Out of curiosity, being this important, how much do you feel would be a fair value for that, and why?
(between free, integrated and priced more than 1$).

In other words, is this considered overpriced, why, and what price threshold would make you change your opinion?

To demonstrate the need, look no further than the technical support forum here. I'm guessing they use a multi-mod to prefix [resolved] to the topic name of resolved topics. However, this changes the name of the page title, which is bad for SEO. There ought to be a way to designate a prefix, without changing the page title (or the URL). Also a way for members, and not just moderators to mark a topic resolved. The mod is well done (I bought it), but it should be a default feature.

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Out of curiosity, being this important, how much do you feel would be a fair value for that, and why?

(between free, integrated and priced more than 1$).

In other words, is this considered overpriced, why, and what price threshold would make you change your opinion?

$5 at the most. Topc prefix is high in demand as it should be a default feature, but its a little mod (done very well by the writer from the looks of it) compared to iarcade going free. Even the bookie is $10.

$5 at the most. Topc prefix is high in demand as it should be a default feature, but its a little mod (done very well by the writer from the looks of it) compared to iarcade going free. Even the bookie is $10.


20$ here, 20$ there... it's simply too much, considering the whole software (IP. Board) only costs 150$... it's in no relation to what you get.

I am using the prefixes mod and I love it. Believe me 20$ is nothing for what you get. If 20$ is too much for a mod then I think IPB is not a good choice for you.

This is a very basic function for IP.Board, and i have to be mainteined by Invision Power.

Its almost like:

"To have Multiquote in your IP.Board you have to buy a MOD for 60$"

It is insane!!

This is a very basic function for IP.Board, and i have to be mainteined by Invision Power.

Its almost like:

It is insane!!

Agree. I have no disrespect with the Mod author, but it really doesn't really apply well, especially that it should be an IPB Default feature. I'm not really sure how come IPB isn't implementing this as it is supposed to be a DEFAULT FEATURE. :(

$20 to cover all of his hard work, and not to mention its probably not making him a lot of money. Modders can't just spend weeks working on something then release it for $5. You expect $5 to purchase it, then get updates and bug fixes. The modder is basically wasting time if they do that.

The Prefix mod is actually very nice looking, as tons of cool features that wouldn't normally be expected, not to mention Ryan has been very active with support for it. I think $20 is a bargain for that great of a mod and support.

$20 to cover all of his hard work, and not to mention its probably not making him a lot of money. Modders can't just spend weeks working on something then release it for $5. You expect $5 to purchase it, then get updates and bug fixes. The modder is basically wasting time if they do that.

The Prefix mod is actually very nice looking, as tons of cool features that wouldn't normally be expected, not to mention Ryan has been very active with support for it. I think $20 is a bargain for that great of a mod and support.

That is your opinion, ours is different. I don't argue about him not getting rich, I argue about having to pay double and tripple the price of what really should be basic functionality.
Hell, I didn't even think that there is any paid-forums-software (when every free one I ever came across has this feature) out there that hasn't got prefixes, that's why I bought IPB although it misses some basic stuff I've never thought of :(

20$ is much money for me and it's simply in no relation to IPB which is only 150$. Maybe if some really good mods weren't that expensive modders could sell many more copies?! I donno, but 20$ is too much for such a basic (!) feature.

but 20$ is too much for such a basic (!) feature.

That is your opinion, ours is different. I don't argue about him not getting rich, I argue about having to pay double and tripple the price of what [u]really[/u] should be basic functionality.

Hell, I didn't even think that there is any paid-forums-software (when every free one I ever came across has this feature) out there that hasn't got prefixes, that's why I bought IPB although it misses some basic stuff I've never thought of :(

20$ is much money for me and it's simply in no relation to IPB which is only 150$. Maybe if some really good mods weren't that expensive modders could sell many more copies?! I donno, but 20$ is too much for such a basic (!) feature.

And there are hundreds of people that would argue that this has no business being a basic feature. You want it for your own use, so that's skewing your view about how important it really is for everyone. Yes, several people in this topic say they want it too, but that's because people will show support for ideas they agree with more than they will come into a topic saying they don't want it. Chalk me up as one person who would be just fine if this never gets added, I don't see any point in it.

If you think $20 for a mod is too much because the basic forum software only costs $150, remember that modders are doing handfuls of sales, while IPS has thousands of customers. If you factor in how much time it takes to develop, test, document, support, etc. a mod, most mod authors make far less than minimum wage for their efforts.

And there are hundreds of people that would argue that this has no business being a basic feature. You want it for your own use, so that's skewing your view about how important it really is for everyone. Yes, several people in this topic say they want it too, but that's because people will show support for ideas they agree with more than they will come into a topic saying they don't want it. Chalk me up as one person who would be just fine if this never gets added, I don't see any point in it.

I'm aware of this "problem", and it's a philosophical one... you only, no matter how hard you try not to, see/feel/smell... the world through your own senses, so there is no "objective" human.

But back to the real thread: I (and "no!", my opinion is not more important than any others!) simply see it as a basic feature for I've never ever used any free or paid software that didn't have prefixes. When I read about the features IPB had, I thought that this is so basic it's not even worth mentioning. (I really did)

The thing is, that I don't really need it, it would only be really handy for our support-forums, so we get no penalty for SEO when editing the topic-titles.

As I never ever missed this feature I thought it is pretty basic, nothing special at all. I know that many users don't need many features. I for example could not care less about "user-photos" (not avatars!), all the facebook and twitter-stuff etc. pp.

If you think $20 for a mod is too much because the basic forum software only costs $150, remember that modders are doing handfuls of sales, while IPS has thousands of customers. If you factor in how much time it takes to develop, test, document, support, etc. a mod, most mod authors make far less than minimum wage for their efforts.

I've considered everything of these things, still it's simply not worth 20$ for me. There is also another point here. What if the author doesn't feel like porting the mod to a new version? I've had this several times, at some point you learn your lesson of your mistakes or you keep on making them again and again.

Look, we simply disagree, that's all. I would never ever pay 20$ for such a mod. I'll rather donate that amount of money for a good cause ;)

Personally, I'd rather pay 20$ extra to IPS and get much more added basic features than 1. It's kind of a joke to claim IPB is less expensive when the most basic added functionalties (that were missing, nothing big or revolutionary) can easily make the whole deal costlier than vB (Forum and Suite), especially with addons too demanding renewal money (basically a subscription scheme).

I believe 20$ is a fair price for any mod. Modders don't just spit them out and upload them, they spend time and effort to make it work, test it + support you get for it. All in all, I don't think it's too much.

If this feature gets implemented in IPB then I am up for it.

Honestly I don't see how people can pay hundreds of dollars for IPB, hosting, and all the works, but can't find $20 to get a modification that someone who is is college and does this work to help the community in his free time can complain.

I mean honestly, if you want this type of thing so badly, then you honestly should consider just buying it, or making ti yourself. People keep thinking that mods are something simple and can be done in an hour, when in reality it took this mod a long time to be made by one person.

Honestly, less than 1% ( ! ) of the user base here probably wants Topic Prefixes.

Honestly I don't see how people can pay hundreds of dollars for IPB, hosting, and all the works, but can't find $20 to get a modification that someone who is is college and does this work to help the community in his free time can complain.

I mean honestly, if you want this type of thing so badly, then you honestly should consider just buying it, or making ti yourself. People keep thinking that mods are something simple and can be done in an hour, when in reality it took this mod a long time to be made by one person.

Honestly I don't see how people can't accept different opinions and views. Can't they imagine that others think differently?

If I pay 20$ for this, and 20$ there, where's the limit? Do I have to pay for everything or am I allowed to spend my money as I'd like?

As I said, I've often supported mod-developers either by buying their mods or by donating. But also often those modders at some point felt that they want to leave the software or have better stuff to do... and there I was with all my mods, not able to upgrade my software without paying double and triple the price because some modders are simply not reliable.

Now, do I learn from my mistakes or keep on doing the same? Shall I program everything on my own or am I allowed to state my opinion in a feedback-forum for a product I already bought?

Honestly, less than 1% ( ! ) of the user base here probably wants Topic Prefixes.

Honestly, 80% of all statistics are faked ;)

Honestly I don't see how people can't accept different opinions and views. Can't they imagine that others think differently?

When did I imply that your ideas weren't worth listening to? You basically just countered your own statement.

Do I have to pay for everything or am I allowed to spend my money as I'd like?

If you don't want to pay for it, then don't. Its one less feature that you will have access to though.

As I said, I've often supported mod-developers either by buying their mods or by donating. But also often those modders at some point felt that they want to leave the software or have better stuff to do... and there I was with all my mods, not able to upgrade my software without paying double and triple the price because [u]some[/u] modders are simply not reliable.

Well if they aren't reliable then just stop buying from them. People can't make something then for the next 5 years support it. At some point they have to draw the line and move on. Most people here don't spend 24/7 making mods for a living. Some do, most don't.

Now, do I learn from my mistakes or keep on doing the same? Shall I program everything on my own or am I allowed to state [u]my[/u] opinion in a feedback-forum for a product I already bought?

Of course you can submit your own feedback, but expecting the entire community to agree with your opinion is pretty high headed. I bought it to, which means I can also input my own feedback, along with everyone else. Its not your own personal software.

Honestly, 80% of all statistics are faked ;)

Figures you would be mature enough to go there. I would like to see a conclusive poll showing that more than a small amont of the community really wants this and would actually use it.

When did I imply that your ideas weren't worth listening to? You basically just countered your own statement.

If you don't want to pay for it, then don't. Its one less feature that you will have access to though.

Well if they aren't reliable then just stop buying from them. People can't make something then for the next 5 years support it. At some point they have to draw the line and move on. Most people here don't spend 24/7 making mods for a living. Some do, most don't.

Of course you can submit your own feedback, but expecting the entire community to agree with your opinion is pretty high headed. I bought it to, which means I can also input my own feedback, along with everyone else. Its not your own personal software.

Figures you would be mature enough to go there. I would like to see a conclusive poll showing that more than a small amont of the community really wants this and would actually use it.

Just to point out, not all registered members here have an active license/even own one. So that 1% is probably wrong.


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